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Everything posted by necaladun

  1. In combat, a medical borg is pretty scary actually. A doctor running at you with a weapon can be disarmed, stunned, stopped behind a door they don't have access to, have their bones broken, etc. They're one of the more scary validhunting borgs there actually, due to the circular saw. A few QoL changes might be nice, but I don't see medborgs as underpowered at all. I think you need to change your expectations and playstyle, rather than request the code to change to accommodate them.
  2. Back in my day (permission to groan)... SR and defibs didn't exist. Limited supplies of plasma were needed to create cryox and clonex. The sleepers were unable to be upgraded...upgrades didn't exist. And medbay still ran pretty damn good if I do say so myself. I find it much less fun now with how many options there are and how easy people are to fix up. While getting people back into the game generally increases fun, there is a diminishing return here. If revival and healing is too easy, combat, death and injury start to lose meaning. SS13 is a brutal game. Death is part of it. Skill only gets you so far, luck is needed too. You may die due to something unavoidable and not your fault. I'm not even sure what OOC repercussions to death means though? That's...an odd concept. This would be an incredibly powerful item. It wouldn't just buff medical either, it'd buff anyone able to beg/borrow/steal/make one. It would make huge amounts of things obsolete depending on how it's done, from synthflesh to bone surgery.
  3. I disagree - nothing is forcing you to hunt the bad guys or not RP. A vast majority of players aren't involved (and shouldn't be!) in the security/command aspects. While admins, code, etc, can help to get people out of that mindset - the players are the most powerful tool to do so. Be the change you want to see in the station! Orginally vampire was it's own game mode, and we made tatorvamp to stop the meta of "it's traitors no vamps" and "it's vamps no traitors", etc, and I think that was really successful (feedback ofc welcome.) Cult is a problem here, cult atm means no traitors etc. A meta I like to mess with if people are obviously using it. Wizard is similar (Protip: if you ever see Master Einath The Archmage, the first letter of each of his names is a hint to his purpose...). Nukeops would be insanely difficult with even a single other antag on the station sadly. Cult and shadowlings have the problem of conversion - a ling/vamp/tator being converted to a thrall/cultist would make the lings/cultists very, very, very powerful. I don't even know how many tactics they would have available to them combining their powers with those of the others... I encourage admins to mess with the meta, but you have to be careful too. I've accidentally gotten a red alert raised early for instance, making things harder on the real antags.
  4. It just occured to me quarantine could be used to help with hijack if done right. A better wording for it should include that i think... I think wording rather than priority is a better fix overall.
  5. Plasmas wouldn't be one of those for sure! Morseo IPC and vox. Whitelists we really really really want to avoid. With so many people already having the races, the sheer amount of applications we'd have, etc, it'd be an absolute clusterfuck.
  6. I considered this awhile ago but thought players would be really against it, guess I'm wrong there or at least for you! I'd love to hear feedback from others here. I also had an idea of some sort of...admin-karma, a separate track. I think it has a lot of potential problems though. I'd kinda like this, with the delay. It'd be nice to know, but not who from because of trading potentials as you said. I love this in theory. In practice, the coding, SQL sides, etc, could make it a clusterfuck sadly. I think as a requirement it'd really decrease the amount given. Head roles and other "default stuff" will never be karma locked, that's been long time policy. Species were originally karma-locked to make them rarer, which worked quite well and somewhat does - I think we could even look at increasing the prices on some of them to increase that. Karma will never let you get antag tokens. In general, increasing the "power" of karma is not a good idea with the current implementation of karma. Some people have 500+, which is very hard for a newer player to get. Prolly best for a seperate thread, but I agree and LOVE fucking with Meta.
  7. To use N2O recreationally, just hold the tank in your hand so when you pass out you drop it. The giggling is due to a weird issue with exhalation, so the patient exhales the N2O and it slowly builds up. You can see similar from plasmamen who stand in the same place for a long time, but with more flammable goodness. Last time I talked to coders about it it basically would require a massive overhaul of some life code to do it I believe, and coders aren't know for being good at life
  8. I like it in theory, it's a nice QoL thing from what I see, I'm just not sure on the interface. Shift+click or other such things could be weird with code, and conflict with other things. A code monkey would know more.
