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Posts posted by necaladun

  1. 2 hours ago, Octus said:

    the original ban was because of one comment

    I'd like to jump to address this first of all. This misses the point entirely. The ban appears to be for a series of related incidents that you have previously been warned about. 


    You also seem to miss the point about specieism. Just because it's allowed, doesn't mean it's a free pass to be an asshole as long as it's against another species. Neither is your character having "anger issues" a free pass to act differently. "It's what my character would do" is one of the worst things any player in an RPG can say right before they be an asshole to other players.

    Screaming for genocide against your coworkers is completely over the top. This isn't a nuanced look into a character with deep flaws that are expressed in interesting ways - this is you finding an excuse to play a character who is an asshole to others. You're the one who has chosen to make this character and enjoys playing them. And yes, while a certain degree of assholedom is expected between coworkers (Like in any real world workplace), you're calling for your coworkers to be murdered, and engaging in violence sometimes yourself.

    Hence you were told to tone it down - because this is clearly a disruptive character. 

    Rules were broken here, you were told by and admin to tone down the speciesm for a start. There is a whole shade of nuance to explore between "snide comments", "subtle discrimination" and "calls for genocide" if you want to explore an interestingly flawed character.

    The other rule of course is the ever popular rule 0. You're clearly playing a character who is active in their dickishness. A certain IC level of dickishness is generally expected, but in this case it got to the point an admin had to tell you to tone it down. From how you continued to act and how little attention this warning was given in this complaint shows me you're not really taking it seriously, and that's generally when bans come into play. How quickly this happens generally depends on the past history of the player, and yours is one that makes you a high maintenance player. In this case, it's SoP that admins are quicker to ban.

    Overall, your play style has gotten to the point where you're considered to be a consistent net negative. I've looked over some of the logs from your time and I have to say I agree - your play style is antagonistic towards the other crew, and the constant "skree" and "skrek" in all caps is just obnoxious. 

    Given the above, I see no issue with the ban itself - you were warned to tone down your behavior and did not. Complaint is without merit.

  2. Apologies for the delay, as we messaged to talk about this I completely forgot there was an actual post to respond to.

    Aby said it pretty well, but to sum up - consistent play on the server is generally needed to show that you're not just playing to be an antag and have a legitimate interest. If someone stops playing heavily when they can't be an antag, that's a pretty clear case - and especially with intentionally getting made an antag, it seems to indicate someone who plays simply for being antag.

    Since it appears you haven't played in the past month or so, it might take a bit longer until we can be sure that you're willing to stick around, even if you can't be an antag at the moment.

    As Abydos has done nothing wrong here, I'll move this to resolved.

  3. Hi there, and thank you for submitting this


    In the end "Queen of Mice" is just too silly for the kind of atmosphere where going for here. "Queen Mice" is pretty clearly trying to do the same thing. Just because it's a "real" name, doesn't mean we'd allow it - Mike Hawk and Ben Dover and Gaylord Faggot are all real names, but wouldn't be allowed either.

  4. Hey there, sorry about the delay in replying here, IRL has been a bit nuts.

    Primary tool storage is there for assistants to equip themselves with various tools to assist/greytide with, as well as things for IPCs to repair themselves, supplies for projects people want, etc. People grabbing things from there is not the same at all as a command member equipping themselves with a full range of healing gear.

    It is very rare that it is completely dry 60 seconds into the shift.

    People are allowed to bring things for round end. ICly it can be considered a side project that was given to CC at the end of the shift for their use, hopefully with a pay bonus/transfer to weapons research.

    If a blueshield is given the captain's spare, they already have all access. This is done in direct relation to their job generally - being able to follow someone with all access generally requires all access.

    RD's are not permitted to carry weaponry, hence it being locked up with armoury access required. If the warden/hos/captain is giving out weapons to command "just 'cause" then there generally is an issue with multiple people. Any Captain/security worth their salt should not be handing out lethal weapons "just 'cause". This is at least related to their job - the research and manufacture of weapons.


    One of the ways to think about this is in a tragedy of the commons kind of sense - imagine if everyone acted the way you did, and how that would be for antags.




  5. Hi there,

    The best way to explain why the ban was so "severe" (which, it really isn't compared to most others) is to look at your last sentence - "most likely not have learned anything from this"

    If the admins cannot be sure that you've learned what the problem with your behavior is and why it's unacceptable, then there's no reason to let you play command. You've already received jobbans before from command (for attempting a mutiny) as well as having a few other notes about issues with you playing command.

