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Everything posted by necaladun

  1. Vampires are bluespace creatures who phase shift when in mist form.
  2. The problem with the old way of getting genomes was that that's 8 people removed from the round for good usually, so it's pretty murderboney and salt inducing. With 5 changlings, that's a lot of murderbone. That's not too bad per se, but I think changelings should focus more on infiltration and impersonation than combat.
  3. Karma is not intended to balance races at all. It's meant moreso to make the races rarer (Which, with the inflation since it was brought in, could possibly stand to be tweaked). A lot of the karma races would also be quite confusing for newer players - IPC and Vox are good examples there, a new player could easily kill themselves as a vox with a wrong click.
  4. Agree that the genome objective is useless due to the sting - could be something more interesting. Vampires are blood dependent. Anything with access to humanized monkeys is insanely more powerful than any other job for them. This really feels completely against he spirit and the point of vampires. It should only be living sentient mobs (ie, players) due to them needing...soul energy...or something.
  5. On the first point: Antags are not allowed given free pass to murder everyone on sight. If you think something broke that, ahelp/playercomplaint. As for traitors taking each other out lore wise - the syndicate is not one organisation, but a variety of groups, including people working for NT. They aren't all co-ordinated by the same people, and the syndicate often want their own agents taken out to punish them for past failures or mistakes. Traitors betraying each other makes for some great RP and unexpected excitement. I see a lot of changlings get killed, I would not say they almost always get away with what they do. Wizards are meant to be a challenge for the entire crew. Disintergrate is not actually that dangerous compared to some of their nastier tricks.
  6. necaladun


    True, but making SR too hard would make some races incredibly sucky to play. That's the cost of playing said race. Those races were made like that before SR existed, IIRC. It was intended that they can't be revived.
  7. Novus Lem references a real person - I really don't like the idea of a rule that bans the names of a bunch of the very first characters ever on the server. I wouldn't want to be the admin fielding the ahelps of "Jaden Jackson references both Jaden Smith AND Michael Jackson so can I kill him?!!?!?". As for "people real and fictional" - does that mean I can reference fictional and real non-people, such as AI's, robots, animals, and companies? And when it comes down to referencing fictional people - where do you draw the line? Movies? Video games? Books? Fan Fiction?
  8. I think it'd work well. The NT rep can send IAA off to...do stuff. One problem is the alt titles of IAA - public defender, for instance, isn't really under their purview. Anyway, I think it could be improved nicely. Maybe even move the NT rep/iaa/magis office to be next to each other.
  9. On reddit at least, as well as on the discord, ive talked about it a lot. Annoying amounts actually. Pretty much everyone is in agreement that stronger naming rules would benefit the rp environment Now, find where to draw the line, and concisely write that as a rule. Survive the nitpicks and salt and arguments and get something near a consensus and its got a damn good chance of passing. Complaining is easy. Change is hard.
  10. Which naming rule exactly did you want to bring back? The problem with them has always been specific wording and getting people to agree on it.
  11. Doukans suggestion a delaynfor opening them by hand would work well, especially if they autoclose soon after. If only crowbar, then pulling fire alarms randomly would get wayyy more annoying.
  12. I still get the message...sometimes. I think when you click on it with an item that's not an ID card or crowbar? Possibly also when the air alarms are active (rather than just the fire alarm).
  13. I once lost out my greentext just so I could beat to death someone who opened a firelock in an area I was repairing. This is a pet peeve of mine. At the very least, atmos should be able to lock them (swipe ID on them?) or the like.
  14. I pretty much agree with Shadey there, but reading the DF wiki makes me think we could include humour and joke pages easily just with their own little header to make it clear to new players.
  15. This is such a niche thing I don't think I've ever seen it happen. I'd have no problem personally with you wiping core (which is basically suicide for AIs) after you have warned them you can't AI, and justify it with a WARNING FILES CORRUPTED or the like. An ahelp first goes a long way. AI is easily the hardest, most complex job on the station - don't feel bad about not being able to do it well (yet)!
  16. I'd like to see being drunk make you randomly PDA people telling you how much you love them.
  17. Paradise now enforces furry only shifts!
  18. That's kinda genius. No admin intervention needed (unless it's against sec). Makes sense in the context. Gives the detective more work. My main problem is the meta aspect. People will know that 99/100 times the victim is telling the truth.
  19. This used to be a thing, and was removed for good reason...like some idiot messaging security with size 72 red font of 'NAR SIE HAS RISEN" whenever he was caught. Great distraction to make a getaway though.
  20. Episode 9 came on tonight. I'll watch it tomorrow on HBO GO. Law 0: Doors don't look like anything to you. "AI OPEN DOOR" "What door?"
  21. These violent delights have violent ends.
  22. Very much this, too. Then hitting them 20x in the head with a toolbox is not self defence, either.
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