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Posts posted by necaladun

  1. Also, more of an OOC thing - if the person expresses an extreme desire NOT to be a borg, it's generally not worth the time, as they'll ghost straight out or the like - and it's kinda harsh to make someone play a role they're not feeling into.

    ICly, feel free to justify this as the programming not meshing well with an unwilling brain, or some technobabble.



    • Like 1
  2. 42 minutes ago, farie82 said:

    My opinion about new crit

    1: - 5 buckshot hits really should drop someone. Otoh, I dont' want people being stuck in perma-crit unable to live or die, so that seems a value that should really be tweaked to get a happier medium.

    2: - Walking away from a mortal injury shouldn't be easy, but possibly depending on circumstances. Reducing screaming for help I think is kinda good - if one person is repeatedly shooting you with a shotgun escape should be near impossible. 

    3: - More complex medbay good. Vendors being able to replace chemistry bad. Less stuff in vendors but make stuff easier on chem?

    4- A few extra antag items like the bone repair stuff, but for shock, might be nice for that? Really, antags shouldn't be able to walk away from too many "lethal" hits, but still have some room for error.

    Random death I think helps a bit, to make things less...reliable. I dont' want peopel to think "i just got shot once by a shotgun i'll be fine."....but I don't want it to be a death sentence either.

    You're pretty good at the coding sides of the farie, so I'd like your opinion on how to tweak all those values and by how much.

    • Like 1
  3. While i like the intent of this, by far the biggest problem ive seen as an admin from sec is the old harmbaton, not lasers. Quite literally at least 10x more problems with harmbatons over lasers. 

    Shotguns are also super deadly and cause ff issues with buckshot.

    For actually deadlyness a tazer followe by harmbaton is generally much more effective against the clown. Lasers themselves are generally best against blobs, xenos, etc.

    • Like 1
    • stunbaton 1
  4. 1 hour ago, davidchan said:

    I've seen it abused but I'd rather Security get their own morgue for EOCs or other dangerous personnel who the entire station would be better off dead with a DNR tag on them

    I've often just left the bodybag in the armoury or the like, but an actual morgue tray would be great for that.


    43 minutes ago, McRamon said:

    You guys are totally right, but you all forget those newbie medical doctors who forget to read morgue tray DNR tag (Or even can be nor aware of what dnr means)

    Very good point, if you see a green morgue tray you might just rush to clone them without noticing it. Really can't blame them there, they're trying to help!

  5. On slower rounds, Warden can very easily do a lot of this IMO. 

    Hell, even as an officer, just...speaking clearly and with confidence can do a lot.

    I find (from admin perspective heavily mind you), newbie officers run into a couple of different kinds:

    1) People not experienced with the game in general who want to get access to weapons and beat people up. These types won't likely listen at all.

    2) People who don't have sec experience yet, and might know other systems, but not combat/sec stuff. They'll likely listen, but may make mistakes like harmbatoning or getting charges wrong.


    If you're new, I highly advise just...asking questions and telling everyone it's your first shift as sec!


    A cadet and formal trainer role would be interesting, all depends on exactly how it's implemented. 

    • Like 2
  6. Thank you for posting this complaint.

    We take such issues very seriously, and Breenland has indeed been performing incredibly poorly in this regard.

    He will be put on probation, and if he doesn't get another admin complaint in the next 12 months, we'll be considering firing him. Someone going without an admin complaint for so long is utterly unacceptable.


    Complaint is with total merit, and being marked as resolved. If you have any further issues, please, message me directly, or send Kyet a picture of a goat.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
    • fastparrot 1
    • explodyparrot 3
  7. Plasma flooding is made so easy by NT, so they can easily have the AI or operatives flood the station with plasma - due to xenos, blobs, or cargo trying to start a union.


    As for the overall question of it being allowable to switch off on roundstart - this comes under powergaming and to some extent, validhunting. You shouldn't be trying to fuck over antags by default, especially ones you're not even sure exist. Acting in a way to cockblock any potential antag is just poor sportsmanship. 


  8. Hi there,

    First of all - thank you for posting this complaint. I haven't laughed so hard about one in a long, long time. This is perhaps the funniest admin complaint I've ever seen. Thanks again.

    Secondly - use the damn template it's there for a reason.

    Third - I don't see evidence of Kyet saying you make love to your goats. I do see him saying your rant about how much you love your goats is weird and depraved. Gonna have to agree there! If you don't want people to think you fuck goats, maybe don't rant about how much you love goats, how you love them like your parents...and don't call yourself goat lover. I cannot believe I actually have to say this, but just to reiterate: If you call yourself "goat lover" on the internet, people are gonna assume it's because you fuck goats. Welcome to the Internet.

     As for the actual ban? You broke numerous rules. Breaking rules gets you banned.

    Now, as for the actual name - despite the whole "goat fucking" connotations - you're confusing OOC and IC here. OOCly, you love goats - truly and deeply, it seems. Much like someone would love their parents. ICly, you're playing a character on a space station who is not a goat farmer from Missouri. You should not use your IRL love for goats as a name for your character. This is because you're playing a roleplaying game, but also because NO ONE would call themselves "goat lover" because that would make them sound like someone who fucks goats. Like...obviously. Why am I even explaining this. It seems common sense.

