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About Lucyz

  • Birthday 02/28/1991

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  1. Nobody wanted it here so I gave it away on Twitch.
  2. Welcome again
  3. Wiki need's to be updated as the current extracting brain for humans / other species does not work on IPC's. Current procedure to extract IPC Brains: Saw to Amputate the head, Scalpel, Retractor then Hemostat.
  4. Welcome to the forums Be sure to check out IRC too.
  5. Noooooooooooooo not my butterflies!
  6. Well can we make it so that the frame colour can be changed too then?
  7. Lucyz


    I like your roleplaying and Tichi so keep it up
  8. I do agree a new layout would be nice, not fond of the perma brig in the center, should be at the back like it currently is, other than that i like the layout.
  9. GIVE ME BACK MY PINK APC FRAME, Add please thx.
  10. Welcome back hope to see you in-game.
  11. Lucyz

    Guide to Surgery

    Would just like to add for anyone who is unsure on how to fix the crushed skull with the patients brain visible (shows up as no broken bones for some reason) you need to do bone surgery which will fix the skull aswell as the open brain, Hope this helps
  12. Lucyz

    Medical Borg

    Okay so its been bugging me and I want something added to medical borg. Space Cleaner! I hate surgery covered in blood and areas all bloody becase the janitor is either SSD or useless. Also I was trying to think of other ways to generally improve the medical borg, maybe add a recharge station somewhere in medical?
  13. Lucyz

    Hi I'm Lev

    Hey Lev
  14. So much for an introduction thread.. hehe. Hai.
  15. This ^ I like being medical borg, would be cool if there was something else for us
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