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Everything posted by Fj45

  1. None of this matters, I want balance and fun not "realsim."
  2. Fox is working on a fix so space is godamn cold like it should be, or atleast trying to. From what I have heard, space code is pretty messed up. Also False, the space loop works, but only barely.
  3. That is not a small amount.
  4. spent a good 10 minutes one shift trying to teach her to say "Fuck" pretty sure I taught her something about vodka once too Awesome, ahhh, some of this games features.....
  5. Yeah, it broke a major part of the games engine mid-way through a round and everything went bork.
  6. What about just having the foamy mouth if they speak at all?
  7. Keep the crappy thrown together gateway teams, a karma job is forced and would soon become very boring.
  8. Once all the mapping bugs get sorted out, I plan to make arrivals a little nicer and maybe replace the old office with that+something else.
  9. I would love to see the gateway removed and its function given to telesci. While proper adventure levels would be great, its very hard to map them.
  10. No, don't make it even slower for new joins to gear up.
  11. Alright, this discussion again. Look, I really don't feel like having to rant again, so I'll keep it short: Removing bays horribly done hardsuit breaching=awesome. Nerfing hardsuit armour=needed. Making people strolling around in hardsuits restricted/whatever=bad. I really shouldn't have to explain why this is a non-issue. Massively reducing the number of hardsuits around the station=very bad. Nerfing the speed of hardsuits and armour=bad, just nerf the armour.
  12. Yeah, one issue is there aren't too many spares and on high pop sec can often be left without gear if the heads and whoever start nicking stuff from the lockers.
  13. Ehh, dunno if we need more races right now, already got enough issues with the current ones.
  14. There was some discussion a while back about giving the red phones some use, why not have them as emergency phones to get sec/medical help?
  15. Just ID lock the booze machine without hacking please.
  16. Yeah why not, some jobs just above rainbowshirt would be good.
  17. BYOOOOND. First Y2K on Goon, now this.
  18. DIE IN A FIRE CUSTOMS. So, it is finally dead. But it also removes a good few neat things with the old map, and there are many more I would like to see changed. Such as the amazing cargo belt and routing room, plus the fun little x-ray machine.
  19. That is what I want when pods end up in a finished state, basic emergency repairs should be possible but being able to recharge the pod to full with a single powercell is pretty unbalanced and unfun.
  20. Think of it like the HoP, he is there to do all the little basic things (paperwork, IDs, ect) so the Captain can do his job: Commanding. The Warden is effectively like the HoP, but even then he still gets overwhelmed. Having a lackey for the lackey would be great.
  21. Those look really good, station needs a few fancy tables.
  22. HoP handles all the little basic things so the Captain can you know....command?
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