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Everything posted by necaladun

  1. It's very easy to be able to assist against cultists/vampires as a chaplain: Get permission from the HoS, then go to the HoP, and get hired as security. This goes the same for really any other job - if you want to help fight antags, join sec.
  2. Oh yeah. Necaladun has been elected headmin once again. Yay for him.
  3. It's still fun. I enjoy running around, begging to be put out of my misery, as I get lynched to death. Generally when cluwned it's taken at most 5 minutes for me to end up beaten to death, which is much more hilarious and enjoyable than suddenly getting gibbed out of nowhere. (Except the time when a wizard was hidden as a potted plant and assassinating all the heads with disintegrate. That was pretty hilarious.)
  4. There was a spider somewhere on the station.
  5. Cluwne is basically the same as disintegrate, except a bit funnier and more fun for the victim.
  6. This also means sec know how many they have to deal with at the round start, and don't have to worry about any more appearing later.
  7. Oh, I don't mean not at all - but just...not opening the armoury and leaving it open, or having boxes full of shotguns etc just lying around. Giving to crewmembers here and there is great, but not to literally every greytider.
  8. I like this a lot - one of my fears would be that people would just be bombing and plasma flooding and all kinds of awful things. The idea is to make it so that people are hesistant to just give guns and all access out to everyone - so this would work well. The other idea was that they'd then have the objective to kill the Captain or HOS, basically "Kill their queen!". This would make the hos and captain have a vested interest in not opening the armoury up.
  9. One issue I can see here from testing, similar to nuke ops and blob - is the meta knowledge that there will be no other threats. Thus, giving every crewmember all the guns they want, all access, etc, I fear will become the norm, vastly shifting the balance in favor of the crew. Even a tiny number of traitors would really mix this up. (Blob could do with that too, but that's for another time...). Alternatively....some kind of spider that can mind control crew. Either giving them the objective to start unwelding vents or something....or kill them, inject spiders into their skull, that then take them over and control them for a few minutes before they explode.
  10. Some feedback from an actual play test of terror-spider-mode - the other day on extend I spawned myself in as 1 white terror spider, about 10 mins into the shift. The crew was utterly unprepared for this, and it resulted in a huge amount of death and destruction. I think this would heavily change as people get used to the idea that terror spiders could appear before the 1 hour mark (People didn't quite seem to believe they existed...), and the meta grows and ebbs. The exact amount of spiders and tiers and all that can be tweaked and refined endlessly as the meta changes. How well balanced X amount of Tier Y spiders is is something that will drastically change as people grow more and more used to the game mode - for both the crew and the spiders. However, I think this is a really cool idea for a way to make terror spiders into a mode. Linking it specifically to a syndicate smuggler is just...cool, lore wise, and for the overall feeling. I think I'd be giggling evilly to myself with the idea of coming on board the cyberiad with a deadly bio-weapon payload. It might also be cool to give the -exact same- warning to the crew that is given in blob rounds, at the same time. This means that for both modes, there is some uncertainty as to whether they should begin welding vents (And thus wasting time letting the blob grow), or search maint for the blob (and thus let spiders pick them off). I'd also advise that whoever is selected as the "smuggler", is the one guaranteed to take control of the biggest spider tier. This means they have a much more vested interest in picking a really good spot, rather than just wherever - and also lets us give more effective jobbans etc to people who fuck over their team.
  11. I don't agree here, especially for stuff that can be harmful like welding doors. I don't think if I can't perform repairs on a cyber limb because it's fully repaired, I should instead hit them with the welding torch/cable either. This is really up to the people who have to maintain the codebase itself.
  12. You already can threaten people with a weapon btw - point at them with a weapon in hand. Regardless, those are all situations that can be judged on their own merits and have nothing to do with door welding/repairing. How help/harm should work in other hypothetical situations doesn't effect at all how door welding/repair should be handled.
  13. Or I haven't noticed it's finished repairing, or I clicked it too many times by accident, or I'm lagging and thus kept clicking even though it was already repaired. Accidentally welding an airlock is much more annoying than doing nothing. That's a real mix of strawmanning and slippery slope. Complaining about a hypothetical situation that no one is intending to actually implement is kinda ridiculous. Just because they want to go in that direction in regards to how welders work, doesn't mean it's going to be extended to every other possible interaction. It would however make sense if harm intent made you punch the door, since we can damage airlocks now. It might even encourage/remind people not to stay on harm intent when walking down corridors (I can dream right?).
  14. Actual. Also power cells can be injected with plasma. Remove one from a stunbaton, drop it, wait for greytide to pick it up....
  15. Wayyy more than mildly. A fire extinguisher can quickly kill them.
  16. Saying things like "There can't be syndicates, we have cultists!" is a great way to get an agent spawned with you as a target.
  17. I'd just give you the chance to fix it rather than punishing you with perma for an obvious mistake.
  18. It'd be nice for the warden/sec in general to have a little cam console, similiar to the one in engineering, just for monitoring the brig!
  19. ...it'd be awesome if we can increase that for event rounds as admins ?
  20. Yeah absolutely. My main worry with numbers is that, in the first week or two of any new features, they've overrepresented because people want to try it out. Thus we'll see possibly 20 convicts and 2 sec which would be...actually kinda hilarious for one round, but bad after that ? Overall love the thought put into this and think it has real potential, thanks again.
  21. Shit yeah I'd play this. I think it might need to be a bit simpler to start of with - for both ease of implementation and to get used to the idea. I do worry that it's kinda a...mini-antag that people can play. I'd really want them to always have limited numbers, and always less than the number of security. Some really well thought out and cool stuff here though, especially with the SoP etc.
  22. Open it up and click a piece of paper with it to copy the paper to your PDA. (i think i haven't used this since nanoui...)
  23. Yeah they're meant to be limited and rewards for maint scavenging
  24. Matches can be lit on your shoes.
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