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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. Alright, so currently we have five types of clothing machines, costumes, hats, shoes, jumpsuits and misc. They are very inconsistent and aren't the best sprites, would it be possible to give them all more details and a consistent colour scheme?
  2. Sounds great, got one idea: Normal station corridor (side on view though, don't bother with the ceiling.) with a set of three firefighting lockers along a recess in the wall. Above them is this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... 04.svg.png Not sure how detailed you would do it, just fill in the squares so it looks like there is black letters in them. On the right or left, a fallen over plasma canister and flames consuming the rest of the room. Flames would only take up a quarter of the room, but reach as high as you make the hallway.
  3. Fj45


    Fuuuuck customs. If we had a coder that could properly work on them...and their basic function was completely different, maybe, but currently? Nope.
  4. ...would the ten or so people for staying listed mind stating WHY?!
  5. If you know how to use it, the sec pod is never useless!
  6. What did he do with all the gear?
  7. That...that isn't the mechanic's job, that's the engies job. You build space pods and (once they are coded fully) maintain them.
  8. If atmos is setup, it would never take that long to siphon. And if you really need a room cleared, grab some fire gear and a water tank, then just run it and spray the place down.
  9. .....what? Just because a game goes for a certain aesthetic doesn't mean its then outdated!
  10. Agree, and we very much need more. (Wonder if Goon would ever give up some of their awesome sounds...)
  11. Couldn't it just be commented out in the code until the bug of not being able to turn it off gets fixed?
  12. It should simply tell your target that they are being aimed at. Nothing else. No aimbot, no toggling walk mode.
  13. Pretty sure poly can scream a few things over the engineering radio and repeat stuff, but with our crappy saycode it doesn't work.
  14. Once again, remove the exam room, expand the morgue a little bit and add in a storage room/autopsy room.
  15. I have been planning something like that for a little while, a couple of spots of ore around the station and a few meteors in space. Wouldn't be like the station was embedded in rock though.
  16. Eh, maybe, but I would prefer that things like those are kept down when possible, sprites should be pretty simple.
  17. That seems very wrong. Hell, its hard to tell with nukies if the teams are just idiotic or if there is some balance.
  18. Can messaging Centcom/sending distress message be made a bit better? While it depends on admins being on, its better then nothing.
  19. Ahaha oh man that Skrell name. Always good to have people playing the less popular races.
  20. This is pretty correct. If you have two atmos techs, it is very useful to have someone on scene to try (ahahahahahaha like they could ever succeed) to keep the greytide out and extinguish an bodies. When dragging a water tank it is possible to extinguish fires but with ZAS....ehh isn't as effective as it should. If you only have a single atmos tech, they should ALWAYS be manning the console with fires.
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