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  1. Ty Omaha mentioned this idea in my Add Shock Treatment Kits thread and I think it's an interesting idea.It's an alternative (or partner) to that suggestion (but having both might be overkill with the medicine that already exists in MediVends). With the addition of shock, doctors have to carry around a lot of medicine that takes up a lot of space even when you take into account med belts. One or two of these could prove useful, if they are designated to only hold medical items. Much like how the janitorial cart can be slotted with a visible mop, the crash cart could have a handheld defib slotted into it for easy access. It rolls around and has storage that can be accessed with a click, which can contain medicine (at round start it has saline-glucose bottles and/or syringes, atropine bottles and/or syringes, and a couple of emergency autoinjectors). The potential for this being an obnoxious object that gets in the way and is pushed around obstructing people is very real, but then, I think Medbay needs to be expanded in size somewhat already, so perhaps this would be a good addition only if that happened. Also shitters might steal it, so it'd have to be rolled back into storage often.
  2. "The Syndicate has mistakenly established an uplink to the PDA of Name Namingson (Job Title). The error was detected and most of the telecrystals revoked, but a small cache of (5) TC remains inside. Retrieve them if necessary." ^ Example message. I think it's a fun idea. If a Head has the PDA, maybe make it 6 or 7 crystals instead?
  3. Give Service a Head, but without Head authority, like what the Quartermaster is to Cargo. Give Service... The Health Inspector. This hero to the station spawns with: (1) clipboard (1) reagent scanner (1) health inspector's stamp (1) fashionable suit, worn on spawn. Check food for drugs. Walk around the Kitchen with Harm intent and obstruct the chef. Hold the authority to fire Bartenders, Chefs and Botanists. Ensure that the Botanists are growing FOOD (not nothing but food, but at least SOME food). Form a love/hate relationship with the chef. Have blood feuds over whether or not the chef should cook 'healthy' food. HoP is still your boss.
  4. Farie is correct, atropine bottles can be found in MediVends at roundstart now, along with bottles of saline-glucose, mannitol and salbutamol pills. I'm not an expert at balancing chem distribution, but my idea so far is that the Shock Treatment Kits get added to Med Storage, and the amount of saline and atropine bottles available per MediVend gets ticked down slightly to compensate, if necessary. Shock is such a major factor in treatment with its own specialized medicine that having a kit for it seems appropriate, in my opinion.
  5. I certainly do not mind gathering up my own supplies for shock and heart treatment. I'm aware that the MediVends have all that stuff. The load of Medicine that I carry with me even with a satchel and belt has increased a fair bit, however, now that New Crit is in effect. I'd simply like to put forward the idea of creating a Shock Treatment Kit that includes something to the effect of: (1) emergency autoinjector (1) health analyzer (1) handheld defibrillator (2) saline-glucose syringes (2) atropine syringes The kit could be a dark orange or dark purple color with a heart in the center as its logo. Might be handy? I'd love to be able to just grab one of these and carry it around with me.
  6. Ah, that's quite considerate. I like the idea, especially since it's entirely optional at the discretion of each user.
  7. I fully support this, this sounds like a fun antag. I love the idea of involuntary periodic transformations that have to be hidden from the crew. (The Bartender starts shaking) "Uh... Excuse me, I have to... Find Pun Pun." (flees to office, growing claws)
  8. Welcome, enjoy your stay!
  9. This is an excellent guide. Thanks for writing it up. As a Bartender player one is perfectly capable of standing out above your average fellow that tosses six Whiskey Colas and six Black Russians onto the customers' counter and calls it good. Having your own personal standards of professionalism is key, and bonus points if you can make your bar look more attractive as well. I highly suggest wrenching up the default table-and-chair layout and recreating them with the planks in a more pleasing manner. You can throw drinks onto the customers' counter and it shouldn't spill... sometimes it looks cool if you have a lot of requests going on at once and it gets really busy. Or if you're not pouring them a glass, but just giving them a space beer. Whether it fits depends on the drink.
  10. Hi, my name's LuKat. I usually play a character named Jon Fiddler (always, actually), sometimes confused with the other character named Fiddler. I have been off-and-on of Space Station 13, having taken a couple of hiatus periods over the years. When I returned most recently, I tried the different servers, and Paradise quickly became my favorite. Only one person has ever been rude to me in my experience so far. Everyone else is nice, and helpful when I have questions, so thank you for that. I also joined the Discord recently, so you might see me there sometimes. Medbay is my station of preference, the home away from home. The section in which I have worked every job multiple times. Besides medical jobs, I'd say Bartenderin's my favorite role. Nice to meet all of you. <3
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