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Kitchi Ikamura

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Kitchi Ikamura last won the day on April 17 2021

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About Kitchi Ikamura

  • Birthday 05/23/1998

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Virologist (10/37)



  1. 1 Vox Maid spraying spacecleaner at you
  2. Please do. Even the Vulp agrees
  3. 7 rounds in a revolver. Its Hiiiiiiiiiigh Noon!
  4. This one time as Tikki robusting a wizard that warped into my Kitchen using Close Quarters Cooking. the crew ate spell burgers later on clearly
  5. Agree with spark here. With stuns as it is security can overcome MOST threats easily just using a taser. the stun rework should go though before anything is added. neat concept though! reminds me of the clown car
  6. 1 maxcap nade in the captains cake
  7. 4 vox maids appearing this time. they cannot be stopped
  8. 4 Redspace cowboys stealing the nuke
  9. 5 russian revolver victims in cloning
  10. Four cowboy vulps geckering like lunatics
  11. First Name: Tikkitakkitooki Last Name: (N/A) Gender: Male Orientation: N/A Nicknames/Alias: Tikki Picture(If Available) Age/D.O.B: 22, 23/05/2540 Place Of Birth: Arkship "Beyond this place of wrath and tears, the home of fate and kin" - "Savage-Reign." Species: Vox Blood Type: O- Alignment: Neutral Good Tikkitakkitooki believes kindness goes a long way and being good to others regardless if its lawful or not. meaning Tikki may get into trouble with said law on a rare basis. this also however leaves them vulnerable to manipulation Affiliation: Contracted by Nanotrasen, Kind to all Religious Beliefs: Spiritualist They don't believe in a specific god, but do believe in the concept of the soul 'Childhood': Being a new stack Tikkitakkitooki was uploaded into the stack from some long forgotten stack memory and implanted into their current body, originally designated as a raider. due to the state of the Arkship Tikkitakkitook was assigned to do menial tasks instead like cleaning and preparing nutriment paste for consumption. however when the time came Tikki was then sent on their first (and last) raid... 'Adulthood': Tikkitakkitooki was put on the skipjack named "Fire-Ball" after its one time success of raiding a wizard federation vessel of its magical items. when onboard Tikki got along with his raiding group. however they did find it weird that the vox had a habit of cleaning up oil stains. picking up rubbish. even arranging the trophy collection neatly! however their first raid went incredibly wrong when a Supermatter crystal the crew stolen rolled into a stray welding tank. causing the skipjack to explode. in the blast Tikki was caught in, he was lucky to be thrown into a escape pod albeit suffering a head injury after.. the experience leaving the poor vox traumatized watching his kin turn to dust... Detailed Information Appearance: Tikkitakkitooki stands at a average height of 4'2''. however their body looks rather meek and feminine compared to other vox of their stature. their quills are naturally brown however is dyed light pink. their skin is also the traditional vox grey with hazel coloured eyes. their talons seem to be well looked after like the rest of themselves. their beak also seems to be well looked after as well with no cracks or scarring. Character Voice: They speak rather softly unlike others of his kind.. except in some cases where they screech as loud as a nuclear siren Personality: Kind and social to both kin and others however... They are also somewhat distant. Tikki is also sometimes a wimp.. they can go to medbay severely injured and be fine... but a single papercut may also send them into tears. Medical Record: Survivors Guilt Syndrome - Tikki feels responsible for their skipjacks undoing. often blaming themselves for even the most minor of mistakes. this affects their psyche and leaves them trying to avoid any deeper relations with others. perhaps to avoid more pain Character Biography Background: (To Be Continued) Family: None... as of yet. History: (In Progress) Personal Relationships Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Nanotrasen (Dislike) - "They seem like like your traditional company.. but they dont give me any true reason to hate them." Syndicate (Hate) - "Stop killing people! you monsters!" Other Information
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