I am writing this forum post to get feedback on a PR I have planned. The goals of this PR is to rebalance the various tools janitor gets, most of which are made completely useless by the floor buffer upgrade.
Main goals of this PR are :
1. Make water have a reason to be used besides griefing, while lowering the frustration of being water slipped.
2. Make all janitor tools have a purpose, mainly by nerfing how fast the floor buffer janiride cleans
3. Make space cleaner the standard reagent used for Janitor mop cleaning, so that new players arent yelled at for cleaning with water when they dont know better
4. Make the janitor role actually useful in terms of mechanics, as right now having the hallways littered in blood has little gameplay significance unless slaughter demons are involved
Full list of changes planned :
Balance stuff to consider that isnt directly janitor related :
- Nerfing water slip stun time might affect antags. I rarely see antags use water to slip, though, usually they just lube or use a slippery item.
- Slaughter demon will be indirectly buffed, as overall janitors will be less effective at cleaning due to the janiride not being ridiculously fast at cleaning anymore. Janiborgs being untouched should hopefully mean this is fine.
- Trashbags can no longer be used by miners for massive belt storage. Use belts of holdings, nerds.
- Spray bottles will now use more reagents.