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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Ner their speed and damage, and make it that the blob can only have three or so max.
  2. Thanks mate, that just works, had to fiddle around a little bit though. Thank you!
  3. The (non-functional) sleepers were removed, the materials and atmos equipment is there to help anyone building things on the construction station, is your problem the fact that they get any extra equipment at all or the fact that its somehow causes balance issues? Please describe your problem in further detail. and FYI, if I do manage to overhaul the research outpost, science will get a microwave as well!
  4. WJ has extremely kindly sprited two version of the toolbox: I prefer the one with the wider stripe, what does anyone else prefer? Link to them is here, also got two extra syndie toolboxes as a bonus! http://www.mediafire.com/download/h37c6 ... 1.0.3k.rar
  5. And this is exactly why I loved the belt system of old cargo.
  6. Alright, makes sense, doesn't help the red is a little too dark, I'll close my PR then.
  7. Yeah, honestly that lore is just over-complex and needlessly detailed.
  8. Please describe the issues with the engie outpost.
  9. Alright so I need two sprites: A yellow toolbox with a bright red stripe down the middle. Pretty much the electrical toolbox+the syndie toolbox. And a patch kit, the bruise pack sprite should be an ok base, just needs a small storage case, a tube of glue and some patches. Colour scheme should mostly be white, grey/black and tan. All the little bits should just be one sprite.
  10. Annnd: Access to plenty of medical supplies. A huge number of tiny hidden rooms with poor camera coverage that make the outpost a maze and the perfect place for antags to hide. Space suits! Firefighting equipment, hydroponics equipment, tools, metal and glass! Even some randompower cell.
  11. Exactly, the research outpost is the perfect example of how not to map. Its is just so awful.
  12. Yeah, I was but I can't seem to get it fitting right with the xeno.
  13. Why not just use the system that TG just added? They all look rather nice. Can't find the PR though...
  14. Found a sprite for a brig medic jacket on the Auroracodebase: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora Annnd made a basic test PR for it: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/255 Kinda crappy pic of it: http://i.imgur.com/vgbCCoZ.png No inhand icon that I could find so I just kept the old one. Do you think this is better or not Streaky?
  15. Well, even with the side trimmed down I can't seem to fit that pic in my avatar, would it be possible to somehow make it fit? Maybe one or two less firelockers?
  16. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora My codebase list to the rescue! They have sprites for sec and medi-huds with prescription glasses attached.
  17. https://github.com/tgstation/-tg-station https://github.com/Baystation12/Baystation12 https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise https://github.com/UristMcStation/UristMcStation https://github.com/NTStation/NTstation13 (RIP) https://github.com/d3athrow/vgstation13 https://github.com/space-wizards/space-station-14 https://github.com/Spoffy/LLA-Station-13 https://github.com/jamiedigweed/NSS-Phoenix https://github.com/apophis775/NewEdenColonialMarines https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora https://github.com/Lawligagger/Hippie-Station-13 (Went closed source 4norasins, I see a fight in the future.) As searching for each git-hub can be a pain, I decided to make a full list of what should be all major codebases. If I missed any please tell me. One or two may link wrong, tell me if there are any issues.
  18. We more then have the community to delist. Only for short periods though.
  19. Thank you so much, that looks really good. There are already E-cig sprites in the code, but it may just be the on mob ones.
  20. If someone went a bit mad and made flashlights on a limited cell, those would be useful.
  21. I will now be demanding politely requesting all my artist friends to comic-ify that scenario. Can't wait to see how that turns out.
  22. Thank you so much mate, that looks great! May be a little wide though, would it work to move the plasma canister to where the flames come from and then pull in the right side up to the new caster? Looks really good though! Maybe also needs some extra detail on the flames, not sure.
  23. Well that really explains a good bit. Spawned in as a ghost and watched the end of this.
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