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Everything posted by necaladun

  1. Personally against end of round griff full stop myself. I don't mind the explosions though if it is happening. Bombs lagging the place is a code problem. My problem is people stocking up icly for an ooc event.
  2. Like the librarian, clown, mime, etc, the Chaplain is one of those jobs that is "assistant with a bit more access". As it is, the Chaplain actually has way more power than a lot of those other roles, with their access to an incinerator/mass driver, the fairly robust null rod, etc. It's really not meant to be a job that has things the station relies on - hence things like holy water being able to be created without them. It's meant as an RP job, and with their title, bible, and access to the church, they have more than enough for. Giving them magic just won't happen - it's way too much power (and antag like abilities) to have in one minor role. Allowing them to talk to or communicate with ghosts at all is problematic as hell. Ghosts are mainly an OOC thing, as we can't be arsed trying to police a lot of the meta from the angry at getting killed dead players. This can be problematic with scrying orbs/cult abilities, but thats rare as hell luckily. If it was more common, those would get changed. I'd love to see Chaplains be more respected/useful, but that can be done simply by a well played Chaplain. Game mechanics aren't needed to back that.
  3. Giving ghosts something to do that can actually effect the round is a big no from me and a lot of the staff. Dead people can be pretty salty, any way to abuse it tends to get abused. When they could flip tables....it was bad. Even Boo! i've seen used to kill people before. A full on separate area just isn't worth it, and allowing them to spawn things etc has a -lot- of problems associated with it. Quite frankly, being dead is meant to be something we want people to avoid. If you want to get back into the round - join as an NPC or a drone, or wait/hope to get cloned.
  4. Having the overlay without firing at all would put the person using it at a severe disadvantage. I think the best route is letting them fire once. The sound of shooting would let then know to stop targetting, and they could click again to reaquire the target.
  5. I've seen Odysseus mechs brought to med plenty of times for just a thank you. Ipc chefs make food. Medbay does surgeries for people. Just because someone doesn't benefit directly from it themselves doesn't mean they won't do it. There are people who won't do anything unless they benefit from it themselves for sure. The term is "selfish asshole" I believe. It makes a lot of sense to lock up machine guns and laser cannons for mechs the same way machine guns and laser cannons are locked up for the rest of r'n'd. If they really wanna pilot a fully armed mech around they should be getting clearance from security anyway.
  6. I'm kinda getting sick of these terms being thrown around - especially when there are numerous examples being given as to why they don't cause the people using them to always win. Throwing memes around like that isn't really at all useful to the discussion. As for the overlay - if it had no mechanical effect except the overlay, it'd be a good way to get someones attention, but there'd need to be a different way of using it to avoid having your gun on "aim" mode, because that'd stop you shooting, so would actually put you at a severe disadvantage.
  7. If it was kept like that I'd say 100% to remove it from the UI
  8. That would make for a terrible FPS, I agree. This is not an FPS. With any instant stun weapon, clicking on them once is all that's needed. If it was only available to admins with special commands or people who hacked the game, I'd call using it cheating. If it was only available to people who made donations, it'd be unfair. The thing here is that the skill and interaction is one made OOC. The player is designating what they would like their character to do in the IC world - in this case, aim at a guy and shoot at him if he moves. It would not be cheating. I don't know where you're getting this definition of cheating from? But as for lag, I will lose to Mel in melee combat 9/10 times, because he can move towards me and hit me before I can have a chance to click on him, because of my lag. And get shot for there trouble. I don't see the problem with people with no interest in RP getting shot. Hence my suggestions of adding a miss chance or the like. I honestly don't see the problem with an aimbot in an RPG. Plenty of MMOs - such as WoW - has your character auto-aim at and fire at the target you've selected. The agency here is in choosing a target to fire at and telling your character to do so. There's even more player interaction needed here because you have to click on the target to aim at them, and you have to use the (terrible) UI to switch off aim mode to begin shooting at them if they don't move. I especially don't see the problem with it firing once the person moves if you've already aimed at them. There is no need to adjust your aim if you've already aimed at them, all you need to do is pull the trigger. Unless you're fighting Neo, of course. Adding a delay would allow people more time to get to cover, and when not fighting against someone with instant stuns, give them more time to run away. Additionally, if the firing delay is high enough, the person manually clicking for each shot against someone using aim mode will win, due to the fact they're firing faster. All in all, this seems to be about wanting a more action-clickfest oriented game over one focused on RP.
  9. As for the dissent: Aim mode is intended to simulate when your character levels and aims it at someone. Without it, there is no way to do so. This means your only option is to shoot them. Being able to aim and click will on 32*32 sprites is not what the game is about, nor what it should be about. The combat in SS13 is pretty damn terrible. The skill involved in leading based on your lag is not fair across the player base. If you have clicked on them to aim, you could have shot them. I don't see how having the engine handle the leading for you is cheating at all when it is available to everyone. It's not at all akin to cheating. It's not "easy mode" when it's available to everyone. Reaction time is not just an OOC skill, but is also highly dependent on lag. Extra HUD space I agree with - it takes up way too much room for how little it is used, and could either be made much smaller, or replaced by a verb that could be quickly typed (aim-mode, or just type aim then hit space to toggle). The "so called RP benefits" are that you can hold someone at gunpoint rather than just shooting them without a word. It allows for mexican stand offs, etc. If it is removed, the people who want to do a hostage situation/hands up/etc will lose out to the people who run away, because you cannot talk and shoot at the same time, unlike reality. Those who wish to communicate and roleplay will be punished and beaten by those who prefer to wordlessly robust. I don't think it's "heavy RP" at all to say that having a gun levelled at you would change the way you act. It'd be better this is established via mechanics rather than OOC to avoid a super-heavy environment that the admins have to enforce. But I'm all for having the mechanics of having a gun levelled at you match up to the reality of how that works. If nerfing it is needed, there are plenty of ways to do this without straight out removing it. A few suggestions: * Making it only fire once before ending aim mode * Adding a delay between movement and fire * Making it take a second or so before it engages properly * Making it fire in one of the 9 squares the player is in/around.
