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Everything posted by Carthusia

  1. I do love the newscasters, but i very rarely actually make use of them myself. More in depth features and some polish would be nice. I'm not 100% sure if it already does this, but perhaps when an arrest warrant is put out, there's an area in the newscaster that automatically lists active warrants, BOLOs and includes their ID's photo witha little blurb.
  2. Mmmm, for dark and gritty, my votes gona be for 7 or 5 with a heavy leaning towards 5
  3. I like the idea that Service/Jani modules could be combined.
  4. Depending on the security team, legal team, and the exact writing of space law itself, it is very possible to argue against an EoC jail term, or jail at all from an IC perspective due to a lack of hard evidence to counter any claim you may make. It all depends if the various aspects of security are willing to listen as the exact writing of SL, does not specify that the martial art itself is a crime to know, only the scroll one could use to obtain it, while onboard a NanoTrasen station. The simple act of knowing it, is not listed, and thus it can be argued on an IC level. This in no way guarantees you get away with it, but it is an option one can pursue if they wish. Abyos, you noted that knowing magic makes you a member of the SWF and that the fact you may know magic is a crime, though the lore page contradicts this as well as SL and notes: "Wizards are unique individuals who have access to powers that defy scientific principles. Most are part of the Space Wizard Federation" Even if 80% are apart of the SWF, there is still a chance that such a magic user is not apart of the SWF. SL itself does not state ALL magic users are EoCs, but those who are members of the SWF, as during a SWF attack where spellbooks pop out everywhere, any crew who were to read said book, would be immediately classed as an EoC and presumably executed due to their possible uncontainable aspect, even with no crime having been committed. While in this example obviously a wizard who has boarded without authorisation is subject to the usual procedures of an unauthorized presence aboard the cyberiad, the mere fact they know magic, is not what makes them an EoC, but their membership to the SWF and or their proven intent to do harm. Personally I enjoy these more grey area aspects of SL, as they encourage people to try to weasel out of things with varying degrees of hilarious/horrible failure, to lucky/amazing successes. In the end, its entirely IC handable without any edits to the page, you just need to be clever in how you go about either enforcing SL or sneaking around it. Example: A syndicate agent murdering their target in the open with witnesses, BUT the target in fact was a vampire who was biting someone, and thus an EoC, not crew, and thus a murder by law, never actually took place.
  5. You can, but it really would be nice, to just at a glance be able to see that the magistrates eyes are bleeding like he just looked into the ark of the covenant. Not even for just my sake, but for his. After the brig doc forgot to close him up, when you examine yourself, just a little thing of "Open Wound" would be great. Seriously that magistrate was pale as a sheet and needed a blood transfusion, and had absolutely no idea why it was happening. The fact he didn't have a near fatal staph infection in his eyes and brain was a miracle at that point.
  6. This would do wonders, I had a magistrate come in who couldnt figure out why he was bleeding. Turns out the brig phys had left his eye wound open from an Xray implant and the guy nearly bled out after it being open for so long.
  7. If that is in fact the case, a few text prompts could maybe be added then to indicate to players that something is wrong, much like broken bones, eye damage and the like. Perhaps when you pat down your body to examine it, it can say instead of just numb or normal "Your (body part) feels swollen and looks discolored" With a few red text pain prompts that can show up if you continue to use the limb in question, much like broken bones. This would let the player know they have IB, without you always having to cough up blood from a IB foot wound.
  8. Yeaaa ive found the way IB is handled to be kind of odd. IB in your foot? CHURGHGGMGB, blood gurgling coughs until you die. I like the idea of IB leading to septic wounds instead of blood coughing, unless its a middle/lower torso wound where such a blood cough would make sense.
