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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Did you ever play an engineer with him?
  2. While player spiders weren't too bad and made spider events a little harder, player carps were mostly pointless and had huge amounts of griff. Both of them were pretty buggy too.
  3. Shame I wasn't there! Godamn Cole and his drinks.
  4. Fj45


    No need to revert, just report the bugs!
  5. Send a mayday, call for the greytide, turtle like hell and if all else fails, do the sax.
  6. Hmm, I can't really think of a rewording that would cover that, and only that, and stop abuse.
  7. Exactly. I am more then sure that any good officer trying to stop an idiot that is abusing coms could either.. A: Have them "trip" B: Simply find another crime to brig them over. Hell, the point between "large amount of radio use" and "spam" may very well hit admin territory anyway.
  8. Please remove abuse of radio. Shitcurity thinks telling your department you just got arrested=BEAT TO NEAR DEATH, STRIP RADIO AND THROW IN CELL FOREVER.
  9. The current setup of the Wardens office, armoury, locker room and meeting room is pretty much perfect, (the podbay hallway needs work though) but the left side of security really needs some changes. Visitation just seems somewhat useless, although something on a smaller scale could possibly work. One idea had for the cells is to simply turn them all into one huge cell to throw everyone in. Bit like what bay has but with less permabrig type defenses.
  10. Yeah, no idea why it would be like that. Either a bug or an oversight.
  11. The xenos don't RP. Its the humans that are trying to survive that do. Or they don't, because its hard to type while beating a xeno to death. I agree that xeno really needs some balance changes, including a good look at how to properly end xeno rounds.
  12. The potential for scorched earth could be really !FUN! Not really sure it would work too well as a gamemode though, hopefully we just get a few good events of it.
  13. Nortun virus scanner. Causes your computer to randomly catch alight.
  14. Hrmm, maybe, just maybe that could work. Or maybe the problems with rev and mootiny just run too deep and could never be fixed.
  15. Then why not just limit it to: Single alien language+Trade or Gutter. Each species is already pretty unique, and having it possible for other races to speak the language would make using them more common. I really have no issue with that exact thing happening, its just there should be SOME degree of risk. Atleast its possible to get caught out if someone checks the PDA message log.
  16. Having languages race only makes them very underused not to mention stifles gameplay and interaction. Two taajrnajrnajrna can currently discuss lopping the head off a human right infront of them with zero chance of that human understanding them. With a proper second language system? Using racial languages to discuss secret things infront of everyone has that degree of risk, and normal talk can always have someone else join in.
  17. Because RP rev is awful, awful awful.
  18. One solution for "boring" gateway locations: Add even more (some may just be grassy meadows or desert) but make it possible to reset the gateway two or three times. Maybe something for research.
  19. Yeah, languages have been needing an overhaul to pull them away from the bay special snowflake crap. Not sure what use Tradeband and Gutter have really, they should either get removed or have a third language slot just for them. (and sign language if that ever gets added) Machine People - Trinary Kidan - Chittin Vox - Vox-pidgin Slime People - Bubblish Skrell - Skrellian Unathi - Sintha'unathi Tajaran - Siik'tajr Those are all of the special languages currently, and (I may be wrong) only members of that race can speak or understand that language. That really shouldn't be the case at all, at the very least it should be possible for someone to understand the racial language if they have that as a second language. IDK about speaking it, but I would like that to be the case. Not sure if its exactly possible due to our language code being messed up but that might be slightly different. Not sure.
  20. Yeah, the away mission need some work, having a facehuger may be a bad idea, rounds could be turned into xeno by idiots rather easily.
  21. Hello! Don't worry, that always happens!
  22. Fj45


    It would help if cargo had better crates. But ah, cargo is always forgotten.
  23. We need a better coffee system. Marshmallows, sugar, cream, cardboard trays, ect. It should be possible to give people heart attacks with overloaded coffees!
  24. Thats damn near impossible and the server already has an issue with (somewhat low) staff numbers. And Neca, thanks for that, I may try branching into engineering a little more soon.
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