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Retired Admins
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Everything posted by necaladun

  1. Compared to what comes from the player base, I'd say the admins are a good 200% nicer than what they receive. No admin, to my knowledge, has ever made a death, rape, or suicide threat to a player. Now, telling people to "fuck off" may not be the most professional or nicest thing an admin could say, but it is quite rare. For every time it happens, there are at least 10x as many occasions where it is deserved that it doesn't happen. If this were a company which you which the players were paying customers of, then it'd never be acceptable. But in this case, the admins are human beings being payed in gratitude, not cash. Sometimes they'll reach the ends of their leashes and tell people to fuck off. Quite often, they'll be told not to do so by other admin. This isn't such a company. This is a private server run for a game, in which we're trying to create a community of people we'd like to game with. And in this case, sometimes there are no better words to use then "Fuck off.". When you see a ban reason of "threatening someone in LOOC", it doesn't actually matter if they could carry through with the threats or not. If someone was to say in LOOC "I will fuck you with a cactus via TCP/IP", they'd be spoken to and likely banned, regardless of the complete impossibility (I hope) of the act. It's not about protecting people from being fucked with a cactus, it's about removing people from the server that aren't welcome here. If you want to play on a server where people are allowed to threaten each other in LOOC, I suggest another server. Sometimes such people get the hint quickly, and apologise. Othertimes, they talk about fucking your mother and are quickly banned. Othertimes, they insist they have the right to free speech, and argue endlessly. The first two instances are easily dealt with. When it comes to the third, sometimes instead of carrying on the debate, the admin who is dealing with multiple other things in the round, is stressed and not in the mood to debate with an entilted man child, and is trying to actually enjoy SS13, may tell them to fuck off. Don't get me wrong - I'd love people in this community to be nicer. I'd love if none of the staff had ever been threatened with rape. I'd love to have staff who were immune to such threats and a torrent of abuse that would make a sailor blush. But they're human, and a small % of the people who log in are sub-human. So occasionally, they'll be told in terms that are utterly clear to the most foul-mouthed teenager that they're not welcome.
  2. Roughly two years ago, when I was an admin on bRP, I had a massive go at a player for starting fires due to the lag they caused. A discussion with this player about how that shouldn't be the case caused me to gain an interest in his code. This was back when ZAS was the only real game in town, and back then a simple fire could bring the server to a halt. Now, atmos is easily in the best place it has ever been. Whats capable now without bringing the server to a grinding halt is amazing compared to only two years ago. It's obviously far from perfect, but for sheer playability, it is utterly amazing. Breaking a window in escape doesn't lag everyone, and firing a dragonsbreath round doesn't kill everyone in the room. Optimizations and improvements are an ongoing thing, and there will always be a balance between function and CPU-Cycles - something which the players very rarely see, but the admin are all too aware of. The most functional and realistic atmospheric system is not the best, nor is the most optimized. It's up to the admin team to try to choose a balance between the two. And what we have now is lightyears ahead of what existed when we started. It seems to me here that there is a lot of argument between the theory and the practical side of things. There is a huge difference between test servers and running a live server when it comes to CPU usage and lag. The maintainers are the most experienced with running a live server here, and are doing what they can to get the best solution. Atmospheric code does not exist in a vacuum. (huehuehue). The CPU cost has to be balanced with the CPU costs of -everything- else, and this is something the maintainers have in mind. They're thinking of it balanced with everything else in not just the game, but the server itself. And as I said, they're people with years of experience in running and optimizing the code of Paradise. Now, as I have the opportunity to speak as a player and member of the community rather than the admin team for once, I'll do it. It'd go a long way to show a little bit of respect to the people who have spent literally years optimizing the code to the point where a small fire doesn't lag the entire server to oblivion. And maybe listen to them because they know what they're talking about, instead of the passive-aggressive bullshit I've seen here.
  3. http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Unwritten_Rules Hasn't been touched for about a year though.
  4. I don't want people to be able to know who my characters are or if I'm online unless I want them to know.
  5. Oh, I think yours are plenty short. I've just seen a few too many times where people add a law that is 4-10 lines long, with lots of AND/IF/OR statements in there, and had the AI player adminhelp for clarification. Extra lolz if there are typos in there. Congratulations! You are now the only crwemeember
  6. While 4th laws cannot override the first 3, they can however redefine them. E.g: Law 4: Only the Clown is crew. Law 4: Harm is an island off the coast of Spain. Do not allow the crew to come to harm. Law 5: Nothing is more expensive than cloning. Etc. Additionally, try to keep the laws short and succinct. If you upload a paragraph long set of laws, expect the AI to take some time processing this (As in, reading it to work it out, and possibly discussing it with admins in ahelp). The simpler you keep it, generally the better.
