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NoWolfie last won the day on June 20 2018

NoWolfie had the most liked content!

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  1. hello bird welcome back kinsies yaya yes
  2. Very yes, i'm pretty sure it was a thing before, not sure why was removed
  3. You can also get alot of ash by popping box of snap pops from cargo, takes less time and makes a loud pop which is always nice
  4. Add moth yes girls hello
  5. NoWolfie

    Id Shredder

    Spriter here and also, oh shit, someone actually cares about this stuff i thought it was abandoned so i stopped working on this ;-; I will finish sprites soon if someone will actually code this
  6. ....will someone code this?
  7. That would probably fit for adminbused wizards midround, not for gamemode wizards which purpose is to wreck shit. But they probably should get their own set of goals, maybe even goofy ones, simular to abductor surgery victums, but i don't want them to be restricted to not wrecking shit (aka tator without hijack), or this gamemode will lose its charm quickly.
  8. Wizard gamemode literally relies on one single person, and in most cases, said person will die in few minutes resulting in round not even reaching 20 minute mark, because its rare to get that role and is very easy to screw up/get lynched by crew. If that gamemode instead would be replaced with raging mages, such rounds would have more action in it, more people can roll for wizard and whole station will be affected by this gamemode, which won't result in <20 minute extended. It will require tweaking and nerfing/buffing few spells since slaughter/laughter demons are already very devastating, but if it'd be done right, we will have magical version of nuke ops, which is way better than wizard which we have now.
  9. Literally borg which tied to person with laws So hes pretty much pai but big
  10. Personal borg.
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