    If after all that time and multiple incidents, you're still being a problem as command, then a minimum of a month off from dealing with that, for both admins and crew, seems well warranted. Hopefully in a month or so you will have learned something from this.

  6. Hi there, sorry for the delay in responding to this.

    Looking over the appeals you posted, I don't see much leading to a dialogue or really an attempt to appeal. You state you'd like to appeal, but that's really all you say. An appeal really should be more than just saying you want to appeal - it generally requires an acknowledgement of broken rules, and something to convince us you will not break them again upon returning. This should be done in the first post of the appeal - reading the accepted appeal board is a good way to see examples of what we're looking for.

    " it has been a few weeks so i figured id see if i can get an appeal through" is not doing that at all. All it's really doing is wasting admin time, which is why the time to post again was extended - it makes sure you actually make a thought out and proper appeal that doesn't waste the admins time. 

    As it is with a dialogue, if you want to start one, more than just a poor attempt at an appeal is needed. The simplest way is to PM the admin you wish to talk to as you eventually did.


    This should hopefully clear things up and requires no further action - PMing the admin in question if you have any further question's is a-ok.

  7. I'd be quite fine with something like this being added - if people want to kill themselves I don't see any need to bring them back into the round, they made their choice.

    Actual wording of SoP I haven't had enough coffee to do yet though

  8. Hi there,

    Regardless whether or not you're HoP or Captain, really the only member of command who should be stocking up on medical supplies is the CMO. Without any reason to suspect it's needed, amassing supplies (Especially ones needed by medbay) is considered powergaming. As the HoP, you should be assuming the biggest injury that will be occuring is papercuts - having enough supplies on you to deal with gunshots is excessive and should be left to medbay, unless there are nuke ops or terror spiders, etc, sighted on the station. 

    Medbay is not your department either, and having access does not entitle you to take their supplies - the same goes for security, even though you have access there. Department tools are meant to be used by the department, not as backups for the HoP, whose job should mainly involve paper-pushing.

    A toolbelt is also unnecessary for the job at hand usually, although if you want to do renovations or the like on your office it's quite understandable. Amassing such things "just in case" is indeed powergaming - most office workers don't keep emergency tools around in case the elevator breaks down - they call engineering.

    The immediacy (5 minutes vs immediately or when your line is empty) is not really the issue here. I'll happily accept that Aby was wrong there, but focusing on that seems to be missing the point.

    The foam force shotguns are fine to have, although loading them with riot darts would absolutely be a problem. With riot darts in them, they are indeed dangerous weapons. Considering the other forms of amassing power, it isn't a huge leap to believe that was the intent, hence the warning about those.

    This is absolutely not something that means Abydos means to be fired immediately. Abydos was quite correct to tell you to knock off this amassing of items. Myself, Abydos, and other admins have double checked the logs and seen that indeed the shotguns were foam force ones without riot darts loaded - that is the only issue I see here, which is a simple mistake that could have easily been cleared up, and was with us double checking.

    I have since been informed that despite the warning, you have chosen to ignore it and continue doing so, and Kyet has issued a jobban for this. I personally would have issued a full ban for ignoring explicit instructions from an admin, but Kyet has decided to be more merciful. An appeal will be necessary to lift those job bans. 


    With all that in mind, apart from the minor issue about the riot darts, this complaint has no merit and certainly won't result in immediate termination. I highly advise you listen to the admins instructions in future, and play roles as they're intended without attempting to fill in for others.

  9. There's no specific way warnings work - they aren't really policy to the extent you get (X) number of warnings or anything like that. In this case, it wasn't that you were warned FOR breaking your laws, just warned not TO break your laws - in the same way I could warn you right to make sure to stretch every hour or so to avoid cramps. 

    In this case it looks like what you were doing *could* lead to a problem, not that what you were doing was a problem.

    From talking to Aby it seems that your case wasn't the only one going on and was lower priority, hence the delays in reply.

  10. Hi there, and thanks for posting this as I see there's some confusion.

    I've talked with Aby about this, and it seems his intent was to warn you not to break your laws (Eg, don't release people from perma), as a reminder that it's against your laws. He also didn't see the binary chat with the AI when talking to you (as it doesn't show up in the regular say log checks), so from appearances of just your regular chat it looked like you were going to release them, and he warned you not to do so.

    That's not to say you were breaking your laws by scamming them - a hilarious idea if I may say so myself. The notes make it clear that you weren't actually releasing them and said you were just scamming them. It's totally ok for a corporate borg to scam perma prisoners out of their hard earned cash.

