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About C.A.S.

  • Birthday 03/18/1995

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  1. He pranked me with an admin message, his name took me an alright song

  2. Played my first shift of AI yesterday night, for about 1 hour 40 something minutes before bowing out, it was pretty great. A Life Support Specialist got nommed on by two space carp. I tried to warn him but, there is only so much you can say when someone is running around in the dark!

    I look forward to doing it again.


    Is this where I put a hashtag? #PublicIsFed

  3. C.A.S.

    I lurk

    Hello! It's pretty good my dude how about you?
  4. Hello, I know I'm new to the forums and the server although I have played quite a few hours as what is truly my "main" at the moment, Cas Cognaut. The way that I see Internal Affairs is, as it should be, the sub-departmental office of the Department of Justice. It is the duty of the IAA (in my opinion) to primarily focus on the actions of the arresting Officers in the Department of Security. That being said it can look like I am, in character, attempting to screw them over. I really am not, and I make that intention clear. It is my job to make sure that both characters have the best legal situation. Station Security is operating under Space Law and the Standard Operating Procedures, this is where they gain their authority. Inversely this is also where crew-members have their rights. I usually carry with me the Voice Recorder for interviews, it makes it as quick as it possible can be. And then print the transcript. I attach this to my Report with my following Recommendation. This can solve most incidents in 6 to 8 minutes per party. Meaning that they say what they need to say, and I usher them out, get the next person involved in, and repeat. I get them out of "my way" as soon as possible that way they don't get bored in the office. Then I take as long as I need to search through Space Law & SoP(s) to see if there is any offense. It is important to note that I do not take minor infringements into investigation formats. Minor being a slip up in arresting procedure, that happens. Also nobody wants to engage in RP explaining themselves. Its a no win, so i simply give my Recommendation on the spot as a sort of verbal "warning". There is no citation recorded. If I forget them on a future violation, thats on me. This keeps things steady, you don't look like an asshole. I mean you won't gain any karma but thats not really a concern. My routine, and the reason I am giving this is because I have great RPs and very little "downtime" as IAA which means something here must be working. 1) As soon as the shift starts I make the announcement about the SoP & Suit sensors. Informing the crew that they are not required to put their suit sensors to maximum if they do not wish to do so as provided to them in the SoP. I make sure that the first thing I do with the crew is make a good and professional appearance. 2) I make for the Head of Personnel line as the first stop on my "patrol". The reason is most complaints will stem from this point, its a ground zero. I will introduce myself in character to the HoP, let them know that any complaints of their job should be sent to the Office of Internal Affairs if it comes from anyone (besides command) if they feel they cannot deal with it. This gives the player who's character is the HoP a reason to not to listen to whining about department heads not doing so and so and send it on to someone who would enjoy it. 3) I go to Cargo, give them a little bit of RP on the topic of "Productivity being paramount." Not so much a lecture but more of an ominous reminder. 4) I go to the Bar, this is the second most likely place to find violations of the SoP, and then people wanting a mediator. (see 2nd paragraph of this comment) 5) I see medbay, if anyone is complaining I inquire. If its nothing I can solve I leave and head for Security to meet with prisoners. And that is it. I repeat steps 4 & 5 for the remainder of the shift, while with every Alert priority change updating the crew (through general comms) of their rights and personal responsibilities. This will carry me for up to 2 hours of RP reliably. I never feel like I am being ignored on my recommendations because I have, by this point, hopefully established a working relationship with every department. Another key is to make sure your recommendations are little more than slaps on the wrist. The players do not want to feel the weight of the book hitting them for things whether they deserve it or not. I have only ever once come down with a recommendation, and it was only partially enacted. Because it was a Warden who wasn't doing their job, tazed the mime out of spite, and starting arresting people on Green. AKA Wardens are not arresting officers on Green. Unauthorized use of force, and neglect of their duties. The recommendation was being offered the chance step down (not involuntary demotion) or being confined to the security department for the remainder of the shift still acting as Warden. =================== As for any changes I would like to see? Radio access to Supply in addition to the already given Security. These are the target audience of the IAA the majority of the time. Anything else can be hailed to you on General Comms, PDA Message, or in-person contact. From my experiences there is little demand for IAA from any other departments. Engineering, Medical, etc often are too absorbed with their own tasks to really RP much (no judgement). Another and probably petty request, is that the IAA office be located closer to the primary square. Why? Because I think it would be easier to access, more visible, and really give the impression that the role is supposed to be utilized. I understand the logistical problem with doing so, so I won't push it as a serious topic of discussion. As for what has been posted in the link, nothing there is a "No" from me. I think they are positive changes. I am strongly against Karma locking IAA. I think this is a position that should be open to any player with equal chance as the next. Only for the reason that I do not think that IAA wields enough mechanical power to warrant it. Full disclosure I also only have 4 Karma, I've been saving for an IPC. So I am extremely biased. I don't want to get into a thing about the karma system though, I think it works as intended. I've seen plenty of IPCs, NT Reps, Blueshields, etc. So i know its no where near impossible to achieve low goals like that. Thank you for reading this, even if it was just skimming.
  5. I see. Thank you!
  6. Hello! So I know not many people will care about it but the pAI page has fallen into a bit behind, and since this is a role that I play often and that I enjoy I wanted to help it out. I went and I changed the names of two of the software on the table as well as updating and polishing the definitions. Facial Recognition Suite (I believe this is what it was called) -> Security HUD Medical Analysis Suite (I believe this is what it was called) -> Medical HUD I shorted the height of the box for Atmospheric Senor, as in I simply took out an unnecessary indentation. I corrected spelling mistakes from "You" to "Your". Another change I have made was elaborating on pAI mobile form. I am inexperienced with editing wikis but if someone could perhaps update the table? The header on the page says that some of the formatting is out of date.
  7. C.A.S.


    Thanks for all the support / advice. I would love to be pAI for a Blueshield. Thanks for the offer. Probably the most reliable way to reach me would be through the forums messaging system! I assume Eagle982 is your BYOND username as well?
  8. C.A.S.


    Hello! I am a long time text based role player and a fan of the Science Fiction genre in general. Some of you may have come across me (although it is doubtful) in Paradise Station over the last few days asking in OOC or LOOC ... "Looking to be pAI" And that is exactly what I enjoy doing. I am a huge fan of A.I. and I love to role play them. I have heard a lot of trash talk about Paradise Station but all in all I have made up my mind that they, for whatever reason, are completely ignorant of how cool the server actually is.
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