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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Fj45


    Hello! Plz no malpbay!
  2. Want any help with that? How exactly do you want them?
  3. That just seems needlessly complicated.
  4. Complete, utter, murderhobo. Awesome.
  5. Ah, saw the damage to perma from the atmos cams. Damned carp. Beat one to death after it broke into atmos!
  6. Cyro just needs to be overhauled, it currently just doesn't really work for anything apart from freeing up job slots.
  7. Awesome newcasts, shame the IAA was a complete condom.
  8. Sounds like a fun wand.
  9. https://github.com/HypatiaStation/HypatiaStation https://github.com/Ameliorate/BuildStation-Client https://github.com/Ameliorate/Buildstation-Server https://github.com/Hoknar/Exogenesis https://github.com/laser50/Hyperion-Station https://github.com/HeavensGate/Eternal https://github.com/Mloc/openss13 https://bitbucket.org/animusstations/ntstation13/ https://github.com/stuicey/AS_Project// Updated with far more codebases. Hit the max so I'll post down here now.
  10. I would have no issue with removing the random messages, although maybe it should be something the librarian can toggle on and off. (Not sure if that possible)
  11. I was planning on doing something with that area, maybe a bit of a lounge/dorm area for the rainbowtide.
  12. Fj45

    Cigar shop

    Just keep cigars in the cig machine for a coin.
  13. Nope. Literally the only advantage of claws is they can cause bleeding; they do the same amount of damage as punches (random 0 to 9). They can't decap anymore either (only items can decap, and despite claws having the proper var, they're not an item soooo, you get the picture). BURN IN HELL CLAWS. Bad bad bit of coding that was.
  14. Not sure but I would imagine the large number of sound files needed for that would take up a huge amount of space and cause all kinds of headaches for maintainers.
  15. Was it him when shitcurity went all nuts, after David Buck and Grey yelled at them, one of them broke in, sec started screaming about us being cult and then we tried to fortify engineering?
  16. Don't even start. Amazing job FoS.
  17. Should be able to feed it cable coils.
  18. Won't someone just run in and steal EVERY tool then?
  19. There is a traitor bundle that has most of the gear you need to be a Sith lord. (I think)
  20. Well, that sounds pretty complex for a newbie, but still manageable. Kinda new myself so I can't be too helpful (plus I only know 5E) just remember, you are there to have fun.
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