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Everything posted by mura128

  1. Nanostrasen Crew Records Personnel ID#5954037 COLOUR CODING KEY: Red means security clearance Blue means centcom and higher clearance Green means scribbled in comments from MURA themself (We have no idea how they keep getting access to this record, we’ve at this point left in their notes in the margins out of hope they will not continue) Name: MURA-128 Full Designation: Bishop Cybernetics Medical Utility Response Android Model #0000128 While official records state MURA-128s serial designation as #0000128, it was found during their initial physical examination on hiring by NT roboticists that their model is actually #0000008. Due to lack of suspicion or reason for why they may be lying, this has been marked a likely clerical error Age: 56 Date of Birth: 05/15/2512 Place of Birth: NSS Speedwell Gender: None designated, presents with a feminine affect Race: IPC Oil Type: 10W-20 General Occupational Role(s): Chief Medical Officer[Primary] Trauma and Cardiothoracic Surgeon[Secondary] Background [Abriged from hiring interview]: MURA-128 is a highly advanced Medical Utility Response Android, one of the few IPC units predating mass production still in active duty. Originally designed as a high-precision surgical unit, MURA-128 combines mechanical accuracy with a human-like demeanor, bridging the gap between traditional robotic and human medical personnel. Initially programmed with multiple surgical specialties, MURA-128 has functioned in high-stakes medical environments since activation. Following significant contributions in New Canaan General’s critical care department, MURA-128 joined Nanotrasen’s NCB Morning Star as a trauma surgeon, quickly advancing to Chief Medical Officer. This role granted MURA-128 critical operational experience in a multi-species setting, ultimately leading to their current position at the NSS Cyberiad in the Epsilon Eridani system. Here, they continue to refine advanced medical practices, while also exploring personal research initiatives. Background [Unabriged]: Qualifications and Certifications: Employment Records [does not include pre-independance employment]: Security Records: Classified Records; CentComm or higher clearance: Medical Records: Personnel Photo: [credits to @PhantasmicDream] Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes:
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      • fastparrot
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  2. I've had stellaris for a while now, but I've never had people to play with or the time really. But now that it's summer I've plenty of time so I'd love to play with anyone willing to tolerate a complete novice ^^
  3. Good morning crew, I would like to formally introduce myself as Dr. MURA-128, MD, Msc, While you are all contracted you can expect to see me as one of valiant Chief Medical Officers or Surgeons tasked with keeping all of you as fit as a fiddle. I can only hope your time aboard the Cyberiad is a long and healthy one. Now, suit sensors up and have a good shift! Greetings, salutations, and Καλημέρα! It has been a bit since I've started playing on here, so it seemed like a good time to make a formal introduction on the forums! My name's Mura, but you probably know me by the character I've been playing and neglecting my other characters since I've unlocked IPC's, MURA-128! I found out about ss13 through my one friend who doesn't play the game anymore, and absolutely fell in love with the game. Since then I've basically given up on most of my other games for ss13 and now that I start to think about it I might have problem... Anyway, It's been great since I've joined, and I can only wait for what more this soul crushing spess game holds
  4. being remade
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  5. Incredibly well written, to the point, and doesn't cut out any necessary info. This is the perfect guide for anyone looking to play as an MD, surgeon, or brig physician.
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