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Posts posted by Benjaminfallout

  1. Name: Rsik Ugsharki.


    Commendation: Medal of Loyalty.


    Reason: exceptional loyalty to NT despite personal risk.


    Actions leading to Commendation: This first shift I ever saw Rsik Ugsharki. I was working as Magistrate at the time, getting my folders named and securing my gilded pen when I hear him offering protection over the general coms, His going rate was 500 credits per half-hour. As I was experiencing seizures at the time I was more then happy to hire him for the full shift. I fax the Head of Personnel telling him about my need of an assistant and told Rsik Ugsharki to head over to him over PDA messaging. He soon arrives at my office and was paid 4000 credits. From this point on he remained loyal, Constantly helping with my seizures and stuttering without batting an eye other offers. Rsik Ugsharki was later killed Xenomorphs and after having a new body created of a different species he was still loyal to me.

    Recommending Person: Jessica Connor


    I, Jessica Connor, do solemnly swear the above account is true, made in good faith, and understand that lying upon this commendation is grounds for immediate dismissal from NT and further penalties may apply.

    • Like 1
  2. Thamuel Thamthonite

    5’11” with red eyes, caucasian skin tone, blonde messy hair about 3 inches long. Usually wears a brown trench coat and a flat cap with jeans and a white shirt underneath. Usually seen smoking a cigarette.

    Doesn’t need to be that detailed or anything.


    • Like 3
  3. 7 minutes ago, ZN23X said:

    I've personally only know her as Jessica Connor. Also holy shit that's alot of marriages...so young too lol

    If Zach stoped telling me that the honk mother was fake when i asked him to I'd be at one marriage and not two.

  4. 1 hour ago, ZN23X said:

    Also because the female character usually has a last name change at some point and then you know 

    I think Jessica has had her last names changed 3 times now. Betterwater -> smith -> Betterwater -> Connor.

  5. 41 minutes ago, ZN23X said:

    It was not until I saw thier resemblance here that I realized that Jessica and Logan are related.

    Husband and spess wife. 




    Why do you people keep asking if where brother and sister?

  6. 15 minutes ago, Zciwomad said:

    Ghosts also can interact with the world by turning off and on lights.

    I guess this and the fact that gods are real in the game due to the pray mechanic allows for the ghosts to be ghosts and not just a way for dead players to view the round. Being able to think and see everything just to have the cloning process somehow take that information away from them?

  7. I have some questions when it comes to this. I'll just get them all out of the way then explain my thinking.

    1. When you die and must be cloned does your mind die with you, or does the mind remains to go into the cloned body? When I see the bright flash of light is that the same person who died seeing it or is it a "new" person?

    2. If I am scanned then die later do I know what happens after I was scanned? I can see this answering the first question. If you remember then the mind lives, moving to the new body. If not you come back to that point as a "new" person, as if a single heartbeat passes then you see a flash of light.

    I personally find the mind dying with the body terifing. Knowing that you are never truly brought back. That both your story continues and ends.

    I don't think we can say that are ghost is the mind of are character due to the fact that anything we hear or see can not be used or known, but on the other hand are ghost does need to be in are body for a defibrillator to work or a cloning pod to take our DNA. That and when we the cloning finishes making a new body we are forcefully put back into are body.

    I'd love to hear what other people think about it.

  8. 28 minutes ago, BottomQuark said:

    Wait, can you drink slime person? How do they taste? I bet they taste like chicken.

    I always assumed its like Jell-o that what flavored as whatever they just ate. Human meat Jell-o! Spooooky!

  9. Using a mind slave implant to either have my target kill themselves or turn them into borgs. I'm liking Borg more since they still work for me when a robot.


    Edit: with Jess It's at the point that I no longer kill people.

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