Hello Thursday, about your question, you need few hours(5 or 10h I think) of gameplay as borg, before AI unlocks, same for command members of other departments.
First, you need to learn what you can, and cannot do by playing as borg. For example lawset is your master, lawset is your limit, for example you never harm crew members on crewsimov. Each lawset has its purpose, and limits, and you need to be sure to stay within them. AI is master of borgs, and gets to order, manage, or blow up/lock them down.
Second, you should know at least in theory, about purpose of command members and rights. As AI its usually more calm, and there are less important things to do. When you want to wipe core(cryo), you ahelp. When you are in doubt what you can do, or not, you mentor help. When borgs request orders, when situation is in chaos, you give them orders.
Once you unlock it, I hope you have fun.