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About Bobalobdob

  • Birthday 02/24/2002

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Chef (5/37)



  1. I think I've killed you before lol
  2. Great song
  3. This sounds like a crazy fun idea! Stealth Bio Ops would scare the living crap out of me if I was just minding my own business and I saw some dudes in biohazard armor walking around with some crazy device. You know that scene in the R6S campaign where the terrorists has the college? That's what I think of when I think of this. I fully support the idea.
  4. Simply amazing, a modern masterpiece.
  5. DrINks HEr TeA aND WaTCheS 1
  6. Hopefully not. As someone who plays RD, I don't like when tech levels are maxed at 12:30. It's a science station, do experimentor work, do some XB, do telescience, but don't /rush/ RnD.
  7. That last one is a great idea. I was once perms'd as a clown for having nothing but an e-mag
  8. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh VI
  9. I drew a security baldie IIMG_0236.m4v
  10. I approve great art
  11. I dig it, seems like a cool mid round antag.
  12. You don't get onto the chan that much, do you mate three
  13. Edgy ;P
  14. Your use of the highliter brush is simply beautiful
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