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Posts posted by necaladun

  1. Quote

    As a general rule, anything more sexualized than kissing and hugging is considered ERP. We obviously cannot list all the fetishes that exist here, so please use common sense. Administrators may ask you to stop anything they feel is borderline, in which case you are to stop at once;

    Grabbing your genitals would be considered "more sexualized than kissing and hugging". Given the context I see in the logs here, it seems the intent was more a joke about your junk, rather than anything actually erotic. However, out of context (which is how admins generally see things, as they're not following every player all the time), it def appears as a prelude to more dodgy things. The "ayyy" at the end especially shows a rather memey approach to it, which often is a prelude to emotes etc that are well over the border.

    I see nothing wrong with an admin asking you not to start with sex talk. As per the rule quoted above, admins may ask you to stop something they think is borderline. No punishment was actually given here, which would have occurred if it was considered over the border. The phrasing of the request seems polite to me, not at all jumping down your throat. Everything here seems in line with rule 12. We err on the side of caution when it comes to sexual content. The odd innuendo is fine, although I think grabbing your crotch is the exact opposite of tasteful. As the rules say, innuendo is only allowed to a certain extent. Emoting grabbing your genitals goes a bit beyond innuendo, and rather than being hinting or suggesting at things, is a direct prelude to masturbation. An admin asking you to tone that down is more than reasonable in this case.


    As the complaint is considered without merit, I've marked it as resolved.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Pennwick said:

    It would also make sense for agents to be on board during shadowling, blob, and cult rounds. However we don't have them for balance reasons.

    Claiming it's impossible to have a traitor onboard because there's a cult/slings/etc is a great way to get an admin to spawn a traitor with you as the target ?



  3. 52 minutes ago, davidchan said:


    Very much the case. A good team of robust people working together is worth 100s of TCs worth of gear. Huge amounts of fluke ops fail because someone couldn't even make it to the station without dying.


    As with wizard and other rare antag modes, getting experience with nuke ops is incredibly different. VR would be fantastic for that, as is just running various training events so people can get the basics of how to use jetpack etc. 

  4. The Law of Fives is one of the oldest Erisian Mysterees. It was first revealed to Good Lord Omar and is one of the great contributions to come from The Hidden Temple of The Happy Jesus.

    POEE subscribes to the Law of Fives of Omar's sect. And POEE also recognizes the holy 23 (2+3=5) that is incorporated by Episkopos Dr. Mordecai Malignatus, KNS, into his Discordian sect, The Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria.


    The Law of Fives is never wrong.

  5. Something to remember here is that IPCs are just one race among many.

    When a system like genetics, or IPC only chems, is added, it means there's a bunch of code unique to said race. This generally means that, in the code, there has to be a check to see what race someone is every time said system is used - whether it's every time they take a drink, or are put in a genetics machine, etc.

    This makes extra work every time a system touches them. It could be surgery, virology, chemicals, etc. A coder now has to factor IPCs in to these and then make sure the code does or doesn't affect them in the way it's intended to. 

    IPCs are already a headache for this. Now imagine if we made every race have unique chemicals/genetics/etc. That'd increase the amount of coding work needed to be done for trivial things immensely. What could normally be done in 3-5 lines of code would be multiplied by the number of races we have. On top of that, the amount of potential bugs skyrockets. Then there's trying to work out the balance impacts.

    If possible, this can be somewhat mitigated by moving some of the handling to organs and other places. Skrell livers are a good example of this. 

    However, IPCs already have way more unique code and mechanics around them than any other race. Possibly more than every other race combined.  Adding more complexity and headaches to the code for one race that is already full to the brim with snowflaked mechanics just generally is not a good idea. If we were to give the same level of complexity to every race that IPCs have already got, the code would be an even worse clusterfuck to deal with. 

    Changing already existing mechanics is easy and doesn't increase complexity. Simple damage multipliers, etc, are quite easy. Things like adding oil are actually bringing them more back in line with other races, and IIRC the code that did so made it easier to make any race have alternate blood, or take different damage from blood loss. 

    But an entire genetics/upgrade system would be a hell of a lot of work and complexity, that would only be added to one race, while making the overall code for all of genetics/etc much harder to deal with for everything else. 


