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Everything posted by necaladun

  1. I too would say that law 1 compels them to act, but the fact that purpose thinks otherwise is a good example of where confusion might arise. Additionally, I'm not sure about this as a standard lawset. To some extent it's a more extreme version of robocop, where the primary duty of the AI is security. Apart from basically doubling the chances of having an AI with that round, it would be very tough for any non-security borg to act under.
  2. One very large problem I forsee is with anything not covered by space law. Space carp, plasma fires, etc - the AI here would be under no obligation to help anyone but command shouting for help from them. Additionally - is this meant to replace robocop, or be an aditional lawset? Would AI be able to spawn with it, or would this only be an upload board?
  3. Lots of potential. It may even be possible to make it able to ship cargo between servers... Lots of work needed too, ofc.
  4. While a nice idea, no other maps have yet surfaced that are up to scratch and complete with our code. Metastation is the closest currently, but it still has a lot of work to be done, and even there's still huge amounts of design elements to look at.
  5. I think the idea here was personally doing it - so auto mute/demute at round start/end?
  6. I agree with everything SomeGuy says and can't think of a better way to put it
  7. Working as designed - medborgs are meant to rely on people with hands.
  8. ZN23X...that's a genius way of testing roles. Great idea, hope it gets used.
  9. Various rage cages have appeared regardless of population. Regardless of any other perceived problems, that doesn't mean some form of ruling wouldn't be helpful here. I'm kinda against having such specifics in the rules, due to the bloat it causes. Tully stabs me for it too. It might be more worth including in space law.
  10. Yeah some stuff to make it less...annoying work would be great. And so IT ACTUALLY GETS DONE SO I DON"T HAVE TO SCREAM AND ASK WHY SOMEONE IS BRIGGED FML. So +1.
  11. Rewarded for previous service to the silentfather, the ritual is invoked to gain a blessing. 2 Nuclear Operatives fell to his silent wrath.
  12. ERT + Puppy briefed before that fire. ...it was a bit late.
  13. I'd say have a icon for headset, SBR, intercom, or AI. That's all you should really be able to tell from sound.
  14. That's always been my headcanon tbh, otherwise it really makes no sense unless the station is a reality tv show or insane asylum.
  15. I'd say a few more points than metal because...wood is rarer in space, basically.
  16. I'd say open it with plans to discuss and finalize within another week. I haven't seen it used at all for quite awhile, tbh.
  17. Tazers use bluespace to bypass RIG protection...
  18. Porting TGs botany gives us a really good foundation to work with, the code side of it is much better and allows way more features. Now the tweaking can come into play - such as removing or changing growth serum.
  19. Just because code is from TG doesn't mean it doesn't fit the server. Outright removing something people are clearly having fun with isn't the right approach, especially so soon. New features are almost always overused while they're still new. I've seen very little use of the growth serum in the past few days. If 1.5x is still too much and out of place, then that's the argument you should be going with. I'm unsure if I support it as I've seen so little of it.
  20. Shift move...makes sense for sure. This would just be so great for so many things though that I'd love it to exist. Someone should just get a PR up for it ASAP and we can flesh out that shit there.
  21. I think this is a genius idea that I'm shocked has never been suggested before. Not being able to walk and talk is one of the biggest problems with ss13.
  22. Bridge and heads meeting room would be very useful, I agree. Good place for private chats and access to more donuts. I even remember them having it at one point. I think it was removed because of how often magi's were going in there and acting like members of command. Not sure if anyone can fill in my memory?
  23. Honestly, most of the trials would go like this: "I accuse him of being a changeling that murdered X with his arm blade. Here's the proof." "FUCK YOU SHITCURITY" "Yeah execute him". Etc. It's really rare a trial is needed, and most people demanding them are for 10 minute sentences.
  24. This very much makes magistrate a defacto member of command, which is not the intent.
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