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Everything posted by Carthusia

  1. God everytime i see art of Dan Jello, i just imagine he somehow at some point got teleported back in time to lead a British regiment against the french, or maybe to become a pirate king only to be teleported back to the future. Awesome art
  2. Sometimes, food is the comfiest bed of all
  3. Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, for the sake of not turning the brig cells into Lovers Lane, where all broken hearts go to die and security becomes overburdened with the sheer amount of akward kiss givers and recievers, for me, id say say.....
  4. Carthusia


    I tend to just get manifest hired into security as a medbay security officer. An entire role just for that seems...unneeded. The only place I could see getting its own "guard" would be the bar in the form of a bouncer job, because that place can get crazy at times.
  5. Yeaaaa, I also wouldnt really want random genetic things applied to me at round start either. Ive already got it written into my characters backstory and via the menu to pick stuff the ones that they have, and suddenly having torretes, a stutter, or even being mute at random on rounds, that force me to go to genetics to get it fixed before i can begin the round proper at the start, just does not sound fun. That being said, Im all for more things being added to the character creator for people who wish to add them to themselves by choice.
  6. Ofton times ive noticed that some time before a summon is attempted, the cult is already over running a few areas, or most of the station, and thus people in a panic to escape, attack halo'd people while on their way to find a way out, not so much in a "Im going hunting" sense but more "Their in my way, and i need past, BANG, now that their dead, have run off, or are simply to wounded to fight, i keep moving" Example: A group of 5-6 people a few days ago with me in my kitchen all trying to make our way to EVA to grab a suit and bail into space, we make it there fine, but after we arrive full blown halo cultists start swarming the area, and shots begin to fly on all sides. By that point, your going to shoot first the moment they start creeping around the room, because you know if you DONT, they could very well get you. For us, if they poked their heads up, we'd just fire a shot down the hall at them to keep them away while we made our escape. Not long after 5-6 more cultists swarmed in and got 4-5 of us. I feel the reason why the halo'd aspect was added, was specifically so you couldnt hide a cult anymore, by that point, your in control of i think 30% of the total crew? With 10-15% just being glowy, but hidable red eyes. Lets say it is 20-30%, That's possibly 20-30 out of 100 people or even more at high pop by time you reach the "You cant hide" phase, that is an army, an army who is armed to the teeth, who can kill anyone they see should they so desire. They have magic, summonable weapons, the ability to raise the dead to serve them, and armors that give them extreme bonuses. They cannot be negotiated with, they cannot be bribed, they cannot be pleaded with. By this point a cult is kind of in the Station Ender category, along with blobs, terrors and xenos. The summoning aspect is just the final "If you dont fight, you die", alert at least in my opinion I see cults get stomped before and after this phase mind you, but most cult rounds ive seen reach the "war" phase, its not a straight up stomping that I see but an open conflict for the station that sometimes, very, VERY quickly snowballs in the cults favor if they are organized. Stun, restrain, drag, convert, repeat. Overall, In my opinion, i haven't seen the "war" phase really be an issue or how people react to it, but thats just from what ive seen
  7. Ohhhh this is awesome! I look forward to hearing more!
  8. You, are the next Ringo star good sir. You to one day may make 2,000 a pop from your work! (Google Ringo Star MS paint)
  9. Perhaps if a hijacker takes the contractor job, it removes their hijack objective and they are 100% set on their other objectives?
  10. These are awesome! Could you make one of Kar-Ski with his little pipe?
  11. Heh, i mean who knows why they hired them to kill you? It could absolutely be that! "Kar-Ski took the last plate of meatloaf...he must pay..."
