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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. too true. You dont even need the game mode. Ive been in rounds where the assistants have ran barefisted fight clubs in maintanence before. Beating eachother into brain damage. Also, had another idea. High Profile Trial: One person is designated the defendant. Has to be escorted on the station, case tried, and either released or confined. A few crewmen have the job of seeing them survive the round (even if they arent Sec). A few others have the objective of killing or maiming them (or melting their face off). It also gives the lawyer something to do except pretend to be a part of security.
  2. Blob idea, yea. Perhaps it was just some nostalgia for some good ole' homeworld. I mean, we got plenty of ancient eldritch horror as it is. I always seem to want more though. I know the pokemon thing sounds retarded. Thats because it is retarded. I still think it would be fun if done tongue in cheek... but also retarded. its essentially just pokemon style pit fights. The implementation would be funny, "Clown, I choose you. Use Flower filled with poly acid! Its super effective!" But perhaps not the right crowd just yet. Lemme know how the serial killer round works out.
  3. Oops. Clearly i didnt do my homework. Sorry folks. Ill read fully from now on.
  4. Isnt this why we got rid of the pooping command? That being said, I'm commander Shephard and this is my favorite idea on the forum.
  5. First, is this thread serious? Second. There is a reason why one of 4chins(sic) rules is: "There are no girls on the internet." It doesnt mean what people think it means. It has to do with how people behave in society. In reality, there are several social contracts we take as given without really questioning them. In most social situations, the fact that one is (insert social identity) gives you automatic points. People are more likely to believe you if you accuse someone of something, recount a story, get drinks bought for you. You get points for being a girl. You generally get points in some fashion for being something at all. If you are white, you get to generally not go to jail as long, get to smoke weed without being arrested more often. If you have genitals or skin, you generally get treated better in some situations and worse in others. On the internet, none of that shit matters at all. Your skin or dong/vag does not matter here. Unless you make it about your genitals. Hence why on that forum, when someone says "hey I'm a girl." the proper response is "tits or gtfo." Because you have reduced yourself to your genitals, and the go to perspective is, so will everyone else. And thats fair. Ugly, but fair. You arent black on the internet, you arent female, you arent male, you arent white, you arent fat, trans, skinny, anorexic, gay, straight, able, disabled, or what the fuck ever else you are. You are the exact same as everybody else. Thats why some folks hate white knights, because they reduce women to objects. As if they arent capable of defending themselves, akin to children. Its also why some people hate grrl gamers, because they reduce themselves to their genitals. Gaming isnt about your genitals. In the end, try not to make this about your gender or race. None of that shit matters here. Just play the fucking game. ... Wait... Ponyist? ::slow clap:: ya got me. joke thread.
  6. 2 Ideas today. 1. Serial Killer - One antag during the round. Gets one target at a time. Possibly gets a custom emote to eviscerate a body in a special way (removes heart, eyes, fingers, whatever.) Every target taken out gives a new target. This gives the detective something to do other than smoke in the medbay. 2. Secure Target Round Similar to nuke ops, except the goal is capture a number of crew alive. Slavers or syndies. This could go many ways, as a captain may have an entire crew to protect him, but the station may willingly give up the clown.
  7. Ohmigod. I had an amazingly stupid idea. But it just might be fun. Pokemon mode. 2 people are designated pokemon trainers. they get a number of pokeballs. Those are thrown at other members of the crew (some who try to get away, some who want to be captured.), when hit, they are transported another portion of the map. After each trainer has six, they battle their pokemon. All uncaptured crew become the audience/potential mass casualty incident. Undoubtedly, the clown would be either a great addition to a team or a stupid one. It may be stupid, but it also might be fun.
  8. Oops. What I meant is that, no one ever needs to enter the office voluntarily. I enter it all the time. But except for IAA, I dont see many people showing up requesting anything.
  9. I had a wild idea the other day that would take some coding to do, which I may engage in if it gets some love. Do you remember the Beast from Homeworld Cataclysm? What if a very small portion collided with the station, or was maybe something xenoarch could find, or you could order from centcom potentially (or from the syndicate). The idea being that you could feed people, meat, or pets to it. In return, you can interact with it to produce harvestable material for research, medical, or... ew.. chef. Perhaps even security could grow one shot grenade or something off it. You could feed prisoners to it, or antags, or antags could feed you to it. It would start out non-sentient but if it got big enough it would get controlled by ghost or admin. Then the goal would be to subtly expand, control the AI, or eat people. I think a built in fail-safe could be designed in, like table salt kills one tiles worth of it. That way early on, it could be controlled more easily. Just a potentially retarded idea. I'd love to hear others or critiques on my own.
  10. Oh my gods, thats a brilliant point! Make the Customs Officers job to take SSDs and flush them through the cryo system. Thats an awesome way to manage the issue.
  11. While the NT Rep is a great class IMHO. They could stand to have a console for Code REDing the station. There have been a number of rounds where shits been going down and I'm left with my figurative dick in my hand when I couldnt help set Code RED with the HoP or Cap. I'm away from my comp at the moment, do they have an announcement console as well? Also, theres never really a reason to enter the NT Reps office, but it could stand some furniture for staff meetings, arbitrations and whatnot. (plus it is karma purchased, so some added fluff may make people want to do it more often.) Also, this may be a dumb question, can you set a Code RED from the HoPs office if you are not HoP? I know NT Rep has HoP access.
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