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Thamuel last won the day on February 13 2018

Thamuel had the most liked content!

About Thamuel

  • Birthday November 18

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  1. one person finally finished repairing atmos... not even a maint droid helped...
  2. Didn't you do the last one? Seems quite Camper-like...
  3. despite how easy that was 2 do, you still should've been more creative.
  4. I think this idea is quite good as it adds a degree of realism and a new challenge of trying to not speak in front of certain people. On the other hand, the main problem I can see is the question of how this will work over comms. Additionally, I think the HoP shouldn't be able to know all civilians as that seems quite powerful and unrealistic while the janitor knowing everyone's voice is also overly powerful.
  5. I 8 8 of the chef's meals and now I have 8 toxin damage
  6. Name: Tired Russian Description: Two ways to drown out sorrow in one drink. Taste: Tastes like diluted coffee Ingredients: 2 parts white Russian 1 part coffee
  7. Going to robotics for an implant, but ending up in medbay with half your blood gone, an open cavity, the doctors don't know how to help you and you don't even get the implant in the end...
  8. Its the shoes you see. The clown's arsenal is the filled with only the best. Why not their shoes?
  9. Coding Difficulty: Extremely easy. Adding one flag. Scope: Pretty small change Balance: shouldn't be too bad. Why: It makes complete sense for the clown to be safe from getting slipped. The argument here is that it is quite fun to slip a clown, but that's why I put this idea here. For discussion.
  10. Fixed the formatting, many spelling and grammar mistakes, purged every instance of the letter "S" in any quote said by Thamuel, updated history, personality and added colour. also "corrupted" and "removed" are two different things *cough *cough Will create a new failed book attempt soon. All feedback is appreciated
  11. Ever since I tried paying for a drink during my first time on the station, I always found it weird that everything (except the vending machines) was absolutely free. Anyone would think that a company like NanoTrasen wouldn't just give away drinks, gourmet meals, cybernetics, surgeries, library services, entertainment, haircuts and any professional equipment you took with yourself when leaving the station. The possibilities to explain this that I can think of are: NanoTrasen deducts all expenses from your wage. The problem here is that most characters probably don't have a big enough wage to pay for everything and NanoTrasen is also a loan-shark business which will break your knees (probably why IPCs spare no expense at the bar) if you don't pay back or the wage is huge and that the people who work at NT are the highest of society. NanoTrasen is similar to a very large mafia where everyone is family. supplemental quote: "Someday, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept this free buffet as a gift on your employment to NT." Employees of NT have the best trade union. Like the best ever. Seriously. NanoTrasen is actually a very amiable and compassionate company who truly care about their employees (feels bad for listing as "hate" or "dislike", huh) NanoTrasen's accountants have accidentally added a couple extra 0's to the amount used for employee luxuries NanoTrasen does charge everything, but no one ever reports any purchases of items on the station and thus no one is charged. I think we need to settle this matter once and for all. Comment what you think.
  12. And now 5 witty comments on the discord
  13. In the cooking guide they should be put down as steamed clams
  14. Fourteen! We’re doing great
  15. Nine asteroids hit due to Cargonia’s independence.
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