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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Its a crappy, damned bulky suit. I don't really see the issue.
  2. At the very most the biggest change to rainbowtide should be giving them a few more jumpsuits that aren't completely crazy colours.
  3. Is people picking the most used language really an issue? I mean, it makes sense, people wouldn't learn a language that is never used. And its a good way to encourage people to choose other races. Kinda repeating myself, but second languages DOES massively increase roleplay and interactions. Just ask Kei, before the ""bug"" was fixed, Buck was able to talk Taraajrnajrnajn, and it led so some very fun interactions when several tarajrnasn started speaking over the main radio.
  4. Ahahah holy hell that backstory.
  5. Oh yes, having a special language like that would be damned awful.
  6. Once again, my full support for proper second languages.
  7. Minute sentence is good, but I have been brigged so many times, and seen so many people brigged because of 107. Really, any legit use of it (Chaplin's reading half of the bible over the radio) pretty much just falls into admin territory. If you are so sure that it shouldn't be removed, then it needs a better name.
  8. Due to the current one being horrible, thebeoni has very kindly made this far nicer version: (Ignore the ones at the top)
  9. For the love of everything, PLEASE just remove 107 already!
  10. Isn't that just the electro pack/tracking implant?
  11. Well its still got the top bit like a drone. The normal (spikey) drone shape just doesn't work for it.
  12. This one is kind of a bit far off base. The heads are allowed to have simple stun items, because they are heads, and they need to stay protected. An axe is not a stun tool, it is a tool meant for breaking down windows. An atmos tech is not a head. The axe is most often used as a weapon, and almost never used for what is meant to be used for. There are almost endless reasons to not carry it around, and pretty much only two reasons to carry it around. Thing is though, carrying it around (and not stabbing anyone to death) is no reason to stun, cuff and brig. In nearly all situations, its a case of "Put the fireaxe back when you can."
  13. The loyalty implant discussion is one of balance and fighting shitcurity, not lore.
  14. ^ Exactly sums up how I feel. It is far more interesting to have an ecosystem of people talking over the radio, with all kinds of different languages, some people being able eavesdrop on others, some talking openly. Having languages locked behind a wall of "Species only" is awful and makes languages useless for anything but their worst aspects!
  15. Needs to look sleeker and more industrial. Don't go with just slapping a recoloured drone onto some treads, make it fully unique.
  16. Really like some mining drones, it would be a good way to keep the station supplied as ores can often dry up late into the round when the miners go SSD. As a start for spriting, could you get the current blue flashlight, remove the on/off light and make it look like someone didn't use it beat someone else's brain in?
  17. Coming from the guy who arrested me for having the fireaxe in escape...as an atmos tech....thats pretty funny.
  18. Once again, the (useless) exam room should be changed into an autopsy room/storage area for the mourge. Would also mean we can fit more mourge trays in. (Maybe.)
  19. Turn the yellow pod's engine back to grey and I really like both. Would it be possible to make another version of the grey and orange pod without the clown stuff? So no clown face or horns.
  20. And thats a great change.
  21. Meh, thats some of the worst lore for special snowflake crap. Barely makes any sense too, but thats something I don't want to get into.
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