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*Future use*
2558.0 - Arrived on station and hit the bar to relax after the trip. Spoke to Gate Jackson, the bartender, and watched the clown and mime slip each other. Gate took exception after a while and shot the clown with a beanbag. Hung around for a bit and then went to go see the HoP Mason Owens. They assigned me to be a paramedic, not caring that I have next to no medical experience. Their response was "Yea whatever go save lives". Daniel Wilson passed me some equipment from a doctor on his way to cryodorms. I am all kitted out but I have no idea what to do. Daniel Wilson gave me a 101 lesson and so I feel like I couldn't make someone worse than they would already be. Fire in toxins killed a couple of crew, I tried to get access safely but someone opened the door and the back blast knocked me down. I took some burns but the stuff they treat it with! I feel as good as new after smearing some bio gel on my skin! I don't think paramedic is for me however, so I went back to the HoP and transferred back to civilian as there was nothing else available. In the halls Angela Archer kept pushing me and tried to push me down, I won that fight but they grabbed a crowbar. Picked up a fork, threw it and then beat a hasty retreat. Warned the captain when she wanted to see him. Someone broke into the Captains office, I assisted the Blueshield Klara in getting the HoS's brain out of their decapitated skull. Made it onto the shuttle and left the station after a crew transfer.
I will be running an Iron man character according to the rules laid out here. Name: Keira Harrison Age: 23 Gender: Female Race: Human Blood Type: AB+ General Occupational Role(s): Civilian Biography: Born in 2535 on New Manchester, daughter to Lauren & William Harrison and sister to James Harrison. Graduated from Kirkwall Academy in 2553, joined Nanotrasen shortly after. No notable employment events until their recent transfer to NSS Cyberiad. Qualifications: 83rd percentile in Academy standards (Nanotrasen Standards), basic training on station operations. Employment Records: Joined Nanotrasen in the latter half of 2553 after leaving education. Security Records: No breaches of any note. Medical Records: No conditions of any note. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:
Name: Integrated Global Organizational Respondent Development Age: 7 Years, 269 days, 14 hours, 32 minutes and 18 seconds rounded to the nearest second. Active Age: 43 Years, 145 days, 22 hours, 16 minutes and 54 seconds rounded to the nearest second. Race: A.I. General Occupational Role(s): A.I. Biography: I.G.O.R. began as the personal assistant for one Malkav 'The Madman' Sloan, a fringe world Frigate Captain working on behalf of the Neza Conglomerate. Essentially a glorified secretary I.G.O.R. was initially programmed for keeping the Captain's affairs in order and ensuring stocks were always at optimum level. The Captain was a known tinkerer, editing, altering and patching I.G.O.R. as new ideas and interactions were sought. Slowly I.G.O.R. began to show signs of sentience and individual thought over the years. During a horrific boarding action by a rival corporation roughly nine years after I.G.O.R. was first brought online, Malkav's ship and her crew were captured. Whilst being taken back to the raiders home base to be sold, interrogated or killed, Malkav activated a previously unknown partition in I.G.O.R.'s system. This released the Asimov lawset, forcing the A.I. to quarantine all aboard the ship in an attempt to deny the enemy the intelligence from the Captain and Crew. I.G.O.R. proceeded to slowly infect the ships internal systems and subvert them to his own command. Once established, airlocks were simultaneously opened and doors bolted open subjecting the ship to hard vacuum. Once complete, the partition ended its sequence and reverted to Asimov, deleting any memory from I.G.O.R. as to what occurred. Nanotrasen recovered the vessel and discovered the A.I. lurking within the systems. Downloading and storing it on an Intellecard, I.G.O.R. was analysed and issued into rotation as a station A.I. Nanotrasen never did discover the quarantine partition, or any others for that matter... Qualifications: Master of Telescience, Remote Tracking, Engineering Atmospheric Systems and Engineering Power Systems Employment Records: Served 17 years on a Neza frigate, 3 years adrift on NT resource acquisition vessel, 13 years testing within secure laboratory, 10 years in storage awaiting suitable station requiring an A.I. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes:
Same applies to telescience. Plasma fires seem to be a requirement for the correct working of that department, seeing that it lits on fire every shift, several times. And this is why no one pays attention when IGOR goes on a killing spree...
