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Everything posted by procdrone

  1. You make a very bad example. you only compare IPCs to Humans. We have quite few unclonable races, which machine people, include to. None of the unclonable races have same ease of revival like machine people do. Imagine finding a vox after 30 minutes. that will be fun to revive with all limbs septic and organs dead. This is what I meant with the death timer. IPC bodies do not rot or expire. They can be fixed in robotics after ANY amount of time. Also, you mention limbs. Yes. IPC limbs act like "broken" after certain damage, but you forget to mention that you can easily fix that damage on spot. While everyone else needs to visit medbay for bone repair, or IB repair, which takes few lengthy operations. Want more? Okay. In 9 out of 10 situations robotics have their own lathe stacked with resources. Access to base materials to fix an IPC is staggeringly easy. Metal is the most common resource available and often in abundance. Tools can be easily found in multitudes of toolboxes, tool vendors, and work areas. Almost every engineer and half the station haves cables and welders on hand. Good luck trying to fix someones IB far from medbay. You say ghetto surgery? Yeah. Good luck with the procents, you can actually leave your patient in a worse state than they started with. Not to mention, any IPC player is likely to have tools for repair on themselves. Healing materials for organics are not that commonplace. Pleading that a tider took "all" the tools is a poor argument, really. And untrue. IPCs are straightforward to repair and quite easy at it. Stop saying its not. I am repairing IPCs, I know it is easy. Stop being biased. As for the EMP. you would go better off making a different argument. "EMP is too strong." Its like emag, it has so many things you can do with it. EMP lockers to make em open, airlocks to crowbar them open, almost all items and station equipment can be easily flipped with an EMP. For example, you could easily EMP that officer trying to arrest you. Now his radio is dead, his taser our of juice, his flash out of juice, and he only have the harmbaton. I can agree though, Shutting off IPCs with an easily affordable flashlight might be too much and could be up to debate. It certainly feels unfair. But thats it. Do not make IPCs resistant to EMP. make EMP less effective from the flashlight. Leave EMP implants and grenades alone - maybe the said flashlight could use a little nerf? Since you love to use it as an argument so much. Just as a closing note. IPCs are a very unique race. In all aspects. And its their unique quirk. They die easy. Fragile papersheets losing limbs left and right. not fit for combat. If you play them anyway but ignore the downsides, maybe try another race? If you really need to be synthetic, a reminder, borgs are more resistant to EMP. Its just like advocating that Vox should start with breathing implants because oxygen is toxic. We just have different quirks for races and that is all. deal with it, or not. Humans are absolutely average. And someone noticed. This is SS13. This is not a pvp game where everything has to be perfectly balanced for combat. Its RP game.
  2. IPCs are very easy to repair, have no death timer (so you can revive them after a long time being dead). Such change, I feel is not necessary, given how easy is to fix a machine person, compared to an organic.
  3. Cresimov is okay, you just need to remember that you are not a dumb machine, but an intelligent AI, capable of complex thoughts and imagination. It just takes extra lenghts, because you have to explain your reasoning to the crew each time you reject their dumb orders. Thats a hassle.
  4. Adding telescience jammers sound like a solution to me. Antag would have to go to extra lenght to disable said jammers to do any harm, and while doing so, could be found out and caught.
  5. I had an idea something along these lines. A different role : Cadet/Navy Trainees. They arrive to the station mindshielded, and excluded from antag pools. while having no responsibilities or additional access, they could go to HoP office and get assigned to different departments to learn their operation. This way, graytide that want to be graytide remains graytide, and people that actually want to learn by practice could apply for jobs without the usual paranoia "he could be a tator". //EDIT I just notices its a thread from 2017. Im really sorry for the necro
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