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Everything posted by necaladun

  1. Encouraging and giving attention to griefers is detrimental to this server. Do not do it.
  2. While it'd be a nice thing for an event or something, I don't see this happening as standard. MrFinn and Plotron I think sum up the problems.
  3. This is now my new headcanon.
  4. It's been a bit longer than expected, but we're now approaching the final stages. Votes will be cast, and we'll announce the winners in the next week or so. It'll take a bit to get all the votes in due to different time zones, etc. We'll be double and triple checking for originality (Shame on you, Jack O'Keefe), etc. Stay posted, and may the best spessartist win!
  5. Adding a note to people so you can judge them on previous rounds? Very much against that. You can jot down character names yourself, but you shouldn't be more or less harsh on people for something in a previous round.
  6. It's not an excuse to ban people, if it's an honest mistake the punishment is getting eaten by a sing.
  7. Yeah that's a lot of coding work to change something that isn't a problem and is an ss13 trope (Sam wileys sound files attest to that) and a d&d thing. Copying stuff has a lot of bug potential too and snowflake code needed, whether it's mobs, the disc, etc.
  8. Part of the theme of vox is how alien their biology is. They're meant to have trouble with a lot of those things. However having an emergency replacement tank in med would make sense and be helpful. Cortical stacks are meant to be keyed to that vox. Getting a new one would be a major change to them. NT is very much a human prioritized company, so I'd be very much against anything that makes it too much not focused on them.
  9. There already exists a Russian revolver that can spin the chambers for just such a reason.
  10. I'd love to see wizards get a bunch of cantrips that fo basically nothing but look cool for free for just such purposes. On valid hunting, while command and sec are instructed by cc to treat then as hostile, valid hunting I when doctors leave med to shoot then with syringe guns, miners lynch with pickaxes, etc.
  11. After banning a guy once, I took over his body, apologised to the HoS and got sent to the labour camp. I did double the amount of work I had to. When I called him back, he was completely shocked that someone actually finished their sentence. He'd never seen it before. I didn't even try to murder him with the safety pick axe.
  12. The ai is great. Exactly what I would say.
  13. Emily will never forget you. She was murdered with a scalpel in the morgue after trying to escape
  14. Odd, traitors only get 1 objective apart from escape, die, or hijack. Assassinate and steal a gun? Pretty sure you were made a traitor after antag-trivia about..4 days ago? Maybe more? ((Edit: Nope, i was wrong - player with a similar name)) Minimum 5 bans there. I don't see any record of this. I'm impressed you managed to get an exact number without admin logs. And that I havn't seen a ban listing 14 bombs. Not to mention this is now 6 bans in one round - this is the kinda round we'd talk about! So I respectfully call bullshit until a date for this is given so I can check logs.
  15. I believe that he meant such actions make people valudhunt somewhat - the fear a ling could do that. There's a big line between sec and other crew doing it...it is literally secs job. Problems do come in with unnecessary executions ofc, but most if the valid hunting I see is regular crew, with either disarm spam, syringe guns, r&d toys, etc
  16. Devil's Advocate time! The problem (and some of the reasons enemy of the corp was updated) was because of how easy it was to be a friendly antag and get objectives done. If you play as an antag, there's a good chance you'll have the objective to murder someone else and take them out of the round - assuming the same risk seems fair. Now being KoS'd for having a supposed syndicate item is a bit far - especially as it coulda been planted on you etc. But this -is- war. 99% of vampires sent have been with objectives to damage NT. Wizards are a hostile organisation. Every changeling on board has committed murder to get there. ((Edit: Or not, as lings have changed...but they're still evil!)) It's not about killing the antags for win the game. It's about sending a message. (I don't actually agree with this per se, but I find it semi-valid).
  17. Yeah, Dumbdumn has it...perfectly there. A few things I'd like to add: Hunting and killing someone validly isn't necessarily validhunting - no one is ever accused of validhunting blobs, for instance. Nuke ops are much the same. Wizards are such a major threat, I can't blame anyone for executing them. Unless you have them gagged, they can kill you in a second, teleport away, etc. Changelings and vampires are also major threats, although less so. Traitors being executed we could do with cutting down on - and we're looking at changing space law for just such things. Ever since loyalty implants were changed - which was a form of valid hunting itself, just nonlethal - we've seen an increase in executions, etc. Community feedback on this, ideas and suggestions are welcome and encouraged. This post alone is shows us it's not just the admins thinking that.
  18. I think putting an advanced scanner in there would make it 100x more useful and used.
  19. Assault is a crime already, but covering it under "Police Brutality" might be nice. As for SoP, I intend to rework a LOT of it soon, including giving clear-cut grounds for firing and demotion.
  20. As brilliant and fun as this would be, it would take a -lot- of effort to code (I think). The "movement" of the shuttle isn't really meant for anything but a brief cutscene.
