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LUCPIX last won the day on July 7 2018

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  • Birthday 05/21/1998

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    The sewers were getting tired of our own dirt, the regress time itself claimed to be summoned and the demanded art (almost) certainly gonna be made because, hey, we are alive aren't we? A slightly updated and final version of the latest piece above. It is rather ancient - heard that some fragments of the robot were sent to that Donkey Kong's NO HOPERS can along with Sonic's shoes! Chuckles! Meanwhile, in zero and one realities of the force, humans still demand for personal visual mementos! Hey, look: ERRATA: Some reptiles do as well. And YOU can, too.


    A friendly positonic creature has been inputted -- the overall result still is a bit crude but he's gonna be kept in the fridge until new ideas come. While it doesn't happen, there are some other cool stuffs to do, of course


    Quebrando Tudo Let's make another one inspired by our Sims character? Let's do, then. But, this time, just not to say we're forever locked into the utopic land of our fortes and nothing else, some new patterns and techniques need to be practiced and, well, they're a mix of fun, relaxing and reinvigorating to make, you know?? LUCPIX, the another me (but not too much of an "another me" to be called "alter ego" hahaha I know it doesn't mean a thing) running with 2 of the best friends he'd ever have in his polygonal lifetime. And then we ask... where are the friends? They're imaginary!! Just kidding, we're working on them and eventually you gonna witness a real crazy thang. If you're reading, gangelwaefre, my P.A. buddy, yours will be made real soon, sorry the inelegant delay! The full moon is gone but this is not an excuse to become an idle worm again!


    With no shame or fear, I've been trying original kinds of chiibs, this time not using templates, any kind of base behind it, you know We should call it a very experimental prototype.. ...for a volley aficionado Danggg I promised L.U.M.I a drawing and this' gonna be made NOW! It's amazing how we can find silver linings everywhere, no matter how messed we're feeling


    Thank you! This is just the beginning


    Yes, perfect! Can't wait to start this one. I can improv a piece inspired by your own character art, but have you got LUMI's biography written? It is ok if not but it'll be nice to catch as much references as I can!


    Sounds like a plan! But I expressed myself wrong, hahahah, I was just asking if you want me to draw something about one of your ss13 characters, like a little gift for you, etc?


    You flattered me hard on this one! Thank you so much. Furthermore, buddies: I though that I'd be wanted to program a game but as it seems something's happened and this game will never happen, which signifies a little bit of free time to spend. Do you fancy a similar fancy, just for you etc?? I always wanted to produce an SS13-esque art, for real
  10. LUCPIX


    Thank you very much, Sir! How can we define the opposite of artistic in a single word? Even without noticing, everyone makes a good portion of art, daily Anyway, the following pic is a colossal, finished version of the previous drawing I've posted here. You can notice that its initial intention was to represent a sad, hopeless and lonely person, because life was pretty shitty at the time and I've had lost a friend that was basically the bestest one I've had in my entire weblife. Alright. Earth did spin, as per usual, and now we're cool again, we healed our scars and we've learnt to convert all the imperfections into something beautiful to be seen, discussed, appreciated. How I love that person, and also there's this awesome girl, called Maggie, and she's cool as hell too, we cannot deny. That's why this pic exists now, it is a reflection of all the good stuff we lived and we're bound to live, from now. A visual anthem of love, something that, hopefully, will shine our days up. We always need someone to show us how bloody awesome we are, this is it It's called They Are Not Servo
  11. LUCPIX


    Hey, man, this is about missingness, we're almost missing someone! It's still a dream but, hey, we both know we can do it. LUCPIX, my Sim medium, looks rather blue, has the burger gotten cold?
  12. LUCPIX


    As you prolly guessed, someone named Steve (ok it's not LITERALLY that but let us call him Joey then) asked for a chibi... not inspired by his amazing Habbo image, but as a tiny version of his equally-amazing RL version of himself, can you believe that? This is a first for me... Hope he likes it!
  13. LUCPIX


    End of all the 75 chibis requested since January 2017. Accepting commissions for the second season, 2018's, from all the world and avatars ***chop chop**** ...Since we're still searching for something we are not sure what it is and we didn't get enough of pixelating Think I should be bolder, this artstyle is becoming somewhat obsolete or just not progressive enough, if that makes sense
  14. LUCPIX


    Things are getting a little more serious, I'm "afraid". Two users - Despect and Cheesygrisp. Both of them did come to me and requested, via PM, in a forum, an Avatar-esque picture of chibis; united, peaceful and with a fair amount of adventureness. This is what we've got and I got pretty happy with this one RECENTLY-TRIED -- Insertion of a background, not only the models -- "Textures on face" -- An Alternative Shading effect -- LUCPIX SIGNATURE - A rare dodo bird! NOTE TO SELF-THINGS TO TRY -- Animation in the form of GIF frames (even if just an eye blink) -- Bigger models What are we going to do next?
  15. LUCPIX


    Sent it to the person who's requested it and - guess what!??!??!! He put it as his Twitter display picture! Greatest demo of satisfaction, prolly. Do those look like extra fat, on his chest? Wasn't supposed to look like boobs or something. Fancying some bigger pieces, one day I'll get the bravery for it! More drawings soon!
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