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About Viacell

  • Birthday 08/08/1888

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  1. Viacell


    lmao same
  2. Viacell


    Also I'm not sure if this has already been suggested, I just threw this out here.
  3. Viacell


    I'd assume a gamemode similar to blob but instead of controlling an icky green blob thingy, you're in control of sentient Kudzu and you plan on turning the Station into a Jungle! You can also spawn vine monsters, similar to a blobbernaut, I'd assume it'd just be different sprites with minor changes that makes this gamemode unique to blob. That's all I have to say ?
  4. Just re-uploading this here, because I like it.
  5. Thanks. it means a lot to pay attention to some meme art like this, even though I put little effort I feel a big sense pride lmao.
  6. Title of Event: Spacenam Raid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pretense (if you want me to message the station prior): AI: Alert: Spacenam Soldiers incoming via drop shuttle from Military Station Beta Charlie. Possible arrival on wrong station, stay CLEAR and do NOT make contact with them. After they arrive: Alert: Platoon "Station Crashers" have arrived on the station, do NOT make contact with them and RUN away or HIDE until the problem is resolved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equipment Necessary(Style of equipment, flavor, surroundings what do you want?): Platoon 5 Soldier's Attire:/ Jackboots A belt or Holster to hold ammunition for M16's or 1911 Colts Black Gloves (Temporary, this is until we find out what the soldiers actually look like, an idea is that we can base the Platoon's uniforms off theirs):/ Camo Pants Black Undershirt Olive Military Jacket (See if its possible to get like camo armor) Some sort of helmet, like a stahlhelm. (Maybe it can be re-skinned to look more American) (Make sure all the Spacenam soldier's are clean shaved with buzzed hair or short hair, no ponytails or shit like that) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Platoon 5 Soldier Equipment:/ Re-textured weapons to look like an M16 Assault Rifle and M60 Machine-gun (for platoon leader) M1911 Colt pistol sidearm Possibly hand grenades Survival Knife ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plot (if one exists): Quote: "COME GET SUM!!!" During the years of Spacenam, with conflict between the Capitalists and the Communists; A Military Space Station, approx 12 Light Years away send a team of Spacenam grade soldiers to Space Station 13 (SS13), instead of Trạm không gian 13 (TKG13). The Spacenam Soldiers, with their real platoon name "Station Crashers" are trained for one thing, and that's killing a bunch of communists, the problem is, they're on the wrong station and they start to invade the crew and kill every "Commie" there is. The soldiers are armed with M16 Assault Rifles that relate to the actual Vietnam War, and YES there WILL be a platoon leader that will have an M60 Machine gun (Just re-texture the guns or something.) The crew will be sent the message "ALERT: An unidentified military force has invaded the station at [Area where they crash they appear on the station] sources believed believe them to be Spacenam soldiers, please alert them that they are on the wrong station" (Or something similar to that) But of course, they just want to fill shit with bullet holes, so they will start killing the crew. Also have their names as "American" as possible, like "Harold Johnson" or "Earl Benson" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prize for Completion? (If yes, then explain): No prize until I figure one out. Custom Sprites/OGG's? (If yes, provide me a link, or request from something you've seen before from me): Not at the moment, but in a few minutes I might put a reference for textures. EXTRA: Maybe we can get the Space Commies to fight the Capitalist "Station Crashers." That would be VERY interesting to watch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supplementary Video
  7. I'm back, and I'm making art again :D
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  8. Thankyou, I am the Leonardo da Vinci of the art forums
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  9. Lol thanks, I can make more stuff if you guys would like.
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