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Design Team Development Team InGame Verified Members

Exavere last won the day on July 22 2023

Exavere had the most liked content!

About Exavere

  • Birthday 10/24/1996

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Botanist (6/37)



  1. Flash maybe, but probably not pepper spray. You don't need to see in order to feel how GLORIOUS it is to be sprayed. Breathing it in sucks, feels like you cannot breathe from all the coughing and not to mention it BURNS real bad. Mostly around your eyes, inner nose, and mouth but also just generally burns your skin. Would not recommend, got tased and peppersprayed (Optionally for my concealed carry license) and it was honestly worse than the taser.
  2. Don't know if Letov put it here, but I noticed I still had it from the Discord. IIRC, Letov was a Umbrae Vampire.
  3. That was a glorious round! And sorry Boris, had your VP *Me* been there you probably would've won. I wasn't able to make it because I was in the process of being abducted by a nerdy Easju. I hope you can forgive me. (Sadly he ran into a Sec officer the moment he got the cuffs on, and man I was hoping he would've made it into maint for memes, but alas. Nerds will be nerds *chuckle)
  4. It may never be finished/is dead. But I can still say its cool and hope maybe it'll pop up out of nowhere. ? Just throwing in my input.
  5. Looks really cool, I can't wait to see what it turns into.
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