    A quick google of "goat lover" is very NSFW. Here's a hint: It does not involve wholesome love for goats as per parental figures. Thanks. That's now in my search history. There is however at least TWO movies about it. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3321672/


    As for the actual complaint, I'm not even marking this as with or without merit...I just can't. This is so amazingly ridiculous and I'm laughing too much I can't take this seriously.

    Please do be assured that Kyet is now getting absolutely SPAMMED with pictures of goats and it's the funniest fucking thing ever.

    Perhaps it's best if you left our server alone and focus on your passion of goat ranching (While obeying all state and federal laws please.)

    • Like 5
    • clown 6
    • honk 9
    • explodyparrot 2
  9. 8 hours ago, gwei_lo_ren said:

    . I was banned, for something which there is no rule for, and having pointed that out Ty Omaha and TullyBBurnalot instead of acknowledging that I stated yes, I will respect the rules laid or for me in the appeals on top of the fact that there was no rule explicitly prohibiting what I did they decided to punish ME for having the audacity of claiming that a mistake was made on their part.


    8 hours ago, gwei_lo_ren said:

    I was banned for breaking into SEC as an act of EORG, right BEFORE the shuttle docked - being the official marker of an end of round. Shuttle griefing and shuttle violence have nothing to do with it.


    8 hours ago, gwei_lo_ren said:

    There are no rules on EORG. Period.

    You claim you will accept the rules, but there is no rule on end of round grief.

    If you actually read the rules, you would see that there is.


    While the Escape Shuttle is in transit, Shuttle Grief is not allowed. Attacking people on the shuttle for any reason other than self-defense may lead to a Ban for Shuttle Griefing, with the exception of Antagonists completing their objectives. Violence is allowed once the shuttle has docked and end round statistics are displayed;


    Perhaps have a good and proper read of ALL of the rules, before posting an appeal.

    Oh, I see now specifically where you get confused between "EORG" grief. 

    The round doesn't end when the shuttle leaves. The clue is in the fact that the "round ended" doesn't appear, and only appears when the round ends. Hence the term "round end" and the big message saying "the round has ended". End Of Round Grief is not permitted before the round ends, either on the shuttle or the station, because the round has not ended. 


  10. Hi there,

    From looking over the situation here, it appears that as a Captain, you committed mutiny. In a completely insane manner - referring to yourself as a King.

    This goes against many of our rules - self antagging, of course. There are additional standards expected of command staff - captain especially, and not mutinying against CC is one of the top of the list there. Going insane and declaring yourself king and getting demoted is expected of even a cargo tech. The Captain is very much expected not to do so.

    The specifics of whether it was done with a laptop or console, or how you ended up dying or not, isn't really the issue here. It seems @EvadableMoxie has cleared up some of the details of the actual ban reason. Laptop can be editted out - it's really not the issue here. e

    No PM should be necessary to tell you to knock this off. This should be covered by common sense. When you're told ICly by Centcomm - the people with the deathsquads, nukes, and blue space cannons - to stop acting like a "king" and committing mutiny, an admin PM shouldn't be necessary to tell you that it wasn't reverse psychology, trying to encourage you to act that way.

    The very fact you couldn't tell your actions were going to far is...frankly very worrying. 

    If you were playing D&D, and decided to declare yourself as a Space Captain, to the extent the real king - who had a bunch of death-squids, magitech-nukes, and a astral-realm cannon - was telling you to get back on with your job of being adventurers, I think most people would get the hint they're going to far. 

    I'm not sure why you're saying you're not able to appeal. You're currently appealing another ban you've since received. I'm not at all sure how it is "unfair" for Moxie to take some time to apply this ban either. This may be a first where an admin complaint has complained that you weren't banned fast enough however....and I do agree. 

    So I guess this does have some merit - @EvadableMoxie - in future, should a captain go rouge and declare themselves king, feel free to BSA and jobban them right after CC tells them to knock it off. 

    Apart from that, I don't see any merit to this complaint. Resolved.

    • Thanks 1
    • stunbaton 1
  11. Hi there, apologies for late delays. I got most of the info but ssethtide has been overwhelming.


    I spoke to both admins online, Spark was the one behind it and stated his reasoning was because they had not yet ascended. Nuclear annihilation of the station generally requires a threat to that degree. Not knowing whether or not the captain is a thrall, and not seeing ascension yet, CC's response is to cripple the (potential) thrall trying to nuke the station. 

    This is quite inline with NT and CC"s general policy of being "corrupt, corporate assholes". 


    I'm quite ok with what Spark did, and would remind everyone to be very, very, careful, before asking for the nuclear codes. A message to CC first, and ERT, are generally the best measures to take - and getting ERT to agree that there is no better option.

    • Thanks 1
  12. Alffd's bang on the money there. The only thing i have to add is:

    People are very rarely banned outright for such things. Admins pm people first, and look at their past history. Most of the time someone is told to tone things down and told why what they did is against the rules.


    Bans result when the person refuses to follow the admin instructions, or has a history of such actions. 

