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About deadmanwalking

  • Birthday 05/31/1999

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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. In my opinion a bit of an odd choice but for stealthy traitors Pegboard Nerds - Try This
  2. Well assuming that its just my mind transfering over to declan's body and i get to keep his memorys skills and traits, it would be rather odd i mean on the one hand i am now. a man with a wide range of skills from fightig to medical and so on. got some great cybernetic implants and the means to repair them of course im living in a world with vast advances im a lot of areas. among other great things... But on the other hand... i am now living on a very crime infeted mass housing planet am only about 40 percent human and i am now a drinker, smoker and a bunch of other things and some other fairly bad things So i guess its a bit of take the good with the bad but really what i would most likely do is live declans life and try to survive
  3. Declan Jowers - cynical scottish soldier
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