  10. After learning all of chem, surgery, cloning, general first aid, genetics and virology stuff, don't expect medbay to know how to fix an IPC if you play one. Same goes for Vox, Plasmamen, etc. SS13 has a steep learning curve, don't expect everyone to know the obscure mechanics for obscure races that don't exist on every codebase. If you play an IPC, assume you'll have to teach them how to do it. They are medical doctors after all, not roboticists. ICly, few should even know how to do it.
  11. I'm totally against the pants with that jacket, but I don't see anything wrong with having people have a variety of suits to choose from - especially the HoP. Some of my characters will mock anyone who wears it though.
  12. The lightbulbs are made by NT, who also sell the plasma that is used for power. It was also NT scientists who proved that LED and other low-energy use bulbs are linked to SSD.
  13. As fox said, but also we cannot change our way of life too much, lest the terr..griefers win. Giving up liberty for security and all that .
  14. This is really why I'm for it. I'm completely against this whole "skill" argument. This is an RPG not an FPS - clicking on a sprite isn't really the kind of skill this game should be about. The skills needed are about knowledge of the game, psychological manipulation, etc. There are plenty of ways you can use the aim mode against people too - dodging behind walls makes them waste shots, dodging behind people to make them shoot them (funny as hell) or moving back and forth when behind a window and they're using bullets. When it comes to combat, I don't like it being decided by who is "best" at clicking. Aim mode here can be an equalizer for those with low pings. Because of the way it relies on movement and the like, it really isn't an "I win" button as much as people say. While it very well may be OP is some regards, an all-or-nothing approach isn't the best. The biggest advantage I think for the game is it allows hostage situations - it's a great visual indicator and way to hold someone at gunpoint rather than just killing them.
  15. I love this idea - could also be filled with poison, or reactive chems (like potassium and water) that it doesn't process, but do process in the person drinking them.
  16. Fuck yes Inspector Rex. I must make a Vupla sec officer called that. As for the Dog - it'd be annoying to code for the following reasons: Ignoring race selection and a host of other things. Being snowflakey as hell with regards to simple_animal code - attack types, inventory, etc Reagents - atm I don't believe they process reagents at all. Then it comes to behaviour - people not acting dog like enough...or too much like a dog (I've seen too much Ian ERP). People acting too smart, metawise, etc. So were it to be coded (which i doubt, but i'd love) it'd need some quite snowflake code that makes Ian's corgi UI look basic. Behaviour wise - I'd want to see it be 50kp minimum, just to keep away the shit players, and to make people act better for fear of being job banned. But man, I would love to see it done well, both by the coders and the people playing as one.
  17. ...totally missed that. Ty.
  18. From what I saw krav is for traitors, not sec. In theory I'd love to see a doggie helping sec. In practice, the code would be a nightmare to do properly, as would the rules around it. It'd have to be an expensive karma thing at the least.
  19. Chilled n2o would be more snowy. If the suit isn't space worthy it'd be very hard to ever get to space, changing them to a space worthy one would be hell. Cryolite is my name suggestion.
  20. Apologies for the delay, but we've finally got the votes in! Our winners are... In third place: VeganZombie Second Place: PhantasmicDream And finally, first place.. Radithor! Thank you all for your submissions. the community feedback, and the donations that made them possible. Hopefully the coders will have them up soon as our backgrounds!
  21. necaladun


    Taaketa nailed this. Not much more to say sadly.
  22. Nope, not at all. Admins can get a free donator perk item or two without the donation. Players cannot. In general, I'm going to ask you to cut out the sarcasm and snide comments here. If you have a problem with Fox, lodge an admin complaint. There is no need for a clear grudge about Vulpankin etc to stretch into these other threads.
  23. I really like this - especially for CentComm communications!
  24. The intent of Rule 9 was never to disallow the names of fictional characters. This rule was written by myself and Mkenner, and the intent was to stop names such as Adolf Hitler or Fuck Off Shitface. We didn't even think we'd need the rule itself because we thought it'd be obvious. How naive we were. The repeated accusations of names like Fox's being "rule breaking" or that he somehow pushed to have it changed to allow his name are complete and utter bullshit. The push to change rule 9 was done by myself and mine alone to specifically ban names like Dick Payne and other genital puns. I thought I'd then discuss if we should make it stricter for other things - such as fictional names. There was very little support for this. I was one of the people who am personally against any reference names, but the counter arguments given convinced me it was not worth pushing for. The strongest one being how hard it is to enforce - there are simply too many fictional names for any admin to be expected to be aware of, especially considering we don't all have the same backgrounds. I don't recognize Anime names as references, for instance. When it comes to votes - the opinions of the playerbase inform us on expected reactions, but do not define policy. They are not done to decide by vote whether or not we should do something - but to see what kind of reaction we can expect. This server is not run by public opinion or for it. It has, since the beginning, been run based on the way the admin team want things run. This view seems to be popular among SS13 players. There are a -lot- of things I would never allow to be changed no matter how many people voted for it - such as ERP, the use of "faggot".
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