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Everything posted by necaladun

  1. The main difficulty here is that it's your role that defines starting gear, not race. If we could, Vox would get N2, DIona lanterns, and mod kits for everyone else. IC Wise, the vox that would work for NT are not only treeless, but would be exiles/refugees from their clan and family, and rare indeed.
  2. We'll been upgrading to byond 500 on the server soon, and you'll need byond 500 to play. That means we'll be down suddenly when it happens, most likely not for too long. If for some reason you don't have byond 500 and it doesn't work afterwards - that's why.
  3. I like this idea. If 75 points got you - 1 Diamond if you're lucky 1-3 Gold 2-5 Silver 5-10 Uranium How often would you get it, and what'd you use it for?
  4. I quite like these ideas. Blueshield Bot: Possibly something not so common - blueshield is one of the roles we're thinking will be whitelist, to ensure the high quality and reputation we know blueshields for. A mix of sec/medical seems best. Atmos borg: Love it. Fire fighting equip as well, possibly. Misc Borgs: Lots good ideas here, would need to be fleshed out/tested. In general, I'd like to see borgs be upgradeable by R&D, so they can bug them for more than power cells. Also, the RCD on engi borgs I'd like to see nerfed. Because...it's stupidly good.
  5. 1: Yes. 2: http://baystation12.net/wiki/index.php? ... o_Spriting can show what is needed. Sairthbrutus is currently handling most of the spriting, I havn't dipped into it yet..
  6. Chill guys. I don't want to have to freeze this thread to stop the puns.
  7. Oh yeah, in game I'm generally either Captain Novus Lem (or Admiral depending on how full of myself I am), or some random lowly assistant/janitor/botanist type. Or Faithless Most of my experience is with engineering. I used to be too lagged to be very robust, although I'm getting there.
  8. So thought I should actually introduce myself. I'm your host, Necaladun. I also go by the names Vorpal and Misha depending on which ones are already taken. I'm a 27 year old geek in Australia, who lives next door to your other host Mkenner. I started playing MUDs at the age of 7, Avatar Mud being one of the primary, as well as an RP Cyberpunk MOO called Cybersphere, where I learnt the art of paranoia. I've also done a fair bit of table-top gaming - D&D, WoD, Exalted, Dark Heresy, GURPs and a few other systems I made up myself. I look forward to learning lots more about coding as I'm fairly amateur at it, but I've been learning via osmosis for awhile.
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