  12. The problem with Memory loss of any kind, at least to me, is how do you even begin to enforce a policy like that on the scale paradise has? Its one thing if you have that policy on a small population server, its very personal, and easy to monitor, but ive seen paradise creep past 150 people at times, and its a safe bet 30-50% of the people in those rounds in some way ends up dead in some form. How much time do you dedicate into investigating each perceived offence? How would you deal with offenders? Do you begin punishing them? Do you start restricting them? Do you simply verbally warn them? Then you multiply however many of the above you did by upwards to 12x every day, then for a week, then the full year and you start to see the insane snowballing enforcing such a policy would have. Within a year, you would have an absolute mountain of: bans, restrictions and verbal warnings, a mountain for each. That's not even counting the admin to player ratio is on average 1 per 20-30 people, so their ability to dedicate large portions of time for something like that is very limited compared to the time they would need to dedicate to incidents that affect large numbers of players negatively Overall personally, im fine with how things are now. Is it perfect? No, there are improvements that could be made, but its a far cry better than the alternative
  13. A vox christmas https://gyazo.com/4999b535f89cf110953e8a07645403de
  14. Sometimes the ghosts are 100% right
  15. Pat Pat Good Unathi
  16. The horror....the horror...
  17. Big fan of the contingency audio, basically a "NT is gone, command and security, burn the evidence of anything we were doing that in anyway could be linked back to us, do so and you won't be burned along with it" Always loved the idea that the reason NT sends deathsquads was to hide all the illegal stuff they've been doing to make sure SolGov doesn't get any kind of legal justification to just nationalise the company. NT may be strong, but they should fear SolGov above all else. Your recording style remind me a lot of TheVolgun in the SCP community
  18. I was in that round to, it took me 30 minutes to get a spider, every time it would pop up, no matter how fast I tried it would always be taken first. I havent seen the new system for spider choice yet, but is it a general spider spawn like "A spider has spawned, do you wish to play it" or is it still specific such as "A red terror has spawned, do you wish to play it?"
  19. It would be kind of nifty, but would take a chunk of sprite work
  20. Hey there everyone, Toko/Octus has a new spooky piece and story they did for halloween and wishes to post it here for for everyone to enjoy. (Disclaimer: All art below drawn by Tokorizo/Octus, please do comment and share your thoughts and feelings) Behind the scenes: Picture I drew for Halloween. I got from an idea of Kikeri being evil. Wanted to draw a creepy picture and pretty gritty scene with a bit of a story to add to the scene. Overall this was a pretty long project and I had a lot of enjoyment doing this, give the story a read and give a criticism. Is it bad, is it good? Id love to hear your opinions. Anyways, take care and stay tuned folks. Story:
  21. Hey there, Toko/Octus has a couple new pieces for people to enjoy (Disclaimer: All art below drawn by Tokorizo/Octus, please do comment and share your thoughts and feelings) Koik the Kingpin: Picture I did for a good friend of mine in game and I love their Dynamic with Toko. This picture I sorta experimented with brush uses and different types of shading, a used like 30 brushes and mixed them all around to really add the vibrancies to Koik, with after effects being the cherry on top. Overall I really like how this came out, really has that POP and character to it, something I like to see as improvement, and its my first Unathi drawing. Expect more from the more recognized lizards in game as I have ambitions to expand my species pallet. Jailbird: Wanted to do something with a bit more dread as I really like concepts of isolation or just emptiness. There is a sort of quiet ambience I picture in my mind when I see this picture and its rather unsettling. Overall I tried to stick to using the color blue as its good to represent a feeling of loneliness, sadness, or just a aloofness feeling. I added a bit of lighting as it really fits well with a picture of darkness and really shows emotion that the viewer can understand, also this picture was really big, like REALLY big for my scale. I usually work 1024x1024, this one was 4096x4096 so it was a big step up for me and I got to work on my background painting too. Overall not a bad start for practicing my more moody pictures.