  7. This will be in there, along these lines: Murder victims are to be cloned ASAP, investigation/autopsy on the dead body afterwards. Prisoners get treatment if it is required to save their life ASAP. Non-Critical treatment is basically at the warden's discretion - you don't get to demand a trip to medbay for burning your hand on the lightbulb in the cell. The timer remains running while you're being treated. Attempting escape while being treated means your timer is reset when you're returned to your cell. (With additional time if you attacked medbay staff etc). If you're going to be executed, then medical care is unneccesarry but may be done for humane reasons at the HoS/Captains discretion. Permabrigged people get life-saving medical care ASAP, and get non-critical healing at a priority beneath the rest of the crew.
  8. As part of a plan to overhaul SoP and space law, I've started by adding SoP to each security job's pages. Although not immediate grounds for a job ban, violation can be grounds for being fired, and repeatedly being fired from your job comes under rule 3. Feel free to fix any typos on the page yourself. If you disagree with particulars, please post here so I can fix them up.
  9. Because that'd make them basically immortal, as toxin/O2 they can't (ok can but not meant to) take damage from, need very little surgery, and thus could bypass a huge amount of challenges/problems by just repairing themselves constantly. It'd make more sense if they couldn't repair their torso/head, but could do their limbs, to match with other cybernetics though
  10. Medbay really isn't supposed to deal much either either IPCs or Robotic limbs. Ideally, we would have the full overhaul of roobitcs into cybernetics as an inbetween, but it doesn't look like this has happened. Adding more ability for medbay to deal with these things adds more expectation for medbay to deal with these things. Expecting medbay players to know all the chems, surgeries, damage types, genetics, and viruses is a huge ask - let alone a whole different set of things for IPCs. All in all, I think a better bet is to encourage robotics to fix IPCs more, and have the tools to do so at their disposal. For just panelbeating, finding a friendly engineer - or even greytider with a loaded toolbox - is really all that's needed.
  11. ...Stupidly I had never considered that. I'll add something because of that.
  12. This is done for ease of what people are used to. Space law has always referred to assault as "To use physical force against someone without the apparent intent to kill them." Assault is a more commonly known term - we're going by more of the dictionary definition than the common law definition here.
  13. Kidnapping has been added. This is more "job-ban" worthy. False Witness: Intentionally lying to cause another to be brigged results in the brig time of the charge the original person was brigged for. 102 - minor assault. Officers just making shit up and arresting people for things they didn't do is utter shitcurity, and should be ahelped. Officers arresting people for things that aren't a crime are complete shitcurity, and should be ahelped.
  14. Again, all of these are way too subjective and open to differing interpretation. Crimes need a clear line to cross that the person doing it -knows- they have crossed. It shouldn't be up to the warden/magistrate to deem whether or not it is a crime. Either it is or it isn't. It should not be up to them to try to determine. To abuse your position, you either do so by committing a crime - which is a crime in itself - or you don't. What consists of abuse of a position needs to be able to clearly be defined in 2-3 sentences. These definitions to not. El - Harassment is subjective. If what they're doing is illegal, then it's illegal and they can be punished. If it's not, then it shouldn't be punished. There is no definition here as to what constitutes harassment or not. Again, to clarify - Crimes need to be able to be simply and easily defined within a few sentences, and NOT open to interpretation. Murder, assault, theft, kidnapping, sabotage, are all quite clear.
  15. I don't see why this needs to exist. If someone is trying to be helpful and it causes a criminal to get away, brigging them (especially for 5 minutes) just makes things harder. Better covered under SoP - if they can't be trusted with the tools of their position, they should be demoted. Nor will it ever be an offence to stay just shy of crossing the law - either if it's an offence, or it's not. A "catch-all" clause like that is way to open to abuse. The intent here is to instead make crimes out of things that were technically legal but shouldn't be - like identity theft. A restraining order or injunction might be useful for repeated harassment, but this ideally will also be covered by SoP and demotion grounds. Repeatedly harassing a co-worker is grounds for being fired.
  16. I'd like to avoid anything with "excessive" etc in the description - what is or isn't excessive is very very subjective. All the laws should be clear not just for sec, but for crew. It should be obvious when you're breaking a law. Unlawful Obstruction - mostly covered by aiding and abetting Abuse of position - the use of a weapon is covered under assault Excessive Inconvenience - again, subjective. Is slipping someone twice? four times? 10? These things need clear guidelines. Repeated vandalism is covered by vandalism. Wasting Security Time - This is just way too likely to be used by shitcurity. Something for illegally gaining access/giving it out might be good - the classic is using the HoP's ID when it's left in the machine.