  9. I could perhaps see lowering the timer, but considering borgs are immune to 90%+ of things that organics are stunned by, they need to have things that stun them. Stunlocking a borg with a flash lasts as long as the flash. And stunlocking them still requires you to do something in the meantime, whether it's remove their cell or toolbox them or whatever. A properly equipped antag being able to take out a borg 1v1 is WAD. Antags are meant to be able to do that. They work by themselves usually, where as a borg has the whole of security, the AI, etc, to help them.
  10. ...It never occurred to me that that's why they're more likely to get blown up than all locked down. It makes me wonder why that option was never there in the first place. I think this idea is genius and a code monkey should code it asapers.
  11. A headmin and one of the founders of the server. This is not intended to be an MLP ERP server, and if a majority did want that, I'd suggest they go start their own server to create that. You're welcome to use the code too! See above. It's not magic. Additionally, I'm not just an admin, I've also been known to play on the server as well. The point of the server is not to entertain all people. It's to entertain people in a specific way within the vision of the server. We are not attempting to appeal to as many people as possible. The goal is to create a certain type of server, and that doesn't appeal to everyone. That's ok! There's plenty of other servers, the code is available and open source as well, so others can use it to create their own modifications, as various people have, but it has never been the intent to appeal to as many people as possible. When we created the server, it was with a certain vision in mind that has evolved over the years, and will continue to, but this evolution is not going to be solely chosen by popular opinion. Quality is more important than quantity. I'm really not. I nor none of the staff are paid employees. We're not obliged to spend our free time to create the kind of server other people want to play on in their time. This is an incredibly entitled attitude. I know it's a kinda cliched line, but we're volunteers working for free (or at our own expense sometimes), and you're enjoying the fruits of that labor without paying a dime. I have no idea where you're getting this from. Your numbers are frankly bizarre. I see...5 people liking that. That's not even.most admins. That's not even most of the clown players of the last 24 hours. I'm not sure who you're counting as "people" but your sample size seems frankly tiny. There were 100 people on the server last I checked, 250 online in the discord, and 13 browsing the forum. I'm struggling to see what 5 people is most of. I wouldn't even call it major support. When you say "ours", who do you mean? People who post suggestions, players in general, people who click upvote on posts...? Additionally - why should someone who has logged onto the server once have their opinion be worth the same as someone who has played for years and better understands it, or people who make the server a much more enjoyable experience with their play, or the people who have put thousands of hours into working on it, or the people who have funded the server, or the people who created it in the first place? Someone who has been banned for spamming racist slurs over OOC's opinion is not ever going to be worth the same as other players. Again, I'd quit before I let people like that start defining the direction of the server. Not everyone is welcome here. It is not a public service we're running. It's a private gaming server. This isn't to say I'm sole dictator of all direction of the server. Originally it was defined mostly between myself and my flatmate, mkenner, with Zomgponies in charge of the coding aspects. Over time it's expanded to more and more people, to the extent that now I don't have complete control on who new admins are, or how decisions are made. I'm happy to compromise on plenty of issues, Paradise has become much bigger than that, but it's still not, nor will it ever be, defined entirely by public opinion. That was never the intent of the server and has never been how we've operated, and we've done pretty bloody well for ourselves if I do say so myself. Have some faith in me and the admin team - we seem to have created a server that a hell of a lot of people enjoy, and thousands of people have spent thousands of hours enjoying.
  12. Ideas and suggestions are judged on their merits. The forum is a good place to flesh the ideas out, discuss the pros and cons, and get feedback from the admins as to why something does or doesn't fit the vision we have for the server. Suggestions that the admins disagree with aren't going to get put in, even with large support, because we're not attempting to appeal to everyone, or even the greatest number of people. Even if a "majority" of people supported us turning into an ERP MLP server, it's not gonna happen. The feedback of the players is considered, but we're more interested in arguments for and against things than raw votes. Then of course there's the issue of defining what a "majority" is, whether you mean of admins, of forum goers, of people who play on the server "regularly", etc.
