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Everything posted by SteelSlayer

  1. Do we want some sort of station or CC announcement to explain this? Like seeing an announcement saying "We detected that the Station Blueprints were just destroyed. You can order a new one through cargo. Be more careful with this one."
  2. Got it. I think it can be done, just not quite sure on the implementation right now since we don't want 50 malf borgs to show up on round-end screen. I might work on this after I finish with Dynamic.
  3. You say in the beginning of your post that borgs should inherit the AI's objectives, but later on say "These methods should NOT share objectives". Can you clarify: do you want the borg to be able to have these objectives in its notes? My initial thought it to use an antag team (/datum/team) which will simplify things quite a bit, however team members share objectives.
  4. That's fair yeah. But I don't think anyone besides the Heads or Maintainers actually know the maintainer qualifications. The only solid information I've heard is "Be popular with the maintainers". Other than that, I have no idea what the requirements are, what knowledge you need, or how the hiring process is done. As far as I know, none of this has ever been shared with contributors/PRRs, but If it has, I'd love to hear it.
  5. While it would be nice to have the current maintainers suddenly stop being busy and have free time to maintain the codebase, that's a silly expectation. IRL comes before SS13. But, The obvious solution is to hire more maintainers to spread out the work load (S34N already mentioned this). Then, in event some of them do get busy, the entire GitHub doesn't screech to a halt, and people wouldn't get frustrated as much, because things would be flowing. We have volunteers that want to do this, but it seems there is 0 care or effort into making this happen. Overall good thread, you basically hit the nail on the head with all the issues we're facing. This stuff has been going on for years, so I've basically given up trying to talk or do anything about it, because it's usually brushed aside. I've already highlighted the biggest issue I think we have with the paragraph above. All I can do is hope things change.
  6. Looks good. Maybe add a short explanation to the the Sanitize Variables and Clean Unused Keys guidelines for those that aren't familiar with them (I'm curious as to what these do myself). Everything else seems logical and straightforward.
  7. I don't really play Vox, but I agree they have some issues. Specifically, the issue with their "non-decaying organs" and SR, because right now it's basically just misleading information, and creates confusion. I've thought about fixing up SR to take their bonus into account, or perhaps having it heal all organs up to a certain point, across all species. For example, restoring 100% dead limbs back to decaying at 50% health. But, I never made the change for fear of it getting denied or having to defend against the backlash.
  8. Really like this idea. Unsure about the code side of things though.
  9. I agree Vox need some love right now. I think both are fairly good ideas. I like the idea of a short speed boost. It should honestly only last a few seconds, as speed is basically one of the most powerful things in SS13. Also, I don't know about full shock immunity but I could definitely see a resistance to the damage it deals, or perhaps the ability to shrug off the stun of the shock, but still take damage.
  10. I talked about this with Warrior and some others in mentor chat on discord. Not going to post everything.. but I like the #2 option here ^. More knockouts/stamina drains than just "harm harm harm" into unconsciousness.
  11. Giving them CQC is way too powerful. You know that sooner or later, you're just going to have Orderlies harm kicking people into unconsciousness because its more a effective knockout/stun. A simple telebaton should do the trick.
  12. I totally like the idea of giving useful and interesting stuff for the librarian to do, and I wonder what the headmins/maints would think of this.
  13. I like the idea of this a lot and think it shows a lot of promise. Some clarifications on a few things: 1. While using "Become Ethereal", can you use abilities? If so, can you use abilities while sitting inside of a wall? 2. I'm confused on the what the "Mind Project" ability does exactly. Is it summoning an image of a creature and putting you in control of it which can then be used to attack the target with? When you say "Abilities can be used on him as well." Does that mean while in control of the image you can use your powers, and they will originate from the summoned image? I see that many abilities require channeling and I'm curious about the channel time on those. I'm also curious as to how big of a focus pool it has, how fast focus regenerates and how much focus is drained when using a maintained ability like "Disguise Self" or "Become Ethereal". I know this is in its early stages right now so some stuff hasn't been included yet. Looking forward to more updates on this.
  14. I've not been posting regular updates here since the first one. I've done a lot of updating like shrinking virology slightly, adding back in the old medical maint room under genetics, which is now under virology. The new maint that runs from the robotics hallway behind virology and down to medbay maint is now all access as well. The remap is essentially in a ready state right now save for some minor things like making sure doors have the proper access and such. Here is the current iteration of the map: https://affectedarc07.co.uk/ParaMapGen/Images/111.png
  15. Progress Update #1: https://affectedarc07.co.uk/ParaMapGen/Images/99.png Going with 3 surgery rooms for now. Added a connecting maint that leads down from the robotics/morgue maint behind virology all the way down to medical maint. I'm not sure if I should put medical access to the doors on these maints, as it can just be used like a shorter route into med maint right now. The idea with giving it medical access it that it would be akin to the current genetics maint room with the barricades and stuff right under the genetics room. Currently I added two additional sleeper and one cryotube to the main treatment areas. I'm not sure if this is too many or not, but regardless there's a lot more room to move around without being pushed by other people.
  16. Yeah I've settled on 3 ORs and a supply room + break room. I'm going to make virology able to be broken into from maint (It will have a normal wall weakpoint like before). The genetics maint is a problem yeah and I might shrink virology and make a maint that wraps up and touches genetics or something.
  17. Hello everyone, So, I've started on a project to to remap medbay and to a lesser extent, science. The initial "rough draft" can be found in the link below: https://affectedarc07.co.uk/ParaMapGen/Images/97.png The idea of this project is to give more room in medbay so that it's not so chaotic and cramped during high pop rounds. In particular, it aims to add 1 or 2 new surgery rooms and expand the cryotube and sleeper area as these are high traffic areas for medbay. Keep in mind the map is very bare bones right now, and there's a lot of floating items and random bits of machines and walls in weird places. This is because I wanted to do a rough draft real quick on how I wanted everything to look, and thus did a lot of copy and paste. All of this stuff is subject to change and is nowhere near complete. I feel like the science room location changes I made are pretty good, and they should allow me to get that extra room I wanted in medbay without radically altering either department. We didn't really need that big open bit of space to the northwest of xenobiology for example. Anyways, I'm posting this to give the maintainers and everyone a heads up. I don't expect this to be done any time soon, and I'm not going to rush things. I will try my best to make sure everything is ready and working before I even attempt to PR this.
  18. 7 Honksquad members stealing everyone's shoes
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