    • Like 1
  6. I see no wrongdoing on DaDman's part here. An antag and sci ban is quite appropriate. If you wish to appeal the ban, there is a board for that. Maxcapping a single assassination target, especially in such a public area, isn't allowed. 

    I do have a few issues here though:

    On 11/7/2018 at 9:24 PM, Xantholne said:

    I was forced to used an explosive to take them out.

    No, you weren't. No one was forcing you to do anything, and you had multiple other options - whether emagging in, pretending you want to get borged to get in, using a small explosive in genetics maint, subverting the AI...these are just off the top of my head. I don't buy at once you were "forced" to use explosives.

    On 11/7/2018 at 9:24 PM, Xantholne said:

    As dadman said, I could limit myself and do things like other traitors, but there didn't seem to be a point in limiting myself to not use tools at my disposal.

    The reason would be "the rules". We don't want people maxcapping single targets. The other point to limiting yourself would be "other people's enjoyment". This is something you really should be able to understand.

    On 11/7/2018 at 9:24 PM, Xantholne said:

    My record for the last 2 years has been very clean up until now

    Very clean is "no notes". Your record is not very clean. 


    As there's no wrongdoing here, and nothing excessive about the punishment, this requires no action. Moving to resolved. You're free to appeal it, although I'd avoid saying you were "forced" to use explosives.

  7. 38 minutes ago, Allfd said:

    If people don't want to get banned for trivial things on the shuttle, everyone needs to start chilling out on the shuttle. 

    This is really the crux of it - it is simply solved by not clicking on people for a few minutes. 

    Alffd sums up the rest of why shuttle grief is an annoying issue as it is, but I'd just like to re-iterate how the timing can be awful. Trying to PM multiple players in a few minutes is just awful - you have to keep track of 3 different conversations, 3 different incidents/logs, all on a time limit. Some people won't message back at all, some will ask questions/require a conversation, etc. Hopefully nothing else will happen in this time you need to stop, or at least investigate. 

    This could all simply be solved by people not acting like 5 year olds hyped up on caffeine for just a few minutes. Even without actual attack logs, people are constantly pushing boundaries - slipping on peels, breaking into the bridge, and in general acting in a manner to piss other people off for their own amusement.

    In general a "3 attack logs" rule would be a bad one, but having some rounds where peace is heavily enforced on the shuttle is a good thing. I normally go with a dayban, then escalate it with a second announcement and two day ban if it's getting bad.


    Oh you replied while I'm writing, let me get a few points if I can:

    6 minutes ago, Birdtalon said:

    Is this potentially something which can be dealt with through code? If it's an issue then now is a time to brainstorm some ideas to make it easier for admins to deal with genuine shuttle grief.

    Code is fine, the issue is reading and parsing all the logs, while talking to people about them and trying to parse context. If we're doing it next round, then we have to remember who is who and who did what, and hope they're logged in. 

    8 minutes ago, Birdtalon said:

    If this is an issue then it needs to be looked at from a code perspective. Something I've always been happy to help with. Admins rarely talk about how the tools work for them (or not) so us contributors rarely touch any admin tools. I'm one of the few modern non-admin contributors that's done anything with trying to improve admin tools with the ticket system and even then getting feedback is rare.

    Will make a post on admin forums for feedback collection and that and pass it on.

    In general, it's hard to know what admin tools could be better without seeing them. Newer mins might be best to talk to - I'm more set in my ways and used to having to download the -entire days logs- in a txt file just to read 1 attack log, so to me these "modern" tools just seem a blessing. 

    9 minutes ago, Birdtalon said:

    policy gives players no freedom to defend themselves


    11 minutes ago, Birdtalon said:

    Shockpoint's announcement in this particular case makes no mention of self defence whatsoever. 

    To defend themselves violently. Running away is really a good option, especially when it's a crowded shuttle. If said announcement has been made, just run until they fall SSD.

    Part of the reason for this is it's impossible to easily tell what is and isn't self defence, as per the context problems above, but also appropriate self defence. It often takes multiple messages back and forth between players to get an idea of the context, and then a few more messages to explain why it was excessive of them to beat someone half to death because they were hit by a banana once. 

    The simplest solution here is to just...not. There's no real need to hugely defend yourself OOCly either - if you are beaten to death, the round ends in a few minutes anyway. 