    Admins are players too. Generally with a lot more playtime than the people they're messaging. Context and spirit are key. The biggest factor though is generally the response to pms. If an admin tells someone they were excessive in eliminating potential threats, accusing them of just being salty because they were one of the people killed (just an example, but a very common one), results in a ban. Apoligizing and discussing the situation with the admin as to how you could act better in the future rarely does. It might even result in a positive note. 


    Tldr: bans are rarely as simple as people make them out to be.

  13. Hi there,

    Thank you for this complaint. Apologies for the delays. IRL sucks, and I didn't see this as a pressing matter.

    Thanks @Spacemanspark for helping with the logs there.

    When it comes to greytiding, admins are allowed to deal with it in an IC manner - that includes an antag targeting the greytider. In this case, it appears Alffd spawned as a greytider antag, with you as a target. Other methods of dealing with things like this we've used include sudden brain damage, appendicitis, kingstons, and other diseases. 

    From perusing the logs, it appears you were then robusted with a toolbox - a classic greytider move. 

    Admins are allowed and encouraged to create situations like this that are generally more fun for the crew as a whole than a bwoink and tempban. This is much less of a "punishment" than either of those, and generally mercy such as that is at admin discretion. Combining mercy like that with an IC situation is generally preferred. If being beaten to death once and then revived in medbay "ruins" your round, then this likely isn't a good game for you - as death can occur quite regularly. 

    Admin's are trusted with discretion of how to deal with the playerbase in IC or OOC manners for the most part, and given your conduct among the SS13 community, it seems the right call was made here with the response to greytiding and then the eventual ban. 

    As there's no misconduct here, I consider this resolved.

  14. Hi there, thank you for this complaint.

    In brief conversation with spark myself, and looking over his discussion with multiple admins afterwards over a few days, it appears as though your IC interactions led him to believe you were engaged with and having fun with the event. He believed you were having a good time with the event. He regrets that you did not have fun with it, as that was his intent, and wishes to pass on that he also really wishes you did ahelp or something, so he could know and adjust the event.

    Although you mentioned several times ICly that things are going a bit too far, to an admin any response ICly to an event like that generally shows engagement. Even distaste/horror/etc, if shown ICly, come from the character, and thus show you're OOCly showing interest and engagement with the event. Especially something like this, a character showing horror at what they're seeing just shows them reacting appropriately ICly. ICly, people scream things like "OH GOD MAKE IT STOP" when they're having fun OOCly,! It appears in this case, Spark interpreted your actions as being interested and having fun with the event.

    Especially with events like this (Excessively "gory", focused on one person, etc), OOC feedback is thus needed to determine if someone isn't having a good time. Ahelps, LOOC, discord, etc, can all be used for this. 

    As for the Tajaran death camp, that was Freurerland. I'm not sure at all what this has to do with the complaint.

    As there was no abuse of power or being a dick here, I consider the complaint side of this resolved. Feedback on events and discussion of them is welcome, and I invite you and any others involved in it to give feedback here so we can do better in the future. Feel free to ask questions about how to best ahelp/looc various things like this too.

  15. 36 minutes ago, Cole_Wilds said:

    We need to be able to break bread and have a genuine discussion on how the community feels, and what the community wants.

    Yes. That is exactly what I'm asking for.

    Genuine discussion is not possible if people aren't able to control their emotions and discuss things in a reasonable, and adult way. Hyperbole is not useful. Neither is passive aggressive comments, snark, and sarcasm.

    What "the community" wants seems to generally ignore all of "the community" members who disagree with whoever is talking about it at the time. These discussions seem dominated by a very few people, with very loud voices. Very rarely have I ever seen a poll get anywhere near the number of admins we have, let alone players in one round. To act like you have some form of "majority" is ridiculous.

    If someone gets so emotional about a videogame, that they're not going to have the decency to show courtesy and be reasonable when discussing things, then I have no interest in them being part of the community. Their opinion is irrelevant. We are not going to make decisions based on how people feel, or how strongly people feel about something. Even if it was somehow shown to be a majority of however you choose to define "the community", the decision in the end will be what the maintainers and admins think is best for the server. These are the people who have guided the server over 5 years to be the place that people are this invested in. Have some faith.

    If people wish to give feedback, criticism, alternative proposals, etc, then I gladly welcome that. It's incredibly helpful. @Norwest @Dinarzad and @Regular Joe are a few names I can think of who have made some excellent posts about these topics. These are great examples to look at some of the posts of, and the kind of feedback we're looking for.

    We won't lower ourselves to matching sarcasm with sarcasm. If you're going to scream and shout in an emotional rage, you'll be met with silence. We won't indulge salt.



    • Thanks 2
  16. The main issue here is the power increase to blueshields. The validhunting is a secondary thing

    Between the death alarms, weapons, and incredible trust they have (usually resulting in all access very early, and additional weapons from science, etc), they're already easily able to do their jobs. It's hard enough for a lone traitor to take out a head of staff without being caught - giving the blueshield something powerful like CQC, which can't be disarmed, is giving a large buff to a role that doesn't need it.


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