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Everything posted by necaladun

  1. There's a pull request ATM tweaking all ethanol versions, with the coders arguing heavily over the exact values as normal, so quite likely to have some form of tweak soon. Then we can all argue about it not being quite right and start the cycle anew.
  2. I'm very much in favour of neutral/negative traits as options, I think it would add for some great variety. Positive ones I'm iffy about, but as long as they're minor, I think would be fine to add. I'm not 100% on the exact examples you have, but w/e, I get the idea of it and would love to see something like that.
  3. Very, very, very against these as a random thing. Cursing people with these is not only harsh but can ruin peoples ideas for a character. If I want to play a champion sprinter, it'd be ruined by the two left feet trait, for instance. The idea of a single selectable positive trait I'm interested in though, as long as it's minor (10% faster construction, 1 extra unarmed damage), to give some flavour etc.
  4. Not just on who the admin is, but what they're up to, how the round is going, etc. If it's been quiet for an hour, I'll be more likely to give some out. If the shuttle docks in 5s and escape is in flames, don't count on it. Also don't count on it if I haven't had enough coffee/are busy with other stuff etc. But there's no harm in trying, just don't spam us
  5. I could have sworn you could wrench it at at least ONE point. I agree with making nearly everything de-constructable.
  6. I'd like to and have been meaning to have changling, traitor, and vampire all mixed up together. The main problem with wiz/malf/blob is that the round ends when they die - which some have argued against, but atm would be very disappointing for the other antags, and has balance issues with it as well - these antags may be easily taken out by the powers of other ones.
  7. Barber: Running with scissors should be considered a workplace hazard.
  8. Bartender should be clarified to say they can't possess lethal rounds, rather than request them.
  9. While interesting, and perhaps something we'll look at in future, the extent of this for a start is way too much. Even the ability to read faxes has huge potentials for metagaming power. The ability to lead ERT, reply to faxes, etc, is something that has a decent level of power beyond what trialmins have right now. While we might be interested in a very minor version of this in the future, I can't see it happening any time soon.
  10. As Regen said - we want to avoid respawn NPCs having any real power at all whatsoever.
  11. Foreword: Job SOP should not be a considered a checklist of conditions to fire someone over, and should not be rigidly followed to the letter in detriment of circumstances and context. As always, SOP can be malleable if the situation so requires, and the decision to punish a crewmember for breaching it ultimately falls onto the relevant Head of Staff, for Department Members, or Captain, for the Head of Staff. These are meant to be workplace guidelines of how to do your job. Changling abduction really breaks the "Standard" part of SoP.
  12. I like it in theory, but to flesh out exactly how it'd work would be complex. Apart from the coding side (pretty sure its doable), there's stuff like counting in job bans, if it would increase your chance if you aren't signed up to the specific antag type, abuse potential, etc. All in all it sounds a bit too complex for something that isn't broken.
  13. I agree heavily there, the outpost atm really only serves to function as a base for antags. The same could be said for the engi outpost, but I see the sci outpost used a lot more for it, and it is vastly more useful with the various things there like the sleeper. It'd be great for sci to have some off-site testing facility for the more dangerous things for sure, but being on another Z level entirely means it's far too private, hidden, and hard to access for others, making it perfect for antags, which was not the intent. The intent was for xenoarch, which if it no longer exists, means it has no purpose except for antags.
  14. Looks good. Here in aus a 'standard drink' is a 0.75ml of pure ethanol, so a 30ml shot of whiskey. Those numbers there look like a good threshhold for people to be able to choose their drunkness, and not throw up from a single beer.
  15. One problem with science's power is the ability to access everything: R&D, Outpost, Toxins, Chem Lab, Xenobio. I think breaking scientist back up into multiple jobs would severely restrict and nerf the power of any individual scientist without nerfing the department as a whole. Of course, RD traitors will still be very powerful, but you won't have to worry about 1 individual scientist stocking up on toxins bombs, chemsprays and healing chems, printing out a bunch of things, then going over to the outpost.
  16. I've found this a lot, you're much better going to the HoP and hoping someone needs help. Becoming a medbay/engi/sci assistant is a great way to learn without the responsibility/expectation of doing the job properly.
  17. +1 I've made it headcanon that NT are using methanol and other cheap crap, but it's stupid that I can barely talk because I drunk 1 beer.
  18. One of the problems here is people seem to think "I found it in the gateway!" means it's now legal to have an illegal weapon. I do agree that it's location is a problem, whether it's for the clown jumping through it, or antags using it to hide out. People seem very entitled to use it and can scream bloody murder if you don't let them - the idea of moving it would most likely get the same reactions. I really, really, don't like the idea of making gateway explorer an official job at all, because of such entitlement, and for taking away from the roundtype and station. Technically it is a serious crime to break into the gateway, but it's -very- hard to catch anyone (since they've gone through the gateway). (Personally I don't think it really adds much, and in fact takes away from the station and the current round type, and we'd be better off without it.)
  19. True, asking the AI kinda covers it to. But just seems to me an...SoP way of doing things. "All crew: Botany is breached. Do not enter botany!" Kinda like a wet floor sign. But for a lack of air. Somethingsomething engineering tape?
  20. Regulations on leaving the pa too high and unattended (esp with the sing!). Regulations on the sing in general - can I run a stage 4? Engineers hacking to gain emergency enterance should be required to announce it. Requirements for atmos to proclaim an area unsafe. And ofc, don't piss off David buck.
  21. I will save you all some time - this won't be happening.
  22. Honestly medical is easier than it ever has been, with defibs, upgrades, faster surgery, etc. I don't like the idea of removing stuff like this, although making it clearer to new players how and why it happens and how to fix it would be nice. And while I'm at it, fever making a bit more sense. If someone is 70c, id expect them to be dead.
  23. necaladun


    Birds...metamorphis was amazing and I love that there is art for it to be remembered by.
  24. Wow, I really like this, much buffer!
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