  9. Mime Vespa reminds me of a little sister from Bioshock Burial at Sea But with far more murrrrrrrrrdeerrr behind the eyes. Great job
  10. In the planned engineering revamp there is a nice little spot in the revamped construction area i have plans for Very nice work Drake, and I look forward to seeing future works
  11. God that run and stitch to mining was a nightmare with swarmers on our asses. This is why I always prepare a bugout bag lol
  12. Thats spooky, you can just picture the ghost creeping up behind to say "Nyeh heh heh hehhhhhhh!"
  13. Ohhhohhhhhh, youve got me all RATTLED spark
  14. Dont worry, next time just put a little more BACKBONE into it.
  15. awwwwwwwwwwww, maybe one day if we wish hard enough they will become ingame characters. Still awesome though
  16. How have I yet to meet either of these characters ingame yet?! They seem like alot of fun
  17. God I always love seeing the art people draw about this game. Cecilia is absolutely one of those HoS characters where I do look forward to them running the shift, as at least SOMEONE on the sec team is guaranteed to know what their doing. Never change
  18. One thing in the karma system i wish for, is that you could spend karma on cosmetics, be able to choose to start with saya blue jumpsuit, mailman outfit or various other bits of clothing if you purchase it with karma. Some people don't really want to unlock other species besides say 1, and then reach a point where they have karma, but not a whole lot to spend it on. Cosmetic things you can unlock with karma to add to your Loadouts seems like a thing that would be nice.
  19. What if their presence was in fact a crime? I mean they are not authorized visitors, thus by spacelaw them being onboard is a crime. They gotta use stealth suits to make them invisible, be all sneaky like, and STEAL what they need. Vox raiders are known for their raids, and most of the time people don't even know they have been hit until long after and they go to check stock. We once had a Space Ninja doing something similar to this, except they we're replacing all the vending machines with Mr.Chang's machines, but they were invisible until you got to close and had to be all sneaky to prevent capture. Makes them less of a Vox Trader/Merchant and an actual Vox Raider
  20. hah, it looks like he's pepper spraying a Neutral, I love it.
  21. I dono, i feel that's just how Vox ARE, and you can't rework that without destroying their entire background. I wouldn't call it "Self-Antagging" as that is such a broad term it can be applied as a cudgel to stop something someone may not like. People should not be punished on server for following their races background and lore, because that lore was written and approved by the server itself. If a vox raiding party boarded, and followed to inviolate, more or less every vox in some way if asked, would pitch in assistance where they could, an unlocked door here, some medical supplies there, a key "accidentally" dropped, a long boring talk with the HoS by the detective to keep him busy, etc etc. That's how Vox are, they are VERY agreeable to assisting fellow Vox so long as it's not going to violate their Inviolate and that the vox in question has not either. Doesnt matter what Ark they hail from, what ship, what criminal past as the laws broken, are not THEIR laws. I got to interact with a small raider group once, and this happened, they weren't hurting people, they followed the inviolate, so what happened? Me, the Medical Vox helped them out, and the security vox? Did the same where he could, and in the end me and the sec vox joined their merry crew and escaped on a "borrowed" Sol trader shuttle that was once filled with xenos. In the end: Has the raider group seriously harmed/killed any kin or more than a few non-kin? Have they followed the inviolate? If No and Yes, then guarantee vox kin assistance of some kind, some where, If Yes and No, expect SERIOUS Vox kin RESISTANCE in every conceivable way. You can expect some help if you follow the Inviolate. You can GUARANTEE mass resistance if you don't. Such are the vox.
  22. If the ship has its own EVA lockers onboard then the need for it to dock is removed. Not 100% sure but does it have this already or no?
  23. I like, ever since i found out that it was not in rotation and all those lovely vox items never get used i've wanted it to be brought back in some form. The big Nitro tank feels like it may be a holdover from times when vox did not have the smaller tanks and the whole ship feels like it could use a rework to bring it up to speed. mmmmmmmmmmm, my skipjack trade shack may one day become an actual skipjack heh
  24. Daum, i actually feel bad for the clown. Very nice
  25. Bad Vox Spider! No! You steal the Head of securities lamp! You don't eat it! (2 minutes later) BAD VOX SPIDER! YOU DON'T EAT THE HEAD OF SECURITY! YOU STEAL HIS STUFF! STOP EATING PEOPLE VOX SPIDER! That thing was a beast, it broke out of the HoS's office and went on a rampage on the bridge.
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