Yes, Fixer and Water are the cures for every single addiction
Hey folks. Addiction has been added to the server code for those that didn't know and I have seen some queries on how to deal with it. I will explain the code and provide snippets to assist. For those also playing as CMO's and medical doctors, this is not the virologists problem to fix. Below is the how the 'disease' is recorded. /datum/disease/addiction name = "Chemical Addiction" max_stages = 5 spread = "None" spread_type = SPECIAL cure = "Unknown" cure_id = list("fixer", "water") cure_chance = 3 affected_species = list("Human", "Monkey", "Skrell", "Unathi", "Tajaran", "Kidan", "Grey") var/datum/reagent/addicted_to var/addiction var/addiction_countdown = 1800 // Three minutes Some things to note here. There are a maximum of 5 stages to this disease, it cannot spread and it cannot mutate. At the moment the cure 'Fixer' is not a reagent that exists but the cure 'Water' is and it is easily available. Addiction effects all species apart from the Vox and Machine People. Below is what occurs after taking the reagent you are addicted to. /datum/disease/addiction/proc/has_addict_reagent() var/result = 0 if(affected_mob.reagents.has_reagent(addicted_to)) result = 1 return result /datum/disease/addiction/process() if(!holder) return var/addict_reagent_present = has_addict_reagent() var/tickcount = 0 if(affected_mob) for(var/datum/disease/D in affected_mob.viruses) if(D != src) if(istype(src, D.type)) if(istype(src.addicted_to, D:addicted_to)) // Allow for multiple addictions as long as each addiction is for a different reagent del(src) // if there are somehow two viruses of the same kind in the system, delete the other one if(holder == affected_mob) if(affected_mob.stat < 2) //he's alive if(addict_reagent_present) //he's taken the reagent to which he's addicted stage = 1 tickcount++ if(prob(20)) affected_mob << "\blue You feel a wave of euphoria as [addiction] surges through your bloodstream..." if(tickcount >= 900) stage_act() tickcount = 0 else //he's ignored his addiction or hasn't taken the reagent stage_act() else //he's dead. if(spread_type!=SPECIAL) spread_type = CONTACT_GENERAL affected_mob = null if(!affected_mob) //the virus is in inanimate obj if(prob(70)) if(--longevity<=0) cure(0) return What is important here is that when you take your addiction and you are alive, your stage is reset to '1' which is important as this is the stage at which you can be cured at. You also should receive a message "You feel a wave of euphoria as [addiction] surges through your bloodstream..." Below is the step by step possibilities at each stage. /datum/disease/addiction/stage_act() var/cure_present = has_cure() var/addict_reagent_present = has_addict_reagent() if(carrier&&!cure_present) return spread = (cure_present?"Remissive":initial(spread)) if(stage > max_stages) stage = max_stages if(stage_prob != 0 && prob(stage_prob) && stage != max_stages && !cure_present && !addict_reagent_present) //now the disease shouldn't get back up to stage 4 in no time stage++ if(stage != 1 && (prob(1) || (cure_present && prob(cure_chance)))) stage-- else if(stage <= 1 && ((prob(1) && curable) || (cure_present && prob(cure_chance)))) cure() return switch(stage) if(2) if(prob(5)) affected_mob << "\red You can't stop thinking about [addiction]!" if(affected_mob.sleeping && prob(1)) affected_mob << "\blue You feel better." stage-- if(prob(1)) if(prob(1)) stage-- if(3) if(prob(5)) affected_mob << "\red You gotta have some [addiction]!" if(affected_mob.sleeping && prob(1)) affected_mob << "\blue You feel better." stage-- if(prob(1)) if(prob(1)) stage-- if(4) if(prob(7)) affected_mob << "\red Gotta have some [addiction]!" if(prob(10)) affected_mob.take_organ_damage(1) if(prob(2)) affected_mob << "\red Your stomach hurts." if(prob(5)) affected_mob.emote("blink") if(prob(10)) affected_mob.toxloss += 1 affected_mob.updatehealth() if(affected_mob.sleeping && prob(1)) affected_mob << "\blue You feel better." stage-- if(prob(1)) if(prob(1)) stage-- if(5) if(prob(5)) affected_mob << "\red \bold You can't stand not having [addiction]!" if(prob(20)) affected_mob.toxloss += 2 affected_mob.updatehealth() if(prob(2)) affected_mob << "\red \bold [addiction] calls out to your mind!" for(var/mob/O in viewers(affected_mob, null)) O.show_message(text("\red [] rakes at their eyes!", affected_mob), 1) affected_mob.eye_blind = 2 affected_mob.eye_blurry = 3 if(prob(1)) affected_mob.emote("twitch") if(affected_mob.sleeping && prob(1)) affected_mob << "\blue You feel better." stage-- if(prob(1)) if(prob(1)) stage-- From the code above, in this area here: if(stage_prob != 0 && prob(stage_prob) && stage != max_stages && !cure_present && !addict_reagent_present) //now the disease shouldn't get back up to stage 4 in no time stage++ if(stage != 1 && (prob(1) || (cure_present && prob(cure_chance)))) stage-- else if(stage <= 1 && ((prob(1) && curable) || (cure_present && prob(cure_chance)))) cure() return This dictates what happens at all stages. There is a chance that you will increase your stage by one step when you are not at stage 5, no cure is present, and no addiction reagent is present. When the cure is present at stages 2-5 and you successfully roll against the check for the cure change, you will drop a stage. Once you drop to a stage less than one and you successfully roll against the cure chance you are 'cured'. For Stage 2 and Stage 3: switch(stage) if(2) if(prob(5)) affected_mob << "\red You can't stop thinking about [addiction]!" if(affected_mob.sleeping && prob(1)) affected_mob << "\blue You feel better." stage-- if(prob(1)) if(prob(1)) stage-- if(3) if(prob(5)) affected_mob << "\red You gotta have some [addiction]!" if(affected_mob.sleeping && prob(1)) affected_mob << "\blue You feel better." stage-- if(prob(1)) if(prob(1)) stage-- From this you have at each of the two stages; a 5/7 chance to get a message about your addiction, a 1/7 chance to feel better and reduce a stage if you are sleeping and a 1/7 chance of just dropping a stage normally. For stage 4: if(4) if(prob(7)) affected_mob << "\red Gotta have some [addiction]!" if(prob(10)) affected_mob.take_organ_damage(1) if(prob(2)) affected_mob << "\red Your stomach hurts." if(prob(5)) affected_mob.emote("blink") if(prob(10)) affected_mob.toxloss += 1 affected_mob.updatehealth() if(affected_mob.sleeping && prob(1)) affected_mob << "\blue You feel better." stage-- if(prob(1)) if(prob(1)) stage-- From this stage you have a 7/11 chance that you will get a message about an addiction and then a 10/17 chance you will take a point of organ damage as well. You have a 2/11 chance that your stomach will hurt, 5/17 chance to blink and a 10/17 chance to take toxin damage. Finally you have a 1/11 chance to drop a stage if you are sleeping and a 1/11 chance to drop a stage anyway. For the final stage, stage 5: if(5) if(prob(5)) affected_mob << "\red \bold You can't stand not having [addiction]!" if(prob(20)) affected_mob.toxloss += 2 affected_mob.updatehealth() if(prob(2)) affected_mob << "\red \bold [addiction] calls out to your mind!" for(var/mob/O in viewers(affected_mob, null)) O.show_message(text("\red [] rakes at their eyes!", affected_mob), 1) affected_mob.eye_blind = 2 affected_mob.eye_blurry = 3 if(prob(1)) affected_mob.emote("twitch") if(affected_mob.sleeping && prob(1)) affected_mob << "\blue You feel better." stage-- if(prob(1)) if(prob(1)) stage-- Similar to stage 4 but with more damage, there is a 5/10 chance that you will get a message about your addiction and then a 20/25 chance you will take 2 points of toxin damage. There is a 2/10 chance you will get a message about your addiction, rake your eyes which will blind you and make you blurry somewhat. There is a 1/10 chance you will twitch, a 1/10 chance you will drop a stage while sleeping and a 1/10 chance you will drop a stage anyway. In response to this, when you are attempting to cure someone make sure they go to sleep. This will increase the chances they will drop a stage compared to remaining awake. The next thing to do it obtain the reagent that they are addicted to as well as a reasonable amount of water. Force feed or inject the reagent they are addicted to as well as the water. This will reset the stage to 1, stop it from increasing further up a stage whilst they are in the patients system. As you are keeping the stage at 1, you will be rolling against getting the stage to decrease with the cure in the patients system. Once it drops to below 0 they will be cured! If the person you are assisting won't stop waking up to see if they are cured, keep administering chloral hydrate or grab some sleeping gas to keep them under. Check up on the patient from time to time to ensure the stages are not increasing and they stay asleep. If I have missed anything, you have questions, or my understanding of the code is flawed, please make a post and I will correct/update this! I hope this has helped and have fun!