    As a side note/technicality, and for clarifications sake - being an EOC doesn't make you not station crew, it's being fired that makes you not station crew. While most EOCs in perma *should* be fired and not crew, as a borg you have to treat them as crew until they're fired - so if you confirm they're an EOC in the middle of maint, you still have to treat them as crew.


    All in all this seems just a bit of a misunderstanding between the two of you, so I'll leave this open for now so we can further clear up if there were any other misunderstandings or in case there's points I missed.

  11. This is an IC issue. The HoP is allowed to assign extra staff to the kitchen. If you have an issue with this, you can bring it up in IC means - to the NT Rep, to the Captain, or to the HoP directly.

    It is not the admins job to interfere here. Again, this is an IC issue. The HoP was in no way not roleplaying, serious, or competent. Assigning people jobs is the job of the HoP, which he seemed to have done. There was no breach of the rules that the admin in question had to enforce. The HoP in question was upholding the standards expected.

    Having a second chef is not a breach of the rules. The HoP is the ranking head of staff for service and is allowed to hire extra chefs. If that's a problem for you as the chef, it's an incredibly minor thing that can be resolved entirely ICly. 

    I don't actually see any problem here, nor do I have any idea what you expected the admins to do. They aren't managers you go demanding actions of whenever you have a problem - this is a roleplaying game, and if you have problems in your department with hiring of other staff, you're expected to deal with it ICly. If you really want to talk to a manager, you can talk to the HoP's manager, the Captain, about your issues. You can talk to IAA or the NT Rep. But again - this is not the job of admins to deal with as no breach of the rules has occured.

    I am certain that this action doesn't breach the rules because I wrote that rule myself, and it isn't meant to be applied to a HoP hiring two chefs. It's for a HoP who gets drunk at the bar instead of doing his job or assigning the clown to be the captain.


    This complaint is still without merit. Please don't just spam the same thing in another complaint, because it won't change my mind.


  12. There are numerous reasons why the HoP or sec might not respond to something like this, such as:

    Being AFK, dead, murdered, an antagonist busy murdering someone else, deafened, EMP'd headset, not seeing the message due to spam, busy with something else more important, actually replaced by a changeling...and these are just off the top of my head.

    Someone not responding to you on comms twice is an IC issue - these things happen, and it's not the admins job to get people's attention for you. Asking again, or physically walking yourself to their office are IC ways of dealing with this thing. It isn't something that requires an admin bwoink to get their attention.

    Higher standards of seriousness and competence is meant in respect to following SoP and not getting drunk and promoting Ian to captain. Missing a call on comms isn't a big deal, and isn't worth an ahelp at all. It's so incredibly minor that I'm shocked you bothered to ahelp at all instead of using one of the many, many, other options to get someone's attention, such as a PDA message, asking on comms again, or just walking up to the person and asking.


    This complaint is without merit and incredibly petty.

  13. 18 minutes ago, BetaBlueNumber2 said:

    i dont want to be unbanned,


    18 minutes ago, BetaBlueNumber2 said:

    the entire thing is a sec power trip but everyone has admin powers,


    19 minutes ago, BetaBlueNumber2 said:

    the idea that any server could be so abusive of power is insane and i dont want to experience it.


    19 minutes ago, BetaBlueNumber2 said:

    i strongly suggest that you have a look at your staff, a look at yourselves and most of all take a good hard look at how abused the perma ban is

    done, seems we're still pretty popular, and banning people for welder bombing is good for the server as a whole

    20 minutes ago, BetaBlueNumber2 said:

    id wish you all a happy shift but honestly you dont deserve it.


    20 minutes ago, BetaBlueNumber2 said:

    please be better


    20 minutes ago, BetaBlueNumber2 said:

    thank you 

    you're welcome

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  14. I think Dumb has said really most of what needs to say, but I'd just like to add that we're thankful for the time you put in and the help you gave, and that in no way should you see this as a permanent thing that cannot be undone. People sometimes unretire years later from their position, and I hope one day both yourself and the server are in a state where you can return.

    • Like 4
  15. Hi there,

    As it's been 10 days with no response using the format asked for, I'll mark this resolved. You can either repost it with the format asked for, or likely more easily just make an appeal.

  16. Hi there, first of all it appears to me that the ban was placed before this complaint was posted, so I don't see any evidence that this was placed as retribution for the admin complaint.

    This was in fact "discussed" with other admins, with 2 other admins supporting it being turned into a ban.

    Your tone seems to suggest you think there's some kind of conspiracy here against you, but looking through the logs that's utterly not the case, no matter how many words you put quotation marks around.


