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Everything posted by procdrone

  1. well, there are other means of stunning still available, slipping, batong, flashbangs - sounds little OP for any weapon to have game over guaranteed function(not even % based to decap, its a guarantee). I don't think it fits towards the current combat direction, where we are trying to move away from instant game overs (see tasers, shotgun nerfs, etc.)
  2. long story short, do your job. read the guides. read SoP.
  3. one could argue it be Limb augmentation versus Organ augmentation, but I am not committed to defending that particular idea as it was a passing thought.
  4. topic raised on discord, which i find quite valid. currently, we have two types of implants, the "rnd" implants installed and removed through internal organ manipulations, and "syringe" implants, installed through injecting and removed through implant removal surgery. Having two quite different things named practically the same - implant, creates some confusion on how to deal with them for many. My suggestion is simply to rename one or the other, and give it another name. some suggestions like RND implants being renamed to augments, or syringe implants being renamed to chips was sounded over at discord. Feel free to propose your own
  5. Could base it around grinding down everything into unit based system, which would make it easier to mark as "done" and track its progress by simply transferring units of required chemicals (food based, medicine based, or drink based), and explain it that matter replicators can handle it at the destination they just need the base resources. Something like store XXXXu of synthflesh store XXXXu of vitamins store XXXXu of nutriments store XXXXu of water store XXXXu of XXXX chemical ; could really throw anything into that list.
  6. point 3: you dont even imagine how many times i managed to redirect a shuttle with a drake or legion that was enroute to the station, back down to the mining outpost, or recall someone trying to kidnap his victims down there. Maybe if there was a status display showing current shuttle status above the console? If you miss the text message sent by the console you practically have no way of knowing if the shuttle is going to move, arrive, or another. "away" "arriving" "departing" "docked" could be useful status display things to communicate what is going on. Maybe even in both the airlock and the console room? Then, if you miss both the message and the status display, you can only blame yourself for trying to rush a departing shuttle. point 2: Maybe the airlock should work like a regular airlock then? just... without adding and removing air, have buttons inside to force doors closed and open, just like it does in mining outpost, airlock leading out to lavaland.
  7. all i remember was the hierofant staff being incredibly awful valid hunting tool, and practically impossible to deal with while playing biohazard or other valid antags, homed in ranged attacks, yeah no.
  8. maybe by limiting its effects to only work in chapel? Like Chef has CQC in kitchen?
  9. plus a general outlook while borgs were supposed to be specialised. I would totally see service or medical borg have some restraining tool in their loadout normally. (throwing out people from bar, keeping rowdy patients in line)
  10. Very often, traitors are easily recognised by their character, hair, and other distinguishing characteristics, which makes it harder to hide. This is a bigger issue for well established characters, where almost everyone knows how they look, making identifying them easy peasy even if they wear disguises. This item would allow to bring up the mirror menu anywhere (i guess its worth 1tc? also non contraband? Probably would be a good item to add to maint loot tables too), allowing to edit the hair and color, just like in any other mirror. This doesn't force the antagonist to go to a very exposed and dangerous locations like the barber shop, and helps keeping up the disguise.
  11. stunlocking by spamming stuns is quite annoying(and battery draining). my proposition to fix the gap the secborgs left when they were removed, is to add cablecuffs to selected or all modules. Then you can still kidnap people, and dont have the big mean disabler turret on wheels
  12. rename it to "awkwardly enormous gun"(<- that part is a joke, this one is not ->) and make it a rifle, both hands, bulky, So you can only really carry it on the back. just like shotguns. Though I always didn't see the gun AS usefull considering its rather high self-recharge time, can't sustain bigger fights that dont end in one stun.
  13. From a real-life standpoint, people dont suicide (in a most brutal of ways, imagine brutalizing yourself to death) because they been arrested for few minutes, or because they are bored and are trying to get attention. real life doctors help attempted suicides because we are real humans and such things happen due to tragedies, not superficial reasons. Why are you even mentioning this? --- Im on the same page as Mitchs really, if people brutalize themselves, being forced to treat them is a waste of time, because lets be real, the greytider thats doing it, is only doing such to grief players and get attention, not anything else. In many cases its really disruptive if medical has actual issues to deal with. And no, he is not going to stop after treatment. You either straightjacket them or keep managing their BS. (which means either healing them all the time or fighting them to keep them restrained.)
  14. I just wish to clarify - I totally agree that total space proof needed to go(as cool as it was). My suggestion about cold resistance doesn't mean total immunity - you would still get damage from vacum, and get slowed by damage. just not by cold. The suggestion explicitly says it wouldn't allow you to evade sec all round in space, and would only be really useful for short dashes into space. Or near breaches. But alas, its a suggestion, just trying to pitch in some ideas.