    Really, this whole situation isn't optimal. Every case should be investigated through logs, discussed with the players involved, as well as any witnesses. We should go over the persons previous notes and bans, all the facts, then make a judgement call. If that takes say, 5 minutes for each case, then 6 people hitting someone on the shuttle might take up a half hour of the admins time. This...just isn't workable. Ultimately I'd like every case to get maximal admin attention, but the real life situation is a balancing act. When it comes to things like shuttle grief, I'm all for cracking down on the general attitude of RDM. 

  8. I'm unsure what the issue here is. It appears you killed an SSD person, something against the rules. You got a temp antag ban for it - something incredibly light given your huge amount of previous notes and bans.

    The only feedback I could personally give here is that it seems like too short a ban, considering your history.

  9. 53 minutes ago, Pennwick said:

    Being as fragile as a Vox and Kidan put together

    That...kinda evens out actually ? Vox take more brute, kidan take less.

    26 minutes ago, Maniacal Pineapple said:

    .ehh i'd rather sparkle or something and not leave oil everywhere

    (not a coder) might be possible -but- I know there have been some issues with sparks and the lighting with them, which iirc was recently changed.

    Oil is replaceable remember, and there are tanks of it in robotics now for a quick refill!

    • Like 1
  10. 43 minutes ago, Splgrk said:

    because no one could figure out how to fix an IPC

    Once people work this out, this isn't something that'll occur. New systems take time to adjust.

    44 minutes ago, Splgrk said:


    You are not an IPC. Don't take it personally. We didn't nerf "you". A race in a video game was tweaked. No one is forcing you to play them, there are many options!

    44 minutes ago, Splgrk said:

    our main advantage, that we were easy to fix

    And are immune to viruses, most chems, N2O, toxin damage, vampire sucking, changling DNA stuff They were also immune to bleeding, which now they're not completely immune to.


    So why exactly did IPCs have to be nerfed massively?

    A large reason was to stop them being stuck in hardcrit in limbo. Bleeding can be fixed with a welding torch - much easier than fixing bleeding on anyone else (especially internal!), and they only take stamina damage from bleeding as opposed to o2 damage.

    This is far from a "massive nerf".

    • Like 1
  11. We've discussed persistent economy many times, and there are some huge issues that are in the way of it ever occurring:


    1: If money can give any form of in game advantage, than a persistent economy means that older players get more advantage, making things even harder on new players, in a game that's already hard on them

    2: If it can't give any form of in game advantage, it becomes kinda useless and just there for looks

    3: In the case of crashes, grief, etc, how people will be reimbursed etc for their money needs to be looked at. If the consequences of grief can now impact people over multiple rounds, it will hugely encourage said grief. Crashes and other bugs are annoying to deal with, but if they had repercussions for people over multiple rounds, it would be huge amounts more work for admins. People already get angry enough about crashes and grief - having long term repercussions would make this 10x worth.

    4: Meta - both grudging and friends. If you're able to rob people, then targeting them over multiple shifts etc becomes a lot more of an issue with long term consequences, and friends giving each other money etc becomes an issue - especially because of how annoying that would be to track. 

    5: Antags. If I'm an antag HoP, can I rob station accounts for myself, and then benefit from that the next round?  And a host of other problems involving antags...

    6: Self-Antagging - is stealing $10 as a non antag ok? $20? $1,000,000?


    These are just a few of the things that have come up. 

    All in all, SS13 and Paradise haven't been written in such a way that anything is persistent beyond the library, and to make such a change would be huge amount of work, that would also increase the current workload for admins, and make any future PRs with an impact on the economy incredibly touchy subjects.


    I'd much prefer if we look at making credits more useful and harder to get, before we look at any form of ability to take them from one round to the next. That would need to be done anyway, so should be done first. 

    • Like 4
  12. 2 minutes ago, bryanayalalugo said:

    What about the ability on the key being able to listen into other channels?

    That's something we'll be looking into for sure, especially regarding command - likely the HoS/Cap's discretion, and/or the HoS to be the one to use it

    5 minutes ago, bryanayalalugo said:

    I doubt command/the other departments wants them to be listening to their important discussions/department related discussion.

    I don't see this as an issue for other channels unless they're talking about how to best raid the armoury, in which case...why they're doing that on open comms that the AI and Captain can hear is stupid. 