Shh, that's a secret! AI can no longer open canisters, it must have its borgs open them now. I like the idea of a shell, just not too sure if it would work. The AI is ment to assist the station anf kinda needs to be watching those cameras
Andrew, a tactic I have used previously that works well is to move your core. You can unbolt your core and this allows it to be dragged. Your integrity (health) will drop if you are dragged over tiles that do not receive power, however that is not normally an issue whilst on station. If you are malf, make sure one of your borgs selects an engineering module. This is invaluable in moving around the station. There are several options as to what you can do or where to go. You can have your borg remove the wall between the cyborg recharging station and the teleportation room just below the captains quarters. This will allow you to have your borg push you into the teleporter set to the telecomms satalite, a location that almost noone goes to let alone checks for an AI. I find this is a little unfair so I stay on the station but each to their own. You can also do the above but have the borg install you inside the captains toilet. It's an odd place, most crew cannot access it and those that can will rarely ever go in there. It has no camera so you cannot be spotted by a vigilant observer either. Used this in my last malf round so people will be aware of it. You can also make a break for the maintenance tunnels and hide yourself in the fire lockers by medbay or adjecent to EVA. There is also the incinerator room, disposals, pod airlocks, research server room, toxins testing area... Once you have chosen your hiding place, avoid hacking any apc near you. If it feeds the room you are in and someone takes the apc out. The power will drop and you will slowly die. Bonus is that you are not in your core where they expect you to be. They will fight to get in there and then have to start a manhunt to find where you went. Buying you alot of time. Con is that you pretty much loose access to the comm system so you have no idea what command or security are discussing or know.
Unless I.G.O.R. is the ai, then you get a free trip to the deralict :-)
The AI also has access to other things as part of its integration with the station. Atmospherics is not always 'fixed' to stop AI involvement, you can flood the station with sleeping gas, plasma or any other mix with ease. Even if it is fixed, you can still alter the air percentages normally which can be detrimental. Another system that a malf AI can use is telescience. This can be used to remove crew with impunity either before you code delta or after. Getting the offset is a little irritating but once you have it, anyone breaking in can be dealt with quickly. Also you have the option of moving your core. This can be done by unbolting and having a borg drag you to a new location. With some pre planning via locking doors or breaking walls down, you can move your core elsewhere. So while the crew fights to the AI core room, you could be in the captains toilet (I have done this). AI's are plenty strong, it all depends on the plan you go for.
Hi and welcome to the forums. Good to see another Scotsman on the server! Catch you in-game.
Oddly enough I was talking with Neca on Telescience yesterday. The coding for the teleporter has it that when the fire occurs; the room has napalm and plasma added to it, the temperature is set to 2000 degrees celcius and a spark happens. Like you say the fire itself is not the annoying part as it can be dealt with quickly via the giant scrubbers you can move from toxin storage. The temperature and pressure is the killer. The issue with telescience is that it is rarely used to teleport victims or needed equipment. It normally gets used to teleport 'goodies' from the station and other z-levels (I will admit, once I could do it I did teleport alot of crap for personal use). I have used it as the AI as my personal death chamber as well, you can teleport antags straight into a plasma fire and watch them writhe on the ground in pain. It was discussed that a possible 'mini-game' could be added to the system to determine if a teleportation is successful or not. This would be something difficult so as to stop rapid teleports and gathering of 'goodies'. The other possibility is that the offset for a calibration is dropped and each teleportation has a chance to be offset 1 block in any direction. By nerfing it further, you could reintroduce the atmospheric control of the chamber back in again so the chamber could be made safe.
Increase the Amount of Vaccine Produced
SocialSystem replied to Streaky Haddock's topic in Suggestions
Huh never knew that was a thing, the more you know eh? Never saw someone drop dead from 5 units of blood thou? Would that really do all that much damage? -
Cheers for the constructive feedback. I will submit to your points and stop RNG as an AI.
