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Carthusia last won the day on May 21 2023

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About Carthusia

  • Birthday 05/02/1990

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  1. I feel like this kinda kills the idea that assistants also can get custom job titles an still perform jobs that are useful to the station, but under this kind of system they would also be getting no pay
  2. Drip is VERY important, id rather wear a nice blue mailman uniform than a red one as sec, and i much perfer to wear a white labcoat as a forensic tech, both choices make me less of a target and look nice. Forced uniforms can be a thing on a HOS by HOS basis just like any other department, but an SOP line MANDATING such an act i feel would work to the detriment of peoples experience. As for undercover officers: Its a legitimate tactic, so i dont see why it would be removed. It seems almost like alot of antags feel entitled to as little resistance as possible during any action they may take, be it a civilian pulling someone to safety, a legitimate act of workplace self defence from co-workers or an officer who hid in a potted plant or locker to jump the bad guy at the right moment or even something as minor as a random civ just being in the wrong place at the wrong time by complete chance, and they just happened to run into them, slowing them down for only a second or 2, but that being all it took for security to catch up and nab them As an antag, expect the unexpected, plan for failure and roll with the punches
  3. That they are
  4. I myself have had 4 people trying to kill me in one single round with different objectives and each one had their own plan to try to pull it off. It all comes down to the RNG roll at round start, sometimes your lucky and get no one tryin to get ya, sometimes you get a couple, and sometimes, extremely rarely, every single antag rolled you. I remember way back wondering if i was being messed with when stuff like this would happen, but it really did all come down to the RNG and pure bad luck, which is more or less the motto of the game: Space Station 13: Roll the dice and good luck
  5. 1. Janitor 2. 3. 4. 5. Wagging tail would be cool Cant wait to see how this all turns out! Though i am sad it will be the last one :(
  6. 3-06 might not apply: To be in the possession of contraband items. Being in possession of S-grade contraband, or committing a major crime with contraband, makes you an Enemy of the Corporation. Since it requires an item specifically listed as contraband I could see 3-04 applying, if you count thermite as an explosive type, not the big bang boom kind, but the slow fizzle crackle kind or just a harmful chemical mixture 3-04: To be in unauthorized possession of restricted weapons such as: Guns, Batons, Harmful Chemicals, Non-Beneficial Explosives, Combat Implants (anti-drop, CNS rebooter), etc. So long as said person isnt in RND, this would probably stick like glue. If they are in RND, and the chemicals/explosives never leave the lab, it wouldnt really apply since their SOP only states not to bring them outside of the lab, not to create them in general, with only the RD being authorized on red alert to bring said harmful items outside of the lab
  7. Carthusia

    ID Laws

    Yea, im fairly certain that once it hits red alert, failure to display is easily counted as a 2-00 offence, though a little note in the law would be nice to make this more clear
  8. I think you can select the style prior to implantation via a screwdriver? Though im not 100% on that
  9. I mean, for the sake of argument and the fact not every single potential law can be added, the idea that the possession law is used to ding someone for consumption seems a logical end point in game logic. If the drug is not in you due someone else drugging you, you had to have possessed it, and if you possessed it, it was a crime. If you get pulled over by the cops and eat any drugs you had with you, they dont ignore the fact you had possessed it moments prior. Remember to: "SpaceLaw" isnt real law, its the way NT makes the universe and the REAL law (SolGov) think their at the bare minimum attempting to keep law and order within their section of space. Its not set in stone, to the degree NT makes no secret of the fact they will toss it into a woodchipper the moment it suits their needs. Their security force is literally a group of jackbooted thugs who will happily crush your windpipe because you tried to argue with them, they arnt proper police, and the phrase "de-escalation" to them, means hit it until it stops moving That being said, a public intoxication law would be nice, since dealing with people drunk on the LEGAL stuff has no proper counter.
  10. Im still generally on the side of let things lie as is. It might sound excessive when security authorizes lethal weapons for a guy with a disabler or stun baton, but as pointed out above: Thats how officers stunned and dragged into the tunnels to be killed, just because an antag is using a disabler to stun you, does not mean their not going to KILL you after they do, majority of times one can say they will kill you. The more of their current paths to lethal force you take away from the officers the more you tie their hands and get them killed. The issue to me i feel is not the usage of lethal force, but the AMOUNT of force used. There is a MASSIVE difference from using lethal force with the intent to shoot to stop the threat, and shooting to KILL the threat. One you shoot until the threat is no longer a threat, be it surrender, disarmament, or excessive wounds allowing their arrest and treatment The other you shoot them until they fall over, and then you keep shooting them until youve burned them into a fine powder, or if its ballistics, turned them into a fine red mist, regardless of
  11. Do you have any pictures to show just what the difference is? Ive never really played a character that has this
  12. I like, ive seen new Tcoms get setup within a minute before, it was harder back in the day when it required an entire sat of its own to hold all the various terminals, but the fact its now just a board, some metal and a couple of bits mashed into one terminal makes its destruction a non issue so long as RND is operational
  13. Yea, in terms of performance i never really have any issues beyond my own connection
  14. Im kind of against any change that makes more antag types the sudden "End" type, there is little else that exists that is more unsatisfying than to go through hell and back, only to have the end screen pop up with a "End" No epic final showdown, no dareing escapes, no horrifying slaughter, just "End" This is true for round start blobs, wizards and our dearly departed shadowling
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