    2 minutes ago, bryanayalalugo said:

    And what about alert levels? Can they just still have said item if it's green, blue, or red? In green, it makes no sense for them to have it, and it goes against with the implied "privacy laws".

    If they have the key, then there's confirmed syndicate activity aboard the station. If anyone else is talking on the channel, then it confirms other agents are on board, so it shouldn't be green.


    As for privacy laws - they don't exist. 

  13. 5 hours ago, Mikierpg said:

    Would it be abuse of evidence to send confiscated equipment to science (in the hands of a security officer) and have them deconstructed for research? i feel that OOC'ly there isn't much of a reason not too, and IC'ly we are THE research station in this sector. NT wants us to research so if we find a rare syndie tech item than wouldn't it make sense to research it?

    Protocol is to fax NT.  Evidence needs to be kept as evidence (assume it's so that NT can do further investigation after the shift).


    Although it'd make sense if all evidence was to be brought to CC at the end of the shift, I'd be hesitant to force sec to bring a bunch of dangerous gear on the shuttle.

  14. 27 minutes ago, Kryson said:

    Isn't the key S-class contraband that carries a permanent imprisonment sentence? It's not an directly harmful item and could easily be reclassified as C-contraband.

    The idea behind these is mainly that, if someone is found with them, then it means they're a traitor 99% of the time. The actual harm is secondary here. The main reasoning behind those was that, if sec catch someone with them, then they know you're an EoC - at least OOCly. Hence non-S class stuff (mostly) being things that could, potentially, be found as maint loot. 

    We haven't changed much of that for quite awhile, and it really could use an overall review and some items shuffled around.

  15. 4 minutes ago, davidchan said:

    And you're completely ignoring that if you open the door the for one exception there is a dozen others that are just waiting to get their foot in the door.

    And each will be judged on their own merits. 

    5 minutes ago, davidchan said:

    Encryption keys are explicitly labeled as dangerous contraband

    That can be easily changed. The labeling there is to do with sentencing for people being caught with them, and whether or not the item could be found in maint. The label itself doesn't actually make it dangerous - you'd be hard pressed to kill anyone with an encryption key.  We can of course look at moving it off of S class, making a new class for "acceptable with captain permission", etc.

    7 minutes ago, davidchan said:

    Anything on the S class list, under no circumstances, should be acceptable for any loyal NT crew to use, security or otherwise.

    The idea of it not being acceptable to pick up the revolver/esword/etc that a syndicate just dropped when stunned to use against him is frankly ludicrous. It should be utterly acceptable to use a singulo beacon to stop a loose singulo from destroying the station. And again - we can just move the key (or other things) out of S class.

    S class simply means that, if caught with it, you can be considered EoC. 

    You've made some strong statements about what should or shouldn't be acceptable, but not the reasoning behind it. Why should something that's S class never be able to be used by any loyal crew? 

    • Like 1
  16. Just now, davidchan said:

    And I garuntee you sec will argue since they are allowed to use SyndiKeys anyways there is no IC reason they should be prevented from getting their hands upon them when the opportunity arises.

    Admins are used to players arguing many things. Currently they could already argue there is no IC reason they should be prevented from using syndicate comms as it is. 

    1 minute ago, davidchan said:

    Slippery slope.

    Again, if we allow slippery slope arguments to sway us, next we'll be allowing ad-hominem arguments to sway us. 

    2 minutes ago, davidchan said:

    You absolutely need to adjust space law/contraband values if security is allowed to use "Dangerous Contraband" they find that carries a 10-15 minute brig sentence for any non-sec crew caught with it

    Not sure what you mean by values here? 

    Currently sec can already use things that normal crew get a brig sentence for having, such as...pretty much all sec gear.

  17. 1 minute ago, davidchan said:

    Boss we caught some inexperienced agent trying to kill someone with an e-sword. Oh hey he left his PDA unlocked, he's got 12 TC left. Guess we'll just buy 6 encryption keys and arm security with contrand!


    4 hours ago, ID404NotFound said:

    if sec finds an open uplink on a caught traitor (which happens pretty damn often) is it abuse of confiscated equipment to order a bunch of syndi keys?

    That'd still fall under abuse of confiscated equipment - namely the uplink itself.


    (ICly, I'd assume that NT want the uplink with all the TC in it for their own purposes).

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