  17. Added Kidnapping: Kidnapping - 312 The unlawful taking away or transportation of a person against that person's will, usually to hold the person unlawfully. This is in addition to any assault charges. Taking someone out of an area they are trespassing in is not kidnapping. Welding them into a locker and leaving them in maint however, is.
  18. The plan is for a detailed list of things for each job. Failure to do your job is standard in any of those - generally job bannable too - but obviously not if your patient is actively attacking you. Again, it won't be illegal, but it will be grounds for firing, demotion or probation. IAA, the nt rep and hop will be able to help judge niche cases where there is argument it's not a legitimate grounds for dismissal.
  19. Neglect of duty is planned to be handled in sop changes, which will have specific guidelines on what people can be fired for for each job. Refusing to set up the engine when ordered to, etc, would be grounds for firing. Refusing to hand in your id/gear is then theft.
  20. Theft and trespass have not been changed. The only difference is 5 minutes less for the assault, as a disarm is no longer a medium crime. I don't see at all how that situation would occur because of the changes here. Assault covered any use of physical force previously. But yes, trespass and theft are crimes, I haven't changed that nor do I plan to remove it. Head revs are guilty of mutiny, as stated under loyalty implants. Vampires and lings are to be permad unless they escape or have murdered. Solitary is a good start there. Welding vents etc will be needed for lings, holy water for vamps with enough blood. Shadowlings aren't in rotation - partially because there is no way to deconvert yet. If execution of thralls is the only way to stop ascension then that should be added, but until shadowling is ready to go live there is no real need for that.
  21. Exactly why I posted here Kidnapping generally is covered by assault, but it makes sense to have extra charges there! Any suggestions for wording/level of crime/etc?
  22. Over the next few days/weeks I will be looking at overhauling space law and SoP. Here is a sample to the Space Law changes. I want to bring all of them in at once to avoid confusion and a constantly changing space law. http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Space_law_wip Feedback, ideas, loopholes, etc, should be discussed here. There'll be announcements etc when this changes - for now it's just a WIP.
  23. These are just 100% fucking amazing.
  24. So, you may notice that with the many suggestions here, few are implemented. This is intended to be a guide to how to make them well and increase the chance of them being implemented, as well as to explain why many aren't. First of all - Coding Difficulty: For anything to be implemented, it has to be coded. If possible, I'd love if some of the coders could chip in with what makes things easier/harder to implement. A few tips here: * Porting something from another codebase is generally the easiest. * Small changes, such as the text and description of an item are more easily done. * Graphical changes are generally fairly easy, it's just replacing a file. * The bigger the change, the harder it is. * Anything to do with atmos is trickier than it sounds. * It is easier to tweak something that already exists than it is to bring something entirely new in. Scope: It's generally best to try to keep things as limited as possible. Suggestions to overhaul or introduce huge things are likely to be put into the "too hard" basket. The bigger something is, the more work needs to be done - and not just once. As other things are changed, we have to maintain the rest of the code. Balance: Balance is very tricky to maintain. For a start, not everything is -meant- to be balanced. The clown isn't meant to be balanced compared to the Captain. Deathsquad are meant to be OP as hell. Ian is God, etc. If what you suggest would become the go-to weapon/item/etc of choice, there's a fair chance it's unbalanced. Suggestions of nerfing also need to be considered carefully. Unless you know the code very well, and all the numbers etc within it, then try to avoid giving specifics. Nerfing can come in many forms, from reducing availability, reducing the sheer numbers involved, or adding/buffing counters to them. If something is seriously OP, then there's a fair chance we're already looking into it. Finally, make sure your post doesn't read basically like this: Rock is OP, plz nerf. Paper is fine. Remove X: If something is problematic, we're much much much more likely to try to fix it rather than just straight out remove it. Posting "Remove X it sux" is unlikely to be listened to at all. Finally, don't take this as me telling you not to post suggestions - but the bigger the change you suggest, the less likely it is to happen, so don't get your hopes up. This has been made because I've seen some fairly well thought out (and some not-so-well) posts, quite long and detailed that most likely won't happen for some of the reasons above.
  25. ....also I'm often the one responsible for blowing the shuttle up at the end of round. Mainly to cut down attack log spam when I'm still investigating somethin.
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