  21. The pepperspray refiller isn't really needed there. Having the only access being from the lobby, to avoid heads/sec barging into medbay seems fine too. As it is, I barely ever see the exam room used. The sec lobby was used a lot more, and having a guard assigned to medbay was quite useful. A few people have suggested similar lobbies for the other departments too, which I'm not against.
  22. To Do: Add hiring/firing guidelines. List things you can be jobbanned for and examples of jobbans.
  23. No Gods, No Kings, just Atmos Techs. [spoiler2]And Buck[/spoiler2]
  24. My previous guide was rather tongue in cheek, so I thought I'd be a bit more straightforward. I won't go into specifics - if you don't know how to set up the sing, don't play CE. The following should serve as an example for all heads, and what admins will expect. Firstly, Rule 3 has some specifics with heads of staff: 3. Play the Role you’ve chosen: Choose the role based on what you want to spend the round doing, not in order to obtain access and equipment or to impress people with a prestigious title. If you take a role, other players will be expecting - and may rely on you to do it. Playing as a head role has extra responsibility. If you are a head, it is assumed NT has assessed and approved your character. Higher standards of RP and game knowledge are expected. Logging out as a head without informing admin will result in a jobban - if you suddenly had to go due to external reasons, a quick appeal to explain is fine. When logging out, if you have time you should return as much as you can to your secure locker, and head to cryo. Tell command and your department you're going. If you really have to go right away, just adminhelp "oh shit gtg!" is enough, but if you can, please take the time to do more. Ideally, if you select a head role, only do so if you expect to be there the whole shift - have 2 hours set aside. Skills: It should go without saying that you should be highly experienced with the department you are playing. As a bare minimum: CE: Construction/deconstruction, wiring, singularity set up, basic atmospherics - scrubbing/refilling rooms, and at least knowing when atmosia is broken beyond repair. CMO: Surgery. Chemistry. Cloning. How to identify and cure diseases, how to cure genetic defects. RD: Robotics, maxing tech levels, how NOT to explode toxins, how to contain/kill slimes. HoS: SPACE LAW. You don't need to memorize it 100%, but at the least have it open in another window. You should be decently robust. Not solo-nuke-ops robust, but you shouldn't be taken down by the clown. How to call ERT/Red alert. HoP: Cargo/ID computers are the only real mechanics needed, however, knowing the chain of command, space law, etc, is also required. You are the second in command - there is quite a high chance you'll be acting captain at some point. Captain: Everything from the HoS and HoP. How to reset an AI/change laws. How to secure the nuke disk. You should also have he qualifications of at -least- one other head of staff, if not more. Space Law and Heads Nowhere in Space Law does it say heads are immune. Being a Head does NOT make you security. Especially HoPs! The Egun is for defense, NOT so you can run around hunting antags. The same goes for everyone else's telebatons. Hitting someone with one because they annoy you is assault. You are however, the best equipped to defend your department. This doesn't mean you have to charge nuke ops, especially if it's not in your character. If anyone is going to cable-tie someone and drag them to the brig, it should be you. But this is an extreme circumstance - call security if at all able. Do NOT brig them yourself, take them to security for brigging. Conduct as a Head As the rule states - Playing as a head role has extra responsibility. If you are a head, it is assumed NT has assessed and approved your character. Higher standards of RP and game knowledge are expected. Try to be a bit more serious than your average botanist. I'm not saying be super serious, dark and edgy, but your character should be one that you can imagine a board of directors at NT approving to give control of a high-tech department on a space station. Being a bit eccentric is fine (Especially for RDs!), but you will be held to a higher standard by Admins and CC than any other crew member. The craziness of ss13 is what makes it great, but this needs juxtaposition among more serious people to be truly great. Remember you represent not just your department, but command. Heads of Staff are rolemodels for the rest of the crew. Having a good command of English really helps here. We have many players who don't speak english as their first language (and many speak it better than I), which is fine - but a head role involves a lot of communication. Teaching and instructing your department is an important part of being a head. Defending the station from antag scum This is the job of security. The Captain also falls into this somewhat - especially if security is understaffed - but as a head, you should focus on your department. Just because you can get a syringe gun, fire axe, or durand, does not mean you should go out hunting with them - unless all of sec have failed. Chain of Command Remember, it goes like this: Captain HoP, or HoS in red alert/security emergency. Should none of them exist, the CMO, CE and RD decide between themselves who is acting Captain, IF one is needed. Generally it's either the start of the shift, in which case it doesn't matter, and it's best to wait for one to arrive, or near the end and they're all dead - call the shuttle! Final Words Part of the reason i've written this is because I've recently seen standards slipping a bit. If you think this is addressed at you in particular - it's not, but perhaps you should re-examine your behaviour. Ask yourself - do I really NEED to be the head of staff for my department? Is the station, and will the round, be better because I am a head of staff? If no, then don't play it. If yes - check you're not ego tripping, then go for it! A great head of staff can make a department function much better, can help new players learn the department, and can be a great role model for their staff. I'd love feedback on this, for people to submit their own hints and tips, and what they think makes a good and bad head of staff. And remember, if all else fails - call the shuttle.
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