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SpacePsymon last won the day on February 20 2018

SpacePsymon had the most liked content!

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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. 5^5.exe has started (once again).
  2. Tea is a very unique little creature highly cute to say the least. :^)
  3. Hi man, I think I've seen you sometimes in-game and you were cool, hopefully I was too! Welcome!
  4. Sweden a pretty cold country as we speak.
  5. I never thought that i'd make myself one introduction to Paradise Station, mainly because I thought it was a phase and some sort of ''hype'' thing, but now I just realized that I grew more and more fonder to this server including the community i am hooked in other words and as this server is my very first real one it will always have a special place in my heart, thus I want to say hello to each one of you. I haven't really been playing SS13 ''that'' much in the past. Only sometimes with a friend of mine I'm not really ''that'' good in other words on SS13, but i'm having a good time nonetheless and yet I'm learning more and more about SS13 and especially on Paradise as a whole. You may aswell have seen me in-game and OOC'ly, and the majority of you have been extremely nice towards me both on my way to learn that specific role or unsure about other things including rules that Paradise Station have to offer However, you might aswell have seen me around the bar, or even as Ian and I hope despite where you've seen me that I've been acting rational towards you!
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