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Posts posted by tristan1333


    Sure, you might consider it rude that they call you shit, and I can understand the reasoning behind that.

    But if there is multiple reasons going as far as that...log I just saw with my own two eyes(blegh) I could also understand Kluys' reasoning.

    We're human, We can swear. We're not robots. I try to be as casual as possible when i'm on to make others feel comfortable. Another admin might act as the perfect machine, we all do it differently.

    And if I had as much evidence as that and you did that without crewsimov (which im assuming you might've had) i'd probably call you shit too if I was in a bad mood.







    I don't really care about swearing. And I wouldn't care if he called me shit. If he hadn't PM'd me out of nowhere and called me shit before I can reply. Especially when I know I was in the right. Also, as I cleared up in my previous post, half of that log was after the PM. Making majority of it pretty damn irrelevant.



    EDEN (tristan1333) shot Antoine Charsec (kluys) with a the electrode

    [15:20:14]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : Please come with me

    [15:20:57]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : Android unit has found a human named Antoine, another human reported his death

    [15:21:28]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : Please await for assessment

    [15:21:59]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : Citizens, Android unit EDEN requests to know if the human named Antoine Charsec was found dead

    [15:22:53]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : NCS Cyberaid employee Slade?

    [15:23:24]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : Android unit EDEN cannot confirm this information

    [15:24:10]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : Free him Vox

    [15:25:00]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : Please await a routine search

    and when it was finally over

    [15:25:16]SAY: Antoine Charsec/kluys : Would you help the borg search me so this can be over with?.


    Now for the other logs


    We have a ton of all caps being used all over the place

    [01:33:37]SAY: Nari Unathari/Tristan1333 : THEY CANNOT HEAR YOU YA BASTERD

    [01:33:22]SAY: Nari Unathari/Tristan1333 : AFTER ALL THAT IS THE FRIENDLY THING TO DO!

    [01:33:06]SAY: Nari Unathari/Tristan1333 : I WAS GOING TO DETAIN

    [23:30:19]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : AID

    [23:30:19]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : INCOMING

    [23:30:25]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : PLEASE HAVE A


    we have these conersation


    [21:15:40]OOC: Nari Unathari/Tristan1333 : Make poop

    [21:17:33]OOC: Nari Unathari/Tristan1333 : Yer'll never find my ERP

    [00:56:02]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : Android unit EDEN is watching you for safety citizen

    [00:56:43]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : Please do not be disturbed

    [00:57:03]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : EDEN is here for every desire

    [00:57:43]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : I am looking away citizsen

    [00:57:48]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : You can pee pee now

    [00:58:05]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : Would you like aid to shake?

    [01:27:40]SAY: Nari Unathari/Tristan1333 : I CAN SEE YOUR PEE PEE FROM HERE

    [01:28:24]SAY: Nari Unathari/Tristan1333 : Would you like me to shake for you?

    [01:28:36]SAY: Nari Unathari/Tristan1333 : HEE HEE

    [01:29:26]SAY: Nari Unathari/Tristan1333 : Your pee pee are belong to us

    [01:30:03]SAY: Nari Unathari/Tristan1333 : Can't forgert your undone zupper




    SO let me get this straight, because I am becoming more and more angry about the whole thing.

    I could have done one out of TWO things here and one out of two things is going to happen

    Either mr tristan over here puts on his big boy pants and takes being called shit by someone for once and makes it into something good by trying to be less shit

    Or I "respect" your wishes of being the perfect little admin I should be keeping any swearing out of the admin chat working only over the rules we have set up and then proceeding to permanently remove you from the server because the rules, that I the perfect little admin has to follow tell me I should.

    I'd also like to note that this is just what I could gather up in the short amount of time I had, I also noticed a ton of ctrl c ctrl v


    spam when they had an ion law about being a mouse.


    and a wide assortment of minor discripancies.



    Another admin may finish up on this, for me this post is over.


    I edited this post majorly.


    Someone shouted out they had found Antoine's corpse. What do you want me to do when I see you in the corridor? Ask politely if you are a changeling?


    As for spamming with the Ion law, I didn't just plainly Ctrl V ctrl V SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK. I could not be bothered writing squeak everytime I was in a conversation with someone. So I used ctrl and went through the past Squeaks I had used. Nor did I spam the intercomms.


    I don't expect you to be a perfect little admin, I expect more respect from an admin to a player considering we are expected to do visa versa. Especially when we aren't given time to reply


    There was a criminal, who said he wanted to go to the toilet. He was being arrested by a Vox. I should mention it was a rogue AI round. I should also mention this was a round or two AFTER the PM.

    [00:56:02]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : Android unit EDEN is watching you for safety citizen ((You are a criminal of course I am not looking away

    [00:56:43]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : Please do not be disturbed ((Same as above

    [00:57:03]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : EDEN is here for every desire ((This is considering EDEN's personality

    [00:57:43]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : I am looking away citizsen ((Since he was complaining about me looking

    [00:57:48]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : You can pee pee now ((I was looking away, so he could do the deed now

    [00:58:05]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : Would you like aid to shake? ((Since he was making such a big deal of going to the toilet

    [01:27:40]SAY: Nari Unathari/Tristan1333 : I CAN SEE YOUR PEE PEE FROM HERE ((I was just blown as a borg and was a brain on the ground. Had to make say something. Lel.