  13. ...I'm not at all. I'm saying, 3 rep points on the forum is not most people for any group larger than 5. 7 if you include yourself. This is not at all representative of the playerbase, or anything more than a few people. Rep points aren't even votes, that's what polls are for - and see my post regarding polls. Raw numbers of people for and against things are not how we run things here - this is not a democracy. There's also the fact they're wrong (If thats the part they're agreeing with). Even if 1000 people said they're supposed to be super doctors, they're wrong. What med borgs are supposed to be is something I'm intimately aware of, as one of the people who define and choose what they're supposed to be, and have discussed at length with the others who make such decisions. Trust me when I say they are not supposed to be super doctors. Now, if you want to make the argument they should be, that's something else entirely.
  14. Three reputation points is really not "most people". It's...3% of the players on the server right now. Sure, 3 people (4, including you), might want that, but it's not what they're supposed to be. They're supposed to be medical capable borgs, and they're working as intended. They have a heap of advantages over regular doctors, but are not meant to be able to run medbay without the assistance of non-borgs. The intent is for them to be assistants with the abilities of borgs, not super doctors.
  15. Med borgs are not supposed to be super doctors. They're meant to be...medical borgs, surprisingly. As for one of the sprites having four arms, well, by that logic different sprites would need different amount of slots and some borgs would have 0 slots. Also 3 arms would look weird and unbalanced.
  16. A: This "fancy colourful name" would like people to speak a lot more kindly to each other. B: Borgs are not meant to be balanced compared to normal station crew. They are not meant to be equals, in law, or ability. Something so mechanically different will never be truly balanced. If you want balance, I recommend starcraft or paper-scissors-rock. C: Silicon players are not a different class or race of people. They are players like anyone else. If someone hates the players because they play silicons, they're a moron. One can dislike the code and roles borg play on the station without hating the players. If you take someones preferences for how they want roles and code in SS13 to be as a personal attack, you're a moron. D: If people are telling you (the player) to go kill themselves, then you ahelp it. If you're being told, ICly, to kill yourself, then that's generally an IC issue, and often a valid way of disposing of law-bound characters. E: See point A.
  17. I'd like to just clarify something here - the jobban reason is as follows: As the Head of Security, very early into the round, ran around tracking implanting every security officer, and the captain, without consent. You have an amazing amount of notes regarding security play. Tracking implants with consent are not exactly something jobban worthy. Similar to chem implants loaded with healing chems/stims, it's something which is not SoP, and thus a bit powergamey, but not an outright "do it and we jobban you." Chem and tracking implants don't get much use at all, and I'd be in favour of things which encourage their use as well as clarifying when it's appropriate.
  18. I really like the idea of "tiered" SoP, I think that has a lot of potential. Some form of "don't do other people's jobs" would be nice as well. Stopping engineering from making mechs or cargo from doing surgery would be nice.
  19. I am shocked, just utterly shocked, that no one has yet said "Im ded pls nerf". We won't be outright removing sec borgs. That's just silly. Don't be silly. Nerfs might be due. But considering they can be flashed, emped, have their laws messed with, and that there is literally a button you can press to destroy them, I don't think it's that needed.
  20. I like them as Sol Gov or perhaps other eventy/adminny stuff, that sounds great. They really have a military feel to them. But the balance issues with them are a big problem for regular use. The new-york-reload style for sec has been factored into a lot of other balance and design choices, and if it were to change we'd need to re-evaluate a lot of things. The sprites are fantastic, btw.
  21. I'd actually really like to see the stun function on a telebaton do 1-3 damage. Not enough to be useful, but enough that people can't just use it all the time without it being obviously assault.
  22. My worry here would be people obscuring stuff with huge sentences. It'd ofc have to be an option. I'd never use it, but if others would then I see no problems with it.
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