  22. it took me a second to realise just how big the tree was. I love it
  23. God the vox really are alot like Kenku arnt they? Auriel gives me Zeke vibes, like that fancy victorian couch "ohh saaaavee meeeeee" Love it
  24. Hey there, Tokorizo has asked me to post his latest work and some information behind his thought process on their creation here as he is currently unable to, and hopes you all enjoy it. "I might not be around that much anymore, but i'll still be doing art for the community from time to time. Either way, I hope my art brings joy or inspiration to people. Anyways, stay tuned folks. And Skrektastic." - Tokorizo/Octus All art below drawn by Tokorizo/Octus, please do comment and share your thoughts and feelings "The Intervention: So usually after a "Toko moment" it ends up with Chiki sneaking into wherever they dumped Tokos body and she removes his stack, afterwards sticking it into an MMI and bullying poor Toko. Usually involving threats of Borging (terrifying) or just calling him short (hates it). Either way, my most memorable moments in SS13 are not during my antag rounds, but the aftermath and Chiki really plays her character well. As for the art, it was my first attempt at a comic, and honestly I thought it was done well. I used a more cartoony style for this one" "Kikeri the Harmonious Vox: Kikeri is a literal polar opposite to Tokorizo, and that's why I find their character the most interesting. Kikeri is a type of Vox to make peace not war while Toko enjoys the chaos he brings. Kikeri is a great Vox to be around, I still have yet to see Kikeri ever harm a poor mouse on station. This design was done similarity to my Esfor picture with added effects to it (Shadow, clothes are more detailed, and a more advanced Dynamic pose compared to the previous Vox picture.)" "Esforikakiti the Lonesome Vox: Esfor is lonely Vox, he feels isolated and finds it hard to relate to his kin, it results in him focusing on his craft and the station as a whole. It's been said that he's been seen talking to the literal "station" during repairs. Possible crazy? nah he's just a Vox who loves his craft, working on it his entire life and having a belief that they are alive, and he cares about it. As for the art it was the first time at an attempt to work on a pose that didn't feel flat. I used new techniques like rim lighting, experimenting with layers, and the style of my Vox." "Guardian Vox: So we have a very funny joke between vox players involving Chikitia stuffing poor Esfor into a ball for his own "protection". Meanwhile another Vox was posting more realistic, aliens depictions of Vox that were not usually the design I would go for, it was more gritty, and I love gritty art. And lastly, the pose is inspired from metroid, one of my favorite games of all time and a major influence for Tokorizo (My vox). Either I like to consider this one my favorite picture to have ever worked on, I tested with filters, tried a different style of drawing and layering, and got to make a funny joke into a something I've been having on my mind for weeks. For obvious reasons Chiki is the big guardian holding poor Esfor in the bubble... for his own protection of course. This is my shining gem." "Plasmaman Speedpaint: I uploaded the species sketch in the art discord and got a lot of positive stuff about plasmamen, I decided to do a quick speedpaint on it to practice my pure painting skills. This was experimental and looking back there was a lot I could have improved on but for a speedpaint done in afternoon with no lineart I feel its satisfactory" "Species Sketch: I wanted to... widen my variety on the awesome species in Paradise, Vox were an obvious drawing that I enjoy doing, my main species and my personal bias species. Unathi, prob the next group of species I wanted to get to learning as I enjoy lizard biology and Unathi were my first species to play on Para, I have so many memory's starting out on Para and they involved Unathi players, IPCs are a fun species, I enjoy machines designs, there anatomy on how flexible they can be, and even the lore behind them, I've also found IPC players to be nicest people on station. And lastly plasmamen, the rather not seen much species (because they got nerfed into the ground) is always a cool design. I love their suit designs, there unique passive of living in a toxic environment, and how underappreciated they are, (we really need more art of this species.)" "Terror Sketch: Terrors are one of my favorite antags, there's a wide variety, there intelligent, cooperative, and they don't spam stun on you (lol) anyways, I wanted to do a quick little draw on something that wasn't drawn often, a spider. Not just any spider, a Terror Spider. For a quick afternoon sketch i'd say it was a fun lil side project"
  25. wait, the black and red soft suit has comparable armor stats to the blood red hardsuit? Wait, the black and red soft suit HAS ARMOR?!
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