    What you seem to absolutely fail to grasp in this situation is that you had no IC reason to blow up part of the station, and cause two deaths. The fact that two people consent is irrelevant here - two people maybe consent to ERP, or the use of racial slurs. That would still be disallowed. 

    This doesn't mean the actions have no effect on others. It's expected on this server that you RP, not commit suicide in a painful manner because the round is over. Especially not in a way that risks damaging other, non consenting parties, either through explosion or depressure. People completely ignoring all roleplay does affect the server as a whole.

    It being near the end of the round also doesn't change the rules - the rules only change when the scoreboard shows and the round is truly over. Then you're free to blow yourself and as many other people up as you want. We in fact encourage it. But while the round is on, suicide-with-explosives is not on, especially for entirely OOC reasons. 

    It being a nuke ops round with other things destroyed still changes nothing. 


    What you did does thus in fact break the rules, and thus the complaint is invalid. 

    • clown 2
  17. Hi there, and thanks for submitting this. I've been getting a bit of a rundown on the whole shift from a few admins there and I'm fairly certain this was a massive clusterfuck.

    When it comes to things like DS, I'm all for the occasional bit of crew slaughter. It can be quite fun for everyone if done right and not too often - I'm not too concerned about that happening. Everyone dying to the DS in nuclear fire - as long as it's not every round - is a cool event that breaks up the normal rounds. 

    Engineering or the like being defunded is great and I'm all for. Considering crew pay means nothing, it's a good way to create some roleplay and the like - I'd be fine with the entire crew having their pay docked for the entire shift for bullshit reasons if it creates a great situation.

    This was something agreed on by the admins on at the time - part of that was to just quickly wrap up and put the whole round behind them. I certainly understand that desire, and think it was a  good mood.

    The only actual OOC punishments dished out were handled properly - possibly could have been a few more - and so the lasting effects of the round were only to those who had wrongdoing, with the rest of security (and command and even the clown) who were slaughtered by the DS and nuke being just a one round thing. I find that acceptable if done in moderation and being reserved for true clusterfucks of rounds like this one.

    Ultimately I'm satisfied that there wasn't wrongdoing here by the admins, but I'll leave this open awhile to get further thoughts from you.

  18. Hi there, thanks for submitting this.

    At first I thought this was just a meme name, but I see it's actually an attempt at RPing an interesting character, which I commend. It sounds like an interesting character!

    The main issue I see here is how suitable it is for the RP environment we're aiming for - is this the type of person that NT would hire? Would we be happy with a large number of the crew like this?

    In general that's a no, a kind of tragedy of the commons thing. If I were to say it's ok, then I'd have to be ok with the entire crew being along those lines - I can't make an exception for one person but not others. 

    A name like "Rat Smith" would be absolutely fine. RP wise, I'd just imagine a frustrated HoP making up a name just so there's something in the computer for payroll records and all that. Don't feel obliged to go with smith, just something that is "normal"ish along those lines. Or hell, they may have even dug up old DNA records or the like, so you could go with John "Rat" Smith.


    I'll leave this open so you can reply with what your thoughts and name suggestions.


  19. Hi there, thank you for submitting this.

    First of all, rage cages are something which are generally an IC problem. Like most (Dare I say, all?) workplaces, Nanotrasen does not like it's employees beating each other to death or near death. If tolerated by the command staff/security, centcomm may intervene.

    @Abydos was perhaps a bit harsh with the wording of "feed feet first to the blob", and should have instead gone with something along the lines of "be drafted to fight the blob" or perhaps "The station is a rage cage, all crew vs the blob". However, you being thrown at the blob handcuffed is not something Abydos was expecting - I'm sure he'll now remember how literally the crew can interpret CC remarks.

    To call the staff corrupt and toxic - especially when you've interacted with only a handful of them - is not something we really want to put up with here. Especially over getting killed in a round - something that may happen to dozens of people per round. If you are going to insult all of the staff over something like this, I think removing you from the server is appropriate in this case.

    In future I advise you to make ahelps/complaints while less emotionally affected, and perhaps work on tactics to avoid getting so worked up over a minor event in a videogame.

    The complaint is without merit - there was no abuse of power here, nor are all the staff corrupt and toxic. 

  20. Hi there, and thank you for submitting this admin complaint about the head-goat, Kyet.

    Boy you're not kidding here are you, he really got your goat on this time. Does him braying puns really qualify for admin abuse?

    (Oh I've just been informed they were cat puns, not goat puns. And he was kraken jokes about your high seas D&D adventures. That sailed right past me.)

    But really i'm going to have to wave this complaint, before we're flooded with more of them. Don't want lots of people jumping on this boat after all. 

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