  15. im afraid balancing/reworking vox is impossible without a small riot. Regardless if you make a rework, a buff, a rework, you will always cause major amounts of unrest. Most of the community, staff included is extremely biased one way, or another. Touch anything and the same thing happens all over again. Buffs get shot down, reworks complained on, nerfs causing riots. Unless the talking field can be unpolarised (jesus crist its so polarising. so extremely polarising. people get into it so hard its crazy. I know, i was super pro vox once myself) nothing constructive or productive can be achieved. One side will push onto the other and the discussion will just boil down. I believe the latest PR craze is just a perfect example of it happening. And in the end. EVERYONE looses. everyone is frustrated. I just wish to appeal to everyone to think twice before they get super defensive. Sometimes criticism is helpful to grow. But also a plea to the other side. think twice if your criticism is constructive. People use "this is a buff to vox" as an argument in itself. But with that out of the way - ---------------------------------- My personal opinion on vox balance is, that the initial rework with EMP weakness removal and space proof removal etc. was inherently poorly designed. Vox unique features and perks were removed one by one without adequate replacement or rework. They are left in a very awkward place from what they once were. There were few ideas thrown around about reworks, but ultimately, all of it was shot down. There are two ways i would see it. A total rework, build it from the ground up. New ideas. new perks. New maluses. Bring them closer to bird than raptor people maybe? It would also detach them from the awkward connection to "purely antag species". Or go back to the original design. Give the fatal rework a second look. I personally think that the EMP weakness was a very unique and interesting quirk to have. I would very much like to see it readded. Get rid of the weird no decay thing, its effectively worthless given how SR code works. Synthetic chems are quite unique but ultimately worthless mechanics wise, as synthetic chems are in a very sad and poor state - but still it makes for unique RP scenarios where your vox co-worker downs fuel or solder in bar. In lieu of space proof being gone, maybe simply increased resistance to cold, to allow for some easier manoeuvring in cold space without a suit? (or remove the movement speed penality entirely due to temperature). They still die from vacum, but some form of "bioengineered space raptor" spirit would remain. Enough to dash out to grab the spaced colleague but not enough to evade security all round scot-free. While "no footsteps" gone is a sad thing to see. With knowing that its not possible for it to be back, I'd support the idea of replacing the sound they make to fit the raptory claws. I seen the idea float around as well.
  16. yeah, bridge captains are easy to assault because you can always know where they are. If you're going away to different places the attacker can't put a perfect assault plan in place. being mobile is surprisingly good way to stay alive. Last time i got killed as Captain, was when I were returning to bridge (from cargo) after a report of it being attacked. I were the target of that assault.
  17. Has anyone, -ever-, questioned a transfer you made after a head approved it? And needed proof for it? EDIT: I also forgot, monitoring server exists. So does PDA history on it.
  18. Have players report issues. Especially security officers. ANYONE hearing someone saying "X killed me" could report to admins someone is breaking CMD. Also, while you have 150 people, death can only happen in a very limited situation (I.E. a valid death), which would limit to max 2 people per antag... possibly more due to circumstance. As for actual punishments, it would be best for admins to decide what would they be, if they be interested in implementing that. But after so many community meetings and talks with admins its crystal clear they wont ever, so i dont think this discussion will go anywhere. As for assasination objectives. keeping all people in the round would have adverse effects. namely ghost roles, ERTs, midrounds, summons (like holoparas or cult ghosts), golems, borgs, etc would have a much harder time finding players to man these roles. Having your round ended early is a bummer, but that is by no definition, end of the game. Can always play the game, just on different terms. (can always go drone)
  19. A tier sounds like the HoP that gets lynched by a mob fast. Insisting on people doing paperwork when its not actually required is a sign of a player thats rather out to grief not be efficient. The most efficient HoP would PDA the heads for any case of transfers while providing sufficient information on the applicant. A consensus I've found, and seems to work, is, handle people fast, and then, when they dont have to wait, fill out your own documentation. As long as the transfer is legitimate, i dont think you require signatures of the crewman or the head, if they agreed earlier via radio or PDA.
  20. addiction doesn't matter for any of the meme chems because you have endless supply to keep you going without withdrawal effects. + what spark said.
  21. a traitor botanist that knows what hes doing is already silly op. endless heals. endless poisons, endless teleports, endless explosions, endless antistuns, endless stuns... ON TOP of uplink. Just no. Botany doesnt need any reinforcement
  22. As kyet mentioned, it would make a lot of sense and be very useful if Psych could somehow easier identify brain washing and treat it. Reverse effects of abductors kidnappings? (thus removing objectives from them) Unbrainwash could be a psych exclusive ability that he can channel for a long time and only being valid for people inside his office. (like cqc for chef) EDIT: of course not mentioning implant induced brain washing, since its more mechanical thus requiring operations. but still easier detection would be very cool and give him mechanical purpouse in the round.
  23. What i meant by this, that the Captain could ask for performance reports on departments without involving himself personally in such. of course nothing stops him from doing so personally - but i feel like giving a task to IAA while Captain can still occupy himself with other duties is something to do. At least my perspective.
  24. Lack of mention about cooperating with IAA to receive reports and request reviews of departments trouble me on this one. Captain doesn't necessarily needs to go to a department to check up on it if Internal Affairs is on board and the job can be delegated to them. Thats what they live for anyway. EDIT: @SchalkguyIn my personal opinion if all of the points listed by Kyet on reaching a head fail and they remain / continue being inaccesible, simply demote them and replace with an acting that is actually there. heads are there to be part of command and if they do all the work they could otherwise delegate... they can do that while not being a head. I can't recount the number of times RD locked himself in Xenobio making slimes while captain has issues reaching them for consulting law changes to AI and other AI/borg related emergencies.
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