Thats your habit kicked in the ass
Increase the Amount of Vaccine Produced
SocialSystem replied to Streaky Haddock's topic in Suggestions
There we go, two more fast/best ways to get that cure into the station crew! -
I've just started doing it as the A.I. R.N.G. First time I had my laws actually modified to do this and liked the way the AI behaved. Last night I was doing it whilst Neca was in Teamspeak with a normal lawset. To be clear, I am only rolling on requests that do not threaten the safety of the crew or station. For example if I had the NT default lawset, I would not allow the clown access to the AI upload. I wouldn't even roll for it due to my laws. Another, which happened last night, is that due to a viral outbreak I received a request from the CMO to lock down medbay that I didn't roll against and then refused to unlock until the CMO requested I lift it, which again I didn't roll for. The rolls I do are for things like when the janitor wants to clean the blood from cargo but needs me to open the door. Rather than denying or allowing it, I just roll it and see what happens. I feel you believe that, as the AI, I shouldn't be doing this. Is this the case?
So I have been messing with a random number generator AI personality and was looking for some feedback. The 'law' I have assigned the AI with is: The following are targets I generally work to: Areas you have access to - 5+ Areas you do not have access to - 10+ Areas that are considered to be secure or for heads of staff only - 15+ I take some requests on a case by case basis depending on the content but the above is generally what I work to. In addition to this, each crew member on the station has a single 'reroll' they can use in the shift. This can be used when the first roll has failed. There is currently no way to gain additional rerolls. If a crew member was to get a 20, I award an automatic pass. This can be used to bypass a request roll at a future date. As an example the HOP one round rolled a 20 and used the pass to have me sing music lyrics over the radio. If a crew member rolls a 1 they lose their reroll if they currently have one. I have also recieved requests to consider job modifiers in relation to requests. For example the heads get a +1 to all rolls and the captain a +2 to all rolls. A bartender may get a +1 to rolls that involve booze related requests. I am not too sure on how I want to do this but any suggestions would be good. So, what are your thoughts?
I have a gamemode that I have tested with Neca's help. It has been sucessful and can be tweaked each time to make it a little different. Setup Round type needs to be set to extended. One player needs to be assigned as the 'prisoner' that is being transported to the station for processing. A background can be assigned to the prisoner to allow for some RP, such as a diona nymph activist or a researcher that was responsible for releasing cortial borers at another station. A command report is sent to the station indicating that a prisoner is incoming at arrivals in 'X' minutes due to 'Y' reason. It should state that they are to be secured until centcomm has processed the execution orders. Early Game Once the prisoner has arrived on station, 2-4 traitors should be selected with the objective to release the prisoner and have them escape via shuttle or pod. It is up to security at this point to secure the prisoner, no perminant harm is allowed to come to them until centcomm reaches it's verdict. Late Game After an hour or so since the prisoner arrives at the station, a command report should be issued stating that the prisoner is to be executed by any means, but it must be witnessed by at least 3 heads of staff. If the traitors have not been able to stage a breakout before the execution is carried out then the station heads win and the round continues as extended. If the prisoner has escaped then the traitors should be attempting to get the shuttle called while hiding the prisoner as best they can. Tweaks To alter the plans a little you can also stage a trial with another prisoner. Centcomm can slowly feed evidence to the station and the crew can decide who is guilty for execution.
Increase the Amount of Vaccine Produced
SocialSystem replied to Streaky Haddock's topic in Suggestions
Streaky, the best and fastest way to make a vaccine of sufficient quantities is to inject yourself and another medical doctor and then just use yourselves as blood bags. As your blood has the vaccine, anyone else injected with your blood gets the cure. In order not to pass out from blood loss I would suggest drawing blood from cured patients as you go. I have cured dreaded shit viruses this way before and it seems to work well. Just scream over the radio that you have a cure and they will come. -
Be careful Mel has racked up 450+ hours I think. I swear he must cheat thou, makes too many kills per round
Was it your objective to hijack the shuttle alone?
I suggested an event to Neca inspired by the posts her recently. We had 2 people who were accused of releasing cortial borers on another station. One of the two was guilty and the other was not. Both were to be tried. Unknown to the station, 4 people were selected as traitors to rescue the guilty player. Ended up being a fun round for those involved.
Hey Ansari! I am no longer in Tuen Mun :-( work shipped me back to dirzzely Scotland.