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WilsonWeave last won the day on October 5 2019

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About WilsonWeave

  • Birthday June 11

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Grey Tider

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  1. When you whack someone with a multitool, it'll do some brute damage, but sound like you're just gently tapping someone, have fun with those silent, slow murders
  2. The Therapist/Psych spawns with three pills of meth, and two of hydrocodone in his pill bottle, which is in his locker. Free, easy combat drugs because I'm partially sure you won't drop items out of a broken hand or arm if you're under the effects of hydro, nor will you feel literally any pain at all until you fall into hard-crit. They nerfed the speed boost of meth, but it's still there. So have fun bullying nukies, you unrobust Therapist main. (Me) On the topic of drugs, as long as you ask before-hand in medcomms as a therapist you can probably snag a syringe gun from medical storage under the claim of self defense from patients without anyone raising an eyebrow. If you want to be a shitter, just convert the Psych office into a spare OR, the reinforced table right behind the office in maint has just enough for an OR table, probably won't be hard to scrounge for ghetto-tools in maint. It makes for a decent last-ditch mini-medbay when nukies inevitably breach the hell out of the actual medbay with no engineers in sight. (Who in their right mind would bother checking a psyche office with the shutters closed anyways? Also makes for a good chokepoint/funnel if they do try rushing in.) On another note, now that pretty much all of medbay has access to secondary storage, it's now easier than ever to steal yourself a medical hardsuit and mag-boots! Just waltz in, climb onto the table, and deconstruct the single reinforced window (or smash it, you animal.) Helpful if you can't be bothered to bug the CMO or get all access during a nukie shift. If you plan it out correctly with someone, you can flip over someone as they throw you, effectively doing a reversal throw and teleporting the person throwing you to where they threw you. Also those black jumpsuits in maint have a chance to be chameleon jumpsuits, they're not just for show!
  3. Eyyo and welcome.
  4. Wilson Mounsion, generic non-memorable boy! Who also accidentally lights entire plasma filled maint. tunnels on fire by getting electrocuted!
  5. Ayy, you may've seen me around the station a few times, and I decided to join the discord n' forums cause why not. I really hope "New Topic" means post somethin' and I'm not messing with the layout or anything.
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