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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. I feel like there should be a way for a person to wake up by themselves. I mean, unless your under the influence of anesthetics, or any of the machines that prompt you to sleep/go unconscious, there should be no reason for an individual to not get up themselves. We sleep everyday, and we're able to wake up on our own (Unless you're not the early bird type.). It's annoying to wait for someone to get a clue that you're unconscious on the ground and that you need a little shake.
  2. If there was a drug trade going on in the tunnels, or if someone gets hurt in there, sec should wait for someone to call them over on the radio. It's cheap otherwise.
  3. I mean, you're going to have this shit happen continuously. I cannot count how many times when a non-antag civilian goes into maintenance and starts gathering unneeded shit like grenade casings. Unless you're like a roboticist and need supplies for your bots, or something similar in that matter, basic civilians shouldn't be entering the damn tunnels... They even go into the tools storage shed and start robbing the place of its tools. Why? You don't have a job in engineering. Why the hell are you equiping yourself a full set of tools that someone useful would need later down the road? Why you taking shit from the engineers' personal tool closet? You're not an engineer, why you in here? Why you taking shit from the closets, civs?
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