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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. I have always wanted to overhaul the perma brig/asteroid prison, it would mostly do exactly this. Make the areas work better and plenty of activities to mess around with. Only thing is that I will never, EVER, EVEEER give prisoners atmos equipment! Unless it was just a stack of assorted normal pipes, it would be easy to build some horrible contraptions.
  2. Are you sure? With our old saycode I would think that would be true, but we recently updated to a far better version.
  3. Nope, 4 janitors and a "head "janitor" aren't happening. As much as the station is messy, that would just be a crazy number of janitors. We could maybe do what TG did and up the number of janitors to 2 though. Multiple janitorial closets is something I wouldn't mind doing, should be able to fit one in arrivals with a bit of work, not sure where else exactly though.
  4. I understand that, still doesn't make my point invalid in any way.
  5. All credit to Crom, but I really do feel we don't need lore that detailed and specific.
  6. While they would work, the beacon needs to be a nice big structure otherwise it won't look too good in space.
  7. Tracking beacon isn't big enough. Should just be able to use a slightly changed GPS sprite for the tracking unit itself.
  8. Going to need to find someone to sprite the nav beacon....
  9. A big problem with medbay is that if everything isn't working perfectly....you will end up stuck in there forever.
  10. Sure, it would help make ZAS just that little bit less completely broken.
  11. Yeah, pods have been needing something like this for a long time, and there are several very nice sprites for nav units, but in their current state they give too much detail. A pinpointer would be great. Also having several nav beacons you can lock onto would be helpful, maybe one on the mining asteroid, one by the engie sat and several around the station?
  12. While my knowledge of science is limited to "FUCKING SCIENCE!", I really don't see any change from this apart from simplifying a very minor thing. Wonder why it was like that to start with really.
  13. Those terrible Christmas memories of finding two bags of holding in presents and players immediately using them. Now I feel bad for mapping Christmas.
  14. Yeah, the offices weren't mapped too well.
  15. My planned update of the mechanics workshop....sadly that PR failed 4norasins and now git is being an ass. Hopefully one day I will be able to proper redo the entire area of the mechanics workshop/old line/shuttle dock. Planned areas: Duel public podbay. Single private podbay. Waiting room. Workshop. Storage area. Office.
  16. Give the AI godamn awful laws! Cry when people call you a condom! Do an awful job censoring T-coms so everyone just grabs a radio!
  17. Now with TWICE the reason to burn the AI!
  18. "it isn't meta for xenos to smash apcs" Yes it is. It very much is.
  19. Seems like it would either be useless....or abused.
  20. Possible system, might be hard to code robust enough if crimes aren't recorded well.
  21. Anything to help curb shitucurity.
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