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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Any idea if an atmos hardsuit would protect you from the lava? but uh...."Daniel Quinn pushes Azrael against the glass and leans foward, locking lips with the Tajara." What the bloody hell.
  2. Yeah, some proper time to prepare would be great.
  3. Fj45


    We must have this!
  4. Thats a really good idea! Wonder if the suit sensor map would work for it.
  5. Welcome to mining, where no code can make it not crap!
  6. Mechs need some balancing anyway.
  7. Maybe restrict them for head roles or something, idiots pretty much just wasting a job slot by taking disabilities is already a problem.
  8. Disposals should never return to a deathtrap, that was broken, unfun and just completely awful.
  9. While I like the sound of things being recorded, PLEASE do not make atmos techs carry handheld scanners! We already have a hell of a time keeping our gear in check and another vital tool will not help at all.
  10. Even if some things are a bit pointless, COUGHNOTEKEEPERCOUGH, I don't really see the need to tear them out unless it effects other things.
  11. That sounds really good, should there be "base" carts that contain everything for a certain job (like they are now) and then the "addon" carts? Being able to upgrade the flashlight and whatnot would be very helpful.
  12. "its more realistic " Is not a reason to have a feature at all, unless its some minor, minor tweak that restores sanity a little.
  13. Personally, if we can keep using the Goon sprites, keep using them. Nien's pods are awesome sprites but I personally don't like em as a pod.
  14. Can't wait for your overhaul. As an atmos tech, it is vital for scanning canisters so you can tell what gas is inside them. One thing I wouldn't mind is being able to take records of scanned canisters, what it looked like, what was inside, ect ect. Flashlight is always helpful. Messenger gets a bit of use, it would be great to have it combined with the crew manifest (finding people on high pop is a nightmare) and allow for multiperson conversations. Some kind of chatroom would also be fun. Cart system is good and rather interesting, I don't really see a reason to just remove it. Haven't ever removed/replaced a cart though. PDAs fit perfectly into the SS13...."theme" of everything being an unlogical mess! They are both completely outdated yet magically powerful. No idea what a potato uplink is.
  15. Over baylore? Take it any day. I just feel it somewhat falls into the same issue of baylore, that it pushes people towards a very specific RP....."style."
  16. Considering that this entire system is from Goon, and they have very short, extremely chaotic rounds, yet chemistry works fine, this complaint stems from inexperience of the new system, not an actual issue.
  17. We already have a damned thread to discuss Goonchem, and I don't care how many people on TG don't like it, this is Paradise. A very large number of those are just "I hate change" anyway. For the IPCs and chems, well thats a balance issues that can be explored.
  18. Because with that many janitors, plus maint drones, borgs and cleaning bots, there simply isn't enough blood in every crewmember for them to have something to clean. Once again, two janitors would be fine.
  19. Yeah, apart from the very special circumstances of emagging a coms console, once traitors complete their objectives, they should mostly just bunker down.
  20. Also, I would recommend making your sprites as modular as possible, more variety is always good so help make that possible. No idea about greyscaling, if anyone knows how to do that, it may be a good solution.
  21. So sign language? Been suggested before, wouldn't mind having it.
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