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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Meh, spiders need everything they get, keep them a TINY bit special.
  2. Feels a shame for the detective to loose his very fitting revolver, I say just balance it so it isn't crazy OP.
  3. That IPC medkit toolbox could be really useful. Thanks for doing the inflatable wall kit!
  4. I have plans for the old grav gen room and thee vacant office. The bar and the office are also for more then just the engies.
  5. "i id oves mots rubust!" What is going on there? Pizza eating contest?
  6. Call it the "White Rabbit" and nothing more!
  7. Yeah, I plan on making that entire area a little nicer and giving the mechanics a proper workshop. But the old line is very useful for engineering to try projects and build things, I would never remove it entirely.
  8. For the last time Grey, stop bloody smoking! Always great having you in engineering.
  9. Great, haven't got much mapping done lately but its good talking on the IRC with people.
  10. Well, I guess everything has already been said. But yes, whitelists do not work very well. (Apart from maybe Goon with the HoS, but thats something very special.)
  11. Sounds good, currently stun prods are very powerful.
  12. Alright, once your PR gets merged I'll have a look at adding them.
  13. I'll have a go at that, where exactly do you want them placed?
  14. "It has been proven to be intelligent and knowledgeable of Nanotrasen station infrastructure as it targets critical departments known to be harmful to it." Who the hell wrote this crap?! Thanks for changing it!
  15. Well, the problem is, its impossible to properly balance the game map wise for high pop AND low pop. See hardsuits and the cloners for two of the big ones.
  16. Maybe the syndie outpost could be moved to the derelict Z-level, and the research outpost moved over there?
  17. Yeah, and we were still hitting 50-60 players during the day time. It was really only night-time that became problematic (where we would dip down to 15-20 sometimes). Yeah, maybe with my aussie timezone I get mostly nightime rounds.
  18. Well yes, but that was after we delisted for more then a week.
  19. The research outpost is very bloated room wise, three test cells, two atmospherics rooms, four labs, two maintenance rooms, a big EVA area, a mini medbay, a massive break room, for an area devoted to two subsections its bigger than most full departments, its just too much. I think we could just get away with reducing it to one medium sized anomaly room (with the analzyer/emitter/chemmaster) with a shuttle dock, and maybe one or two side rooms (including an EVA storage for the xenoarchs), everything is just dead-weight really that's never ever used. Exactly, forgot to mention that fully. It makes antags hiding out impossible to find and is simply unneeded bloat.
  20. Once again, the barkeep has their shottie and is it really an issue if someone jumps the bar and makes a drink or two?
  21. How is this server obscure?! We are at the top of the list extremely often.
  22. Eh, Kitchen has its shutters and the barkeep has their shottie. Is rather nice being able to hop over the bar and make your buddies a few drinks.
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