    [01:28:24]SAY: Nari Unathari/Tristan1333 : Would you like me to shake for you? ((Referring to when EDEN asked this same question

    [01:28:36]SAY: Nari Unathari/Tristan1333 : HEE HEE ((Laughing over above

    [01:29:26]SAY: Nari Unathari/Tristan1333 : Your pee pee are belong to us ((I do not know why I said this

    [01:30:03]SAY: Nari Unathari/Tristan1333 : Can't forgert your undone zupper ((He was in the toilet. Lying in his own vomit. Seriously? You find that inappropriate in that situation?


    [01:33:37]SAY: Nari Unathari/Tristan1333 : THEY CANNOT HEAR YOU YA BASTERD ((He was trying to speak with people over comms. No comms.

    [01:33:22]SAY: Nari Unathari/Tristan1333 : AFTER ALL THAT IS THE FRIENDLY THING TO DO! ((Not full conversation, cannot remember reason for saying this.

    [01:33:06]SAY: Nari Unathari/Tristan1333 : I WAS GOING TO DETAIN ((The guy was complaining about me shocking the doors. We were both shouting at each. Are you serious?

    [23:30:19]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : AID ((Being beaten to death

    [23:30:19]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : INCOMING ((Being beaten to death

    [23:30:25]SAY: EDEN/Tristan1333 : PLEASE HAVE A ((Being beaten to death



    I had been tracking the player (and the rest of security) quite a long time seeing them play sec borg nearly every round and having them stun and cuff people for apparantly no reason, I then watched them go into toxins open up the mixing room too space and then bolt it down and for as far as I know (and this is what I meant) neither security nor the AI gave orders to do this. This wasn't a single action causing the ahelp this was just the last drip to both fix the situation at hand and too inform the player I had been watching him.


    Could you specify the random arrests please? I'd like to clear some up.



    We were in the middle of a revolution round and I was a sec borg

    AI: Talking about bombs. The gas mixing room is finally getting used. I would make sure its not in revolution hands.

    So I went off to toxins and sure enough found a scientist with 3 Plasma canisters and bolt the room while he was outside of it

    Scientist: Why you bolting the toxin room?

    ME: Attention citizen, toxins research is currently being held back for safety reasons

    PM from-Game AdminKluys: you cannot just do that withouth orders

    PM from-Game AdminKluys: im tracking security, stop being shit and let people do their job

    Reply: Whatever.


    I think Kluys should show more respect to players or rather ask questions before being a prick.



    Traitors are super restricted IMO. If I were to send a bomb via telescience to blow up my target (Destroying the surrounding area ect.) from what I have seen I would expect a warning from and admin. If I were bomb escape with a multitude of bombs for the escape alone objective, I would also suspect a warning or a ban. Spreading a virus to kill a horde of people, probably a ban. Also for the escape alone objective. I ran into the conference room where heads were having a meeting and blew up a syndicate mini-bomb. Sent one person into crit, blew off another's hand and minor wounds for the rest. I was ALMOST banned, however another admin intervened. How are antags meant to make things interesting, when interesting things can't happen?

    I am NOT saying that traitors should be allowed to mass bomb with telescience nor do anything super evil not related to their objectives.

    A bit of a rant but overall:

    Antags, should be allowed, to do interesting things that affect themselves and other people around them. This isn't a bay super RP server. I believe rule 6 should be revised



    Sarea goes about her business about to go for a shower with her Voxxy friend when she catches some random in the dorms! Yay! Sarea silent stings and decaps the poor victim and eats them on the spot. All cool. She goes for a shower with Voxxy friend, they break up. Sarea then goes to clone poor victim ((IE they complained about how they were AFK after punching mewhile I murdered them)) and I get a man monkey. Joy! Gobble that up, AI reports me. Innocent act. I go to sec. I get interrogated and end things go sour. Sarea turns into a monkey and flees until she gets into the sec pod. She survives!


    Eventually she finds the bartender alone in a pod. She breaks in through the window and drags him out paralyzed into space while screaming super discomforting Sarea stuff. Sec finally break into the other pod and I pretend to be the bartender screaming for help (With the intent of scaring them). an extended battle is had and eventually after suffering from plenty of gun shots, Sarea closes the pod. The pods launches, Sarea is flung out the front of the pod in her sec gear. She comes back to life and threatens the living.



    I decided to expand the Elderway history & stuff. Not really set in concrete and more over a future reference for myself.


    Elderway family



    The eldest in the family. His wife (Cassandra) supposively died during a Vox raid. She was more likely taken as a slave however in reply to this Yolokov remarks "What is the difference?".



    A beloved woman within the family. She was lost however when a Vox raid resulted in her disappearing.



