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About TommyNom

  • Birthday 04/01/1992

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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. I would say if it was on red alert and confirmed syndicate were on the station, you're out of luck. If they have no other reason to think the Pen is a weapon of some sort, then no I would say that is complete meta-gaming as security shouldn't EXPECT a traitor or any other antag on the station. I'd be severely pissed off for the random search too, but I'm assuming an alert status was on -else why were they searching you?
  2. So whats everyone up to twoday?
  3. The Robusta Cafe. Get Drunk and get your ass kicked at the same time. (Boxing gloves must be worn for those entering the arena) Had a few good rounds in there until the terror spider came and ate me behind the bar.
  4. I've been in and out of the server and occasionally scouting the forums making an odd comment, and decided I'd stick around for a bit. You're all quite nice people and already met a few lovelies. So... Hey there. My name is Tommy, also known as TommyNom. Currently playing as the bright red haired and eyed surgeon Tomas Nomas. I'm a part-time voice-actor, animator and artist who is actually heading to uni this year to study 3D design after five years of being stuck in a dead end job. If you wanna check out some of my work for 3D I'd be honored: www.tommynom.weebly.com Oh, also it's my birthday. I have a tendency of joining forums on my birthday, for no particular reason. Easier to track how long I've been on here I guess. Looking forward to playing more with you all, and I might start doing some 3D models of my characters and other people's characters. I'll let you know. Tommy.
  6. Why not three? The more the merrier.
  7. And so begins the terrors of the demon mouse.
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