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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Then maydays would never be sent out, why have the possiblity of things going even further down the drain? Anyway, it would be really hard to code something that works properly. Currently admin events fill this role fine.
  2. What exact use would the borg have apart from something neat to screw around with?
  3. - Excessive disrespect of coworkers or superior Ahahahahha no, once again, we need to be VERY careful not to let any "I hate you so I will demote you" happen.
  4. The less "I hate you so I'll demote you" crap the better.
  5. "What you get when you mix booze, science, stupidity, industrial accidents and plasma." Boom, Plasmaman lore done. Just let people create their own stories.
  6. If git decides to stop being an asshole, I'll get this mapped.
  7. AH HELL! Thats what I damn forgot! Screenshots! Anyway, that event was awesome.
  9. Thank you very much for all of your hard work!
  10. Hrmm, that is a potential issue, but I don't really think we have that kind of community anyway.
  11. They look great but they need to be the same size and more "generic." The drugs one fits perfectly though! I might be able to get a few pics done myself.
  12. Hrmm, could possibly work but most would have to be set pretty low.
  13. Beret is for being godamn fancy, Helmet is for kicking ass!
  14. So you just want every single round to be borer?!
  15. Borer """"RP"""" is godawful, half due to it being nonexistent. Whitelists have a huge number of issues. Oh great so dickhead miners just rush the borer every round. Sounds fun!
  16. Groan, retch, moan, shake, shiver. They could work.
  17. Eh, crying makes little sense as in an emergency situation, the massive Adrenalin rush does a great job of shutting down the emotional centers of the brain. Plus it kind of conflicts with the whole "Last words of the commanding officer"/"Final bloody stand" Maybe the rest would be fine but they could lead to even more log spam in combat/hectic situations.
  18. No, its only use would simply be shitcurity.
  19. Hello! Your English seems pretty good, you should be fine here. Just try to separate paragraphs where you can.
  20. Looks awesome, a formal and a combat uniform would be very good. Also wouldn't mind the bluesec getting a helmet with the SWAT helmet sprite. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora This codebase may also have a few useful bits and pieces if you want to have a look through it.
  21. Markva's pint about baymed not working with Goonchem is a very good point though, and once again GoonMED really wouldn't won't on Para. Hopefully something can be worked out though. Completely agree with Goof here.
  22. Goonchem is awesome and allows for a proper chem system including pyrotechnics. Goonmed meanwhile is...it was made for Goon and it won't work for us. (Apart from whatever fancy braindamge death system they have, whatever it is)
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