    The father of Fey. He was the only child of Cassandra and Yolokov. He was obliterated defending the family during the same Vox raid that took Cassandra away.



    The mother of Fey. She was working on the NSS Falcon and was in the wrong place at the worst time when a violent heist was taking place.



    The mother of Sarea and Valerjya. She entered a state of melancholy after the Vox raids took place. This led to Sarea and Valerjya being taken to a NanoTransen housing facility.



    The father of Sarea and Valerjya. He was reportedly killed during an ERT mission which may be true, as others have seen him in the non-existant Death Squad.



    Valerjya was very close to her Grandparents at an early age taking on their heavy Russian accents. She was very reluctant to move away to the NT housing facility since she wanted to help find Grandma not understanding what happened at the age of 3. When she learned what actually happened during the Vox raids, she drew on the hope that Cassandra was still alive. She trained in combat related skills and swore that she would find her.



    She was a year old when the Vox raid occurred. Yolokov took care of her until they were forced into NanoTransen housing districts. Sarea was an interesting child especially due to her learning many principles off Yolokov. When Valerjya began to focus on searching for Cassandra Sarea did not understand why she cared so much, especially after hearing what Yolokov had to say on the matter. At the age of 10 she began on NT medical courses, acing her classes. Her surgical practices were rather fruitless and aided in developing Sarea's sadistic practises. Sarea witnessed her mother mostly during her state of melancholy, leading to Sarea holding Fey in low regard. Currently Sarea is living with Zoey Hilst.


  8. Releasing viruses as an antag is majority of the time not ok. Viruses have a small chance of appearing onboard, meaning all the Virologist can really do is sit around hoping this round will be the round one happens. If some people on station contracted a random non-lethal non-infectious disease curable by Virology it could certainly make the Virologist a much more desirable/desired crew member/position.


    Currently, Research and Development is dreadfully un-sciency. Telescience and excavation are currently the only TRUE departments of proper !!!SCIENCE!!!. Maybe an improvement to R&D so people can't just write stuff down on notepad and max research 10 minutes in (Err, unless mining is being bad). I completely avoid science due to the fact

    1. You have to constantly recalibrate the Teleporter, making it an enormous pain in the ass to use. Otherwise this section is fun for a long time.

    2. Making bombs that can only be used in a blank room is boring. And even IF you are an antag, bombing the station with devastating bombs could be considered excessive use of violence. When have the miners ever asked for bombs? Maybe add monkey's or something. I dunno.

    3. R&D is super boring. Find item, deconstruct. Repeat. Maybe needing to find a random method of truly deconstructing X item, which may or may not explode in your face if you use the wrong method?

    4. Xenobiology, has almost no practical use. For the none-traitor it get's pretty old pretty quick.

    5. The Server Room (Only accessible by the RD) seems... Less fancy than it should be. It's science! And it's a computer! There should be !!!FUN!!! for those willing to put in effort.

    6. Excavations are fine.


    Personally, I believe science should be the place where people run out screaming with their labcoat on fire and begging to be taken to medbay.


    Science only reaches it's full potential of fun if a scientist get's antag.



    So, I built an engineer station along with Sir Branches and Cole. It was awesome. We even got an almost stable atmosphere done up



    Anyone else do stuff like this and have images to share of it?



    Being omne of the few or only competant doctors, it's so fucking annoying having to yell at doctors fir throwing that suffocating man in cryo. SO MANY PEOPLE DO IT


    aing control of a quarantine with stupid patients. I had a clown run out of viro, infect me leading to an officer being infected. We ended up bcuklecuffing he was that bad. Oh and running a quarantine with useless peers and being stuck treating the infected. For half he round.



    Name: Sarea Elderway

    Age: 20

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human (Several reports state otherwise)

    Blood Type: O-

    General Occupational Role(s): Nurse, Maintenance Technician, Microbiologist, Geneticist


    Biography: Sarea is an ill mannered woman who presents themself as one of the general scum who frequent alley ways, however when she feels she is working with respectable or superior beings she has a tendency to act in a much more welcoming and professional manner. She also seems to judge superiority in a debased alien form, from guiding incompetants to swearing and overtaking the job of someone competant as they are not doing it the "right" way.


    Advanced first aid

    Advanced surgery

    Dedicated cloning operations

    Advanced gene therapy

    Advanced microbial studies

    Basic level engineering


    Employment Records:

    5 year dedicated medical training (Clearance: Security)

    6 months NCS Cyberaid

    Security Records:


    Medical Records:

    Sarea Elderway has an addiction to the legal drug methylphendite

    Personnel Photo (Appearance text):




    Setup cryo so it is cold and has medicines inside at least one tube

    Make sure 80% of crew bodies are on the ship, living or not

    Make sure X head is healthy at the end of a shift

    Make sure no crew members infected with viruses make it on the escape shuttle

    Get half of the crew to turn on their suit sensors

    Make sure beneficial medicines or injury kits are within your possession at